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Enjoy;) Sorry for the pictures:(

Gladys sat at her home pulling together her master plan. Gladys decided she wanted Alice to suffer even more and the easiest way to do that was by taking her pride. FP. She knew Fp and Alice were happy and now she wanted to ruin that. She had a plan already. Tonight there was a dinner at Veronica Lodge's new restaurant which she owns along side Cheryl Blossom. The girls had together made a new rum and reopened the maple business. So the girls and Hiram worked together and got the place a warrant to produce and sell alcohol. The New restaurant was called Blossom and Lodge, Cliche using both of their last names but thats the way they liked it. With both her accomplices Gladys formed her perfect plan. She would attend this dinner party looking her best. She would get Fp on his own and kiss him. She didn't know if it would work but she hoped it would.

On the otherside of town Alice,Jellybean and Betty all changed together with Ella in alongside them. Alice now had a small forming bump. She was now 15 weeks pregnant. The kids didn't know yet and her bump was barely visible. Alice decided on wearing a loose fitted navy dress that had a slit up the right leg slightly showing her serpent tattoo. Betty had decided on a off the shoulder lace dress. Jellybean decided on a cute dress which complimented her style and Betty had dressed Ella for Alice. Alice left early to got get some bits so the girls decided they would meet everyone there.

 Alice left early to got get some bits so the girls decided they would meet everyone there

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(This outfit on Ella but obviously on a 15month old)

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(This outfit on Ella but obviously on a 15month old)

Betty picked up her youngest sister and carried her downstairs to her car she strapped her into the car seat and waited for Jellybean who was quickly feeding Roxy and Millie. Betty smiled as Jellybean locked the door and ran over to her car. "Betty you look stunning"Jellybean beamed causing Betty to giggle. "Thank you JB you look gorgeous. Now we are late so "Betty chuckled and began to drive they agreed they would blame Ella. The girls belted disney songs as Betty drove causing Ella to giggle. "LOVE IS AN OPEN DOORRRRR"Jellybean and Betty sang a sloud as they could as they pulled into a carpark of a fancy building the sign reading Blossom and Lodge. The girls giggled together and stepped out of the car Betty unstrapped Ella and placed her on her two feet on the ground. Ella could walk slightly now if she had the support. So Betty held one hand and Jellybean held the other. The girls walked into the building slowly Ella babbling. They entered and of course all eyes were on them.

"OOHH look at my girls"Fp cheered coming over he kissed Jellybean and Betty's cheeks and picked up Ella. "Dadda dadda"she babled Fp smiled and walked over to Alice. Ella clang onto him tightly.

"You look so sexy Betty"Jughead whispered into her ear nibbling her skin. Betty giggled and kissed him. Everyone placed their belongings in the cloak room and took their assigned seats. "Betty your glowing"Veronica smiled Betty nodded "Highlighter V"Betty chuckled as did Jellybean. Gladys had her eyes pealed on the man before her. She watched Fp as he kissed Alice's cheek every one in a while. She watched as he whispered stuff into Alice's ear that made her giggle. She watched as his lips sneakily trailed down her jaw line. "I need to get my phone back in a second gorgeous"He announced kissing Alice's cheek. He stood up and left Gladys then too slipped away un noticed. 

"Looking Handsome Fp"She cleared her throat from the door his head snapped and he smiled politely "Hey Gladys"He didn't have any bad feelings toward her so when she hugged him he thought it was in a friendly nature. But something he did feel something undeniable. And as much as he loved Alice. He did love Gladys too. He had been married to her since they were 20. She had birthed 2 of his children. He wasn't thinking. He was stuck in emotion. Oblivious to the person watching him. Unaware of his actions. Gladys didn't need to carry out her plan,Fo did it himself. He smashed his lips onto hers and groaned at the contact. "I missed you"His said huskily.

"Oh my god"Alice's broken voice echoed from the door way. An again for the 3rd time since she had been left heartbroken by Fp Jones. Her eyes glossed over and her heart dropped. Fp pulled away horror clear in his eyes. "Ali"He said tears forming in his own eyes. 

"Save it"She she barged past him grabbed Ella's bag and her coat. "Ali baby"Alice ignored him and walked as fast as she could back to the table "Mum whats wrong"Betty asked Alice just let her tears slip. "Fp"Was all Alice said. He came up behind her "Alice please lets talk"He suggested Alice flipped her hand raised and slapped him harshly

"Don't you dare. You just kissed another woman Fp. You locked lips with her. Said you missed her then expect me to be all over you. Are you insane. Stay the hell away from me. Its finished we are over"Alice ran with Ella in her arms,

"MUM please don't drive like that with Ella. I will take you anywhere "Betty offered Alice nodded hesitantly Betty sighed "V, Cheryl i will be back"She stood up and kissed Jellybean's head then Jughead's lips. Betty grabbed her keys and barged Fp who stood tears rolling down his cheeks. When Gladys came out Jughead flipped "REALLY AGAIN WITH HER. ALICE HAS DONE EVERYTHING FOR YOU FOR US"Jellybean felt her urges coming back and she got up and ran into the car park. "BETTY"She screamed Betty slammed her breaks and allowed Jellybean to get in.

"I am staying with Ella and my mum"Jelly said kissing Ella. Betty nodded and drove them back to the house where Alice collected a few things as did Jellybean. "Grandma's ye"Betty said. Alice nodded Betty drove them to the bus station where her grandma waited. Betty allowed Alice to take Ella to the car as she did so Betty handed Jellybean a Iphone 8. "Its yours i set it up for you, Facetime me everynight text me all the time i will keep Millie and Roxy safe and healthy. Let me know how she is"Jellybean thanked Betty kissed her cheek and hugged her tightly before running off the the other car. Betty hugged her mum and Grandma and drove back to the dinner. Her anger was clear and her eyes were full of rage. She slammed he car door and walked into the restaurant kissing Jughead lightly. "Where is Jelly"Toni asked in concern "safe with my mum and Ella. They packed alot of stuff in 7 minutes i have no idea if or when they will return. But with Riverdales rotten scandals i am sure it'll be pain that wedges them back. it always is with this town"Betty sighed  

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