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(Jacob needed to be nice in the first chapter but that changes now i don't ship him and Betty i needed it for the storyline.)

Fp's world had just been changed he had a daughter. A little baby that the real love of his life had birthed. He didn't go back to that meal he went to Sweet water River. Throwing rocks listening to the soft plonks as the plunged into the water. He was lost in his thought imagining Alice in his arms his daughter on his chest. He thought back to reckless sex he and Alice had. How he did her right here at this river. In his truck. In his office. Her office. Her car. The kitchen counter. the bathroom the shower. the pool. He had sex with her so many times and it never got boring. her soft murmurs. Fp sat and remembered something he heard Alice say about Ella being 3 months old. He then puzzled it together and he then knew it was a year ago today. And that was the roughest they had ever gone. He bruised her alot that night. And forgot to use protection but then again they were about to tell their families about the relationship when all of a sudden Gladys showed up and FP went back to her. Dropped Alice like a piece of trash.Sex with Gladys was bland he faked his release and his moans. Her skin wasn't soft like Alice. Her lips aren't plump like Alice. Once she'd orgasm he'd continue and fake his. It was the same bland position. 

He soon decided he needed to head home he jumped in his truck and drove to the Northside.To the house. That Gladys bought from Alice before Jughead sent her away for the drug business. Then she returns nearly a year later proof that she's clean. Fp thought it was better for the kids that he was with Gladys not Alice. He walked into his house to have a vase thrown at him. It hit the wall beside him his head snapped up "HER KID IS YOURS ISN'T IT"Gladys screamed Fp sighed "Yes Gladys Ella is my daughter i didn't know"Fp justified "BASTARD"She screamed she went to throw another Vase when someone grabbed her and began taking her to the front door that FP was holding open. Jughead pushed her out of the house "Go, sort your head out"Jughead spat locking door. Gladys banged to door hard with her fist but the Jones boys ignored her. "Call Alice dad. Tell her to bring Ella tomorrow"Fp looked up and Jughead nodded Fp pulled his phone out. He dialled her number and waited her answer

"Ali you answered"He let out a sigh

"Jones whats wrong i still hate you"She sighed knowing she was lying she was madly in love with him

"Please bring Ella tomorrow"FP pleaded

"Gladys"She mumbled

"She won't be here please Ali"Alice's heart warmed at his pet name

"Okay Jones, 10am sharp but i am staying"He felt the sparkle in his eye

"Alice thank you so much"His heart was warming

"Fp i gotta go but i will see you in the morning"Alice smiled ending the call but her smile faded as she heard Betty crying. This happened often. As much as Alice loved Jacob and saw he was lovely, polite and helpful she knew deep down he was poisonous he made Betty happy but he controlled her. Once she even had a bruise on her cheek unexplained. Alice loved the idea of him being perfect but she knew he was far from it. She went to the landing and went to Ella's room finding Betty curled into a corner. Alice sighed and went over to her daughter grabbing her small frail hand. She lead her back to her bedroom and laid her daughter next to her. She soothed her gently stroking it. 

The next morning soon rolled around Ella slept until 6 that when she awoke and Alice fed and dressed her. She changed her into a cute baby grow that was white and covered in butterflies and hearts. She burped her then placed her in her jungle gym whilst Alice herself got ready. Betty still slept soundly Alice glanced over and something caught her eye. 4 small dark bruised on Betty's arm. When she looked closer it was obvious they were finger prints. It was already 9:30am Alice kissed her daughters head and wiped her stray tear. She picked up Ella and walked down stairs grabbed her keys and went straight to the Jones house. 

Knocking the door felt weird for Alice as it was her old home. She giggled as Ella's hair tickled her neck. Jellybean answered the door with a smile "DAD THEY ARE HERE"She shouted Alice smiled seeing Fp run to the door. He instantly took the basket Alice was holding in her spare hand. "Thank you"She smiled walking into the home FP placed the basket down then Alice placed her small baby in the basket. Ella instantly began screaming at the loss of contact . Alice sighed and picked her back up shooshing her.

"Ms Smith your amazing"Jughead smiled 

"Thank you sweetheart, Its Alice, Fp do you want to hold her"Alice asked he instantly nodded carefully he took Ella and everyone's hearts warmed as her tiny hand gripped Fp's small amount of stubble.

"I'm your daddy"Fp cooed then Alice's phone rang. it was Betty. Alice answered.

"Sweetheart whats wrong"She asked as she heard a sob. 

"Jacob mum he... he hurt me"Alice looked down and took in a deep breathe

"When, how many times and how"Alice asked looking at Jughead who looked at Alice.

"Last night before i told him i was pregnant. I am bleeding mum i think i am loosing it"Alice knew now her daughter was loosing this sweet innocent baby. 

"Darling call an ambulance okay and the police."Fp looked at Alice in worry.

"I am scared mumma"Betty's voice was enough break anyone.

"Its okay baby where is he"

"He went out mum i am so scared"Alice had to make a decision.

"I am coming okay hold on baby call them okay"Then Alice heard Jacob's voice and it was a slurred one. 

"YOU FUCKING SLUT I WILL KILL YOU"Thats all Alice heard before the screams of her daughter.The phone call ended. Alice looked at Fp.

"Can you watch her for an hour.Its Jacob he's drunk and i am pretty sure i just heard him say he was going to kill my daughter.

"Ali no your staying Jughead left as soon as your back turned"Alice's head shot up. FP gestured for her to sit so she did. "Alice come downstairs with me"Alice shook her head "Ali please baby"Her eyes flickered to the baby of hers who was on his chest. She nodded. He smiled and Alice grabbed the moses basket Alice frowned seeing a double bed and wardrobe.

"Fp what is this"Alice asked he sighed "My room Ali i haven't been to bed with Gladys in 3 weeks i can't i picture you"Alice felt her stomach flutter. She placed the moses basket on the set of drawers Fp came up next to her "Take her Ali i want to do something"His voice was barely a whisper. She nodded and took the baby, Her breath hitched when his arms wrapped around her. "I miss my Ali"He kissed her neck making her feel weak Alice carefully placed her sleeping daughter down.Then Fp's phone rang he went upstairs and came back down.

"That was Jug.He is at the hospital with Betty she lost the baby Ali. She wants to be with Jug at the moment she's crying in his arms"Alice nodded.

"I need you Fp. I know it sounds bad my daughter is hurting but i need you"Alice looked at him in his eyes. "Have me then Ali"And just like that 2 humans became one.

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