Shut down

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Charles exists in this story but is actually dead, Polly does not exist. Alice is 36 Fp is 37)

Alice Smith had been broken in so many ways but always managed to spring back. But this was her final straw. She walked into Fp's office wearing her tight black pencil skirt and white blouse. She had just left her youngest daughter Betty packing her boxes up into the car. Alice was hopeful until now. She walked into the offices and knocked on his door. "Hey handsome"She smiled walking in she went to place a kiss on his lips but he pulled away. "No Alice we can't not anymore. Gladys is back and we are giving it another go. I am so sorry, I don't love you"her heart shattered and fell he was the love of her life. She didn't say anything until she got to the door. "Jones that was your last shot, Me and Betty we are leaving town. Jughead he takes after you he fucked some girl behind Betty's back. Goodbye Forsythe Pendelton Jones Junior"His heart broke as he heard his full name escape her lips. He wanted to shout back to her but his lips refused. As Alice walked away she rubbed her 1 month pregnant Belly. "Just me you and Betty"She smiled. She went back to her house the one she had bought 2 months prior. It was a cute 3 bedroom she was keeping it for when she returned. Together the Smith girls packed there car before travelling back to the Northside. Where the midnight club their spouses and children stood even the Jones' bothered.

"Ali i never thought you would leave"Alice looked down wiping her tear. "Never did i but we need a fresh start and Betty she got into NYU so it makes more sense. My mum and sister are there and well just the whole Smith clan, Betty has family to meet and opportunities to take. I need to move on. Live a little."Alice knew her words were all bull shit but she was stuck.

"Betty and Alice we will all miss you dearly"Mary said as the blondes said their final goodbyes. "Lodge i expect an invite to your 18th"Betty smiled Veronica smiled through her tears.

"Thats 11 months B i can't do this without you not senior year without my B"Betty began to cry "You can all come visit i promise but i need this early start."Betty looked around and sighed.

"Mum you ready to leave"She asked Alice nodded "Freddie Andrews i am leaving my plants with you if they are dead when i return you will be too"Alice warned he laughed

"Betty i am so sorry"Toni muttered walking towards Betty, She didn't think and she hugged Toni "It wasn't your fault its the Jones DNA"Betty looked at Jughead then to the girl "Love you TT you watch my cousin"Betty turned to get in the car when she heard a scream.

"BETTY WAIT PLEASE"She turned to see Cheryl running towards her Betty ran too meeting her cousin half way they hugged tightly "I love you Betty Boop"Cheryl cried

"I love you too Cher Cher"They together walked to the car

"B be safe always use protection"Betty laughed "Ha me have sex no i am a nun"Betty Joked Alice laughed then Jellybean ran and hugged her "I will miss you Ali love you"Alice wiped her tear. "Goodbye Riverdale"Her and Betty said jumping in the car. As they drove away Cheryl and Veronica found themselves breaking down. Held back by the ones they love. If only anyone knew about the baby Alice was carrying.

9 months later

Alice cradled her new born daughter. Together her and Betty had decided on the name Ella Mae Smith. Jones was not her name.Betty cuddled into her new boyfriend Jacob as they all spoke and laughed. That was until the post came through the door. Betty stood up and laughed

"Its a save the date for Veronica's party in 2 months .Mum i can't believe your not mad at me for dropping out of NYU"Betty sighed sitting back in her boyfriends loving arms.

"Betty it wasn't for you darling. I love you and i am proud of you"Alice smiled cooing her tiny daughter. She rocked her gently backward and forwards.

"Betty i want to go home sweetheart"Alice sighed Betty looked up with hope. "We do too"Her and Jacob Cheered.

So it was decided over that 2 months Betty decorated the house with Jacob and a few friends they took with them whilst Alice cared for baby Ella who had the most beautiful green eyes, Her hair was a mix of Blonde and Black. Alice was a nearly 37 year old woman with a baby and an 18 year old she felt old. She was a very young mum though. Her first being a stillborn at 16 with Fp her second being at 19 with Hal Cooper. Alice spent the months caring for her baby. It scared her going back to Riverdale after all these months she was sure she was leaving for good. Her main fear was Ella, She didn't want her dad to be discovered.

