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Darkness was taking over the mid August sky. The air filled with the scents of mixed pollen and salty water. Jughead Jones was passed on drunk on his sofa whilst his father spent the night alongside his girlfriend and his daughter. 

Alice and Fp were sat in the room the soft beeping of Isla's machines ringing. Dylan slept soundly in his moses basket in the corner of the room in his soft blue baby grow and fluffy blanket. His soft snores mixed with the short beeps of the machines. Fp sat beside Isla his hands freshly washed as his bigger fingers stroked her smaller ones. Alice was saying goodnight to Betty who still lay still in a deep coma. She planted a soft kiss to her forehead and closed the door. "Hey handsome has Dyl woke up at all"She smiled softly as she walked into the room she owned.Her and Fp's duvet spread across the bed with their pillows. "He's being amazing gorgeous. Go get into your pyjamas gorgeous"Alice shook her head no "Not on my own, Come on"She out stretched her hand he chuckled softly and stood up and grabbed their bag. Alice led him to the bathroom attached to their room. She grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled the material off of her body leaving her standing in her bra and thong."Wow you are stunning Ali."She giggled and blushed turning her back to him to look in the mirror. He wrapped his arms around her waist and planted soft kisses to the base of her neck. She giggled softly and brushed her teeth with him attached to her. He finally pulled his body from hers and stripped himself of his clothes.He pulled on his loose fitting black checked bottoms and a loose top. Alice wore a pair of shorts and FP's shirt. "Beautiful"Fp kissed her neck gently again and grabbed her hand. They left the room and as much as she didn't want too Alice woke up Dylan to feed him. She gently picked him up and found comfort in the chair and Fp warmed the bottle. "Baby let me feed him. Please i missed him"Alice nodded and awaited for the bottle to warm.He sat down and put the bottle on the small table, Alice gently passed the small baby to him he looked down in awe.She squirted the milk on her hand to check the temperature "Perfect"She handed Fp the bottle. He placed the top of the bottle in his mouth as he sucked it the milk leaving the bottle. Little noises erupting the room. "Hey little man, i am sorry mummy woke you up"Fp cooed looking at Alice teasingly. "Fuck you"She cursed and Fp gasped "Alice Susanna Smith we have young ears"She stuck her finger up "Jack ass"He went eye wide. And kissed Dylan's forehead "Jesus he sucked that up quick. He is a Jones"Alice nodded and watched Fp burp him. After a minute 3 big burps left his mouth.Alice left him for 20 minutes Whilst her and Fp sorted everything for the note. Alice pulled out a new vest with bears on it. The room was pretty cold so she pulled out a fluffy hat and a teddy bear fleeced baby grow. Fp pulled the changing table and Alice undressed him squirming seeing he had pooped. She thoroughly wiped him. She made sure he was tucked up snuggly and tight before getting into bed with Fp. "Alice your amazing"He praised as she snuggled into his side, "I missed you this morning Ali,i missed saying i love you"She snuggled deeper into him. "Me too handsome. Now sleep"They briefly kissed and held eachother tightly through the night.

At 3am Alice was awoken by the screeching of Dylan she sighed and warmed the bottle whilst gently rocking him. His cries and screams softened as she settled down. She began feeding him then he fell asleep. She kissed his head gently and placed him back in the moses basket. She walked into Betty'y room seeing the nurses evaluating her. "How is she"Alice sighed looking down at her battered and bruised body. "She's actually responding to treatment now. At 12pm we are going to try wake her up.  And then in 2 days Isla should be ready for her first cuddle. Her lungs are developed well enough now too meaning we can turn her machines off. We are hoping to get Betty awake for this"Alice squealed slightly "It'll be okay baby. You'll be okay"She kissed her head and walked out ringing Jughead. "Hello"He slurred and Alice sighed "Your drunk"Her breath out was shallow. "Yep"he popped the P. "Well if you care, they think Betty is ready to be taken out of Coma, so at 12pm they are turning off the machine. "Alice ended the called and carefully climbed back into her bed. She snuggled into Fp as his phone went off. She rolled her eyes and picked it up. Feeling her heart drop slightly. She knew it was nothing bad. But her mind wandered over who it was. Who she was and why she had sent hearts.She typed his password but it denied. She looked at him sleeping innocently.

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