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Betty's head rested against his hard chest as his fingers ran through her blonde curls his other hand tracing circles on her back. "You know Jug thats the best sleep i have had in the past 2 days"She smiled up at him."I slept for a few hours before i came yesterday but thats it babe. My dad has been harsh on me"Betty giggled "Dad is harsh Juggie"He rolled his eyes "Its weird hearing you call him dad but i like it, you trust him"Betty nodded slowly as their was a soft knock on the door. "Come in"Jughead called pulling Betty closer into his lap. "Aww mum, dad look"Jellybean cooed as she walked in holding Ella's hand. "Bettsy Juggie"she babbled and ran to them. Betty winced slightly "Baby your bleeding"Jughead whispered gently into her ear. She nodded "hey little one, i will be back"Betty stood up luckily she was in black pants, Jughead only knew because there was blood on his grey ones. "Hey Els"He said picking her up. Alice and Fp walked in Fp holding Dylan's car seat. "39 with 3 kids doing well but i bet you'll have another"Jughead remarked as Jellybean stroked Isla's hand. "I think we will too son but Ali isn't keen"Fp chuckled pulling a chair from the otherside of the room. They had a huge private room in the hospital that was owned by the Smith's themselves. "I am glad i bought this room , it reminded me of Polly, Hal was mad but i shrugged him off."Alice smirked placing Dylan's carseat in the other chair "They are bringing a bed in for me and Betts later so we can stay with her."Jughead looked back at his daughter and Jellybean squealed "She has a pink crown shaped beanie and she has yours with her"Jughead nodded "Me and Betts liked the idea. We spoke alot last night, she finally ate and slept so i am so proud of her. Anyway Alice how are you"He asked As Alice sat on Fp's knee. "We are good. Sore still but Dylan sleeps like a log luckily. Ella is doing well. The dogs are good we checked this morning.Fangs and Kevin are staying there we put them in a spare room"Jughead nodded gratefully. "Thank you, me and Betts are going home to shower later when they take Isla for her assessment"He began stroking the little girls hand gently his heart filled with warmth as Ella sat on the floor beside him playing with her doll. "Where is Betty"Alice asked as Dylan stirred "She left through that door she's bleeding so she has probably got to get checked"Fp nodded and took Dylan from Alice as she warmed up the milk in the corner were there was a microwave "This ward is private isn't it"Jughead asked Alice nodded. "You can't buy rooms now. But when the ward first opened they couldn't afford it so they gave the opportunity. We have 2 rooms this one then that door there leads to a bigger one which is also a birthing suite. I was to dilated to be moved and Betty's complications prevented her from being able to but i had Polly and Betty here. Ella was born in Jacob's car. Not pleasant. He cut her chord and Betty delivered."Alice smirked at Ella who threw a doll. "Wow"Alice nodded and Jellybean sat down.

"So how are you and Betty after your betrayal"Jellybean looked in his eyes "She said it'll take time but she'll heal, that she understands i made a mistake and that i love her she just needs time to build her trust back up."Alice burped Dylan and settled him back down "Good, you were silly like your father. But she needs you, and you need her so don't fuck it up"Alice spoke sternly as a nurse walked in ."Miss Smith your daughter is requesting you"She spoke sweetly."Dana its Alice you have delivered 4 of my children"Dana looked down "I was so sorry to hear about Polly and Charles"Alice nodded sadly and stood "I'll be back". 

"Jug now its just us. You need to respect her. she is a keeper boy. She is deep in love with you. "FP looked at Isla "How is she doing"The fact she was covered in tubes was a scary factor. "She is getting stronger they said. Obviously they feed her and that stuff and we have to leave the room then. Just making sure Jell you wash your hands"She nodded "The lady made us"He let out a loud sigh "Good we can't risk her getting a bacterial infection"He looked back at her "Me and Betts are getting mittens we can wear"Jellybean giggled as Betty and Alice walked back in. "Hey Juggie they said its okay and i am good. But Isla needs a big 4 hour examination. They are testing everything so i thought we could let them do that go home shower get what we need then come back here make the bed up and make it cosy for when she's back"Jughead nodded "Okay gorgeous but we have an hour yet"Betty nodded and sat back on his lap.Her head snuggled into the crook of his neck. Alice and Fp snuggled into eachother too.His hand resting on her back and running through her hair. "I love you Ali and our family"He whispered into her hair. 

Sorry its short guys longer ones to come. I will focus a little on Bughead with Isla's journey but it will turn back to falice there is still drama to come!!!

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