The 11th of March soon rolled around.To the date it had been three months since Ella was born and 1 year since she had been conceived .Betty had dressed in a tight white dress with black heels her hair was neatly curled Jacob wore the casual black jeans white shirt. Alice on the other hand wore a figure hugging black dress that emphasised her curves. Her hair too was curled neatly.Alice was dressing Ella when Betty ran in.

"I AM PREGNANT"She squealed Alice's smiled widened with pure Joy. Betty met Jacob 2 weeks into the move instantly they hit it off and now 10 months later she is pregnant. Jacob grabbed Ella's heavy car seat for Alice and strapped Ella into the car.

Whilst on the other side of town Veronica sat at the huge table grinning.

"Betty said there were 4 coming meaning she met someone so did Alice eeekkkk"Veronica and Betty hadn't spoken none of them had.

"Wow thats weird i haven't spoke to B in agess and i miss Mamma Smiths dinners legit"Kevin laughed just as heels were heard. There heads snapped and jaws dropped there stood the very Alice Smith with her drop dead Gorgeous daughter. Then in walked Jacob holding Ella's carseat. "There we go Miss Smith you baby delivered courtesy of Jacob Fletcher" Alice and Betty giggled.

"OMG B"Veronica squealed hugging her bestfriend. Alice hugged Veronica.

"Before we start i would like to answer 2 questions Yes i am moving back to Riverdale and yes the baby is mine her name is Ella Mae she is 3 months old"Alice smiled

"Wow congratulations"People began saying Alice thanked them she moved to sit next to Hermione and then Ella began to cry. Jacob unbuckled her then Betty took her and walked her to Alice. "Here we go babba"Betty coed she then went to sit down. Jacob pulled out her chair making her giggle.

"Welcome back guys i missed you"Veronica sighed Alice smiled "Well you can't get rid of us now. These to are causing trouble. "Betty rolled her eyes "Hardly mother we were just discussing options now i am a drop out i feel like i disappointed you" Alice rolled her eyes "No Betty you didn't you and Jacob have the register now though"Betty smiled as did he. The sparkle in their eyes was un missable

"OH MY GODDD YOUR TOGETHER OHHHH"Veronica squealed Betty nodded. Alice on the other hand was being watch my Fp."Betty please take Ella i feel unwell"Betty stood up and took the baby. Gently she rocked her then Kevin squealed FP groaned "Kids please"They all laughed then Kevin smiled i nodded he nodded then silence. "How is everyone"Betty asked cradling the baby. "Good actually. whose the daddy of Ella"Hermione asked then Alice came back over.

"Hey little baby"Betty laughed and went to her boyfriend kissing him lightly.

"V i am sorry to crash the party but we kinda have news"Betty spoke nervously Veronica smirked.Alice looked at her daughter and spoke "Sweetheart they judge i kill them"Betty laughed "I am pregnant"Betty smiled Veronica ran to her "BEST PRESENT EVER"She screamed

"Wow"Jacob smirked Alice walked over with the baby to the couple

"These 2 have been amazing they redcorated my place for Ella."Alice looked happy then she looked at Fp who looked depressed in between his wife and daughter. "I need to get her back home.Any of you are welcome to come visit anytime"Alice hugged everyone and went to grab the carseat "I will help i need a ciggy anyway"Alice nodded and held her baby close to her chest as they walked. Once at her car. Alice opened the door. and let FP place the seat in. Alice placed Ella in the seat and strapped her him. "Ali is she mine"His voice was deep and husky. Alice turned her breathe shaky "Yes Fp Ella is yours. But you left us. Said you didn't love me when i was 4 weeks pregnant"Tears sprung in his eyes

"Ali i..."

"No FP . You didn't love me i was just a quickie i was never loved by you.Please leave me be."Her heart was beating

"Ali i won't give up on her she in mine"Alice nodded and sighed "I can't keep you away but FP you are never getting a chance with me again"Alice wiped her tear and walked around her car and drove off leaving FP confused.

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