A snakes Underbelly

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Don't hate me guys

Every snake had a soft underbelly. And for the Jones men that was their family. Their children, Their girlfriends. 

Today started as any ordinary day. Betty Cooper watched her tiny baby daughter. Curled in the arms of the man she loved. Jughead's fingers brushed her hip bone hid lips kissing her hair gently. "Juggie i need to get some air okay baby"Betty smiled up at him he raised a brow and kissed her softly sighing as she winced. "Sorry Juggie i know i kissed you yesterday but i'm not ready"He looked at her and slowly nodded. Nothing could stop the feeling in his gut. The pain he felt, the woman he loved he had hurt to much. so much. He had ruined the glint in her eye. Although she had the same glowy skin the twinkle in her eye when she saw him was gone. "Okay baby, I love you so much"Betty smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek "Me too Juggie, Love you Isla"Betty looked back with a smile. Leaving Jughead stroking the skin on his daughters hand softly. "I hurt your mummy so so much, she may never forgive me but i promise i will always be here for you. By your side you'll always be daddy's princess"Jughead removed his hand and moved back to the bed. Gentle sobs leaving his parted lips as he held Betty's pillow tightly. He missed her. He may be sleeping next to her and she may have sat on his lap and given him a few quick kisses but when they had slept last night she didn't place her head on his chest. She didn't wrap her legs around his. She didn't snuggled her face into his neck and place soft kisses against the skin. He wanted her. He needed her. He enhaled her scent as he laid there but only if he knew what was about to happen. Betty Cooper left the hospital she was hit hard. On the back of her head. And Darknes only darkness over powered her.

3 hours later.

It was 6pm it had been 3 hours since Betty had left the ward Jughead's foot was tapping the marble floor harshly."Jug"Jellybean said as she walked in Ella by her side shortly followed by Alice and Fp. "Betty left 3 hours ago for air she hasn't came back dad. I am scared."He looked back at Isla then to Dylan and Ella. "I hope we get that one day with Isla."He sighed "Ella looks sleepy. Put her in the bed i will pull the things up"Alice smiled and lifted her up placing her in the bed and within seconds she was asleep "The serpents were threatened Jug. By the ghoulies. Then we all got a message we are demanded to go to the riverside at sweetwater. We didn't want Jelly or the kids coming so we bought them here. I have told security. Dana the nurse who delivered Betty,Polly,Charles and Dylan is going to stay in here with the kids but boy we gotta go"Jughead hesitantly stood. He put on his soft mitten and stroked Isla's hand "We will be back soon baby girl, Daddy loves you"Jughead hugged Jellybean and walked to his bag pulling out his serpent jacket. He pulled on another coat to hide the large Serpent logo until they got outside, Alice,Fp and Jughead all removed their coats and revealed their Serpent Jackets. They smiled at eachother "Same car"He questioned. "Your car Jug"Jughead nodded and walked to his car. He drove the familiar route to the waterside chuckling seeing the amount of cars. He and Fp stepped out first followed by Alice. "Hermione,Tom,Fred,Archie,Kevin,Cheryl, Serpents"Jughead smiled walking to them "How's the baby"Slurpe asked "Still struggling but she's a Jones. Meaning she's a fighter"The serpents cheered as a loud oh so familiar clap and voice emerged. "Well well well, what a great turn out not that i was expecting much"Malachi chuckled as he did so Penny and Jacob emerged from the shadows. 

"What do you want"Jughead shouted his voice causing an echo, the birds flapped away. "Serpents are snakes you see, And every snake has a soft under belly. We know Topaz's is Cheryl Blossom. Sweet pea you care ever so much for Josie and that Lodge girl even though she is Andrew's bitch. Fangs Fogarty loves his Kevin Keller. Then every serpent has a soft spot for the two gorgeous blondes. Eh Alice. Took what was mine"Penny looked at her harshly "All of you are soft for the Cooper Girl and Alice. But Alice is always with her man. But Betty. Oh Betty looked so precious when she stepped out the hospital alone"Penny chuckled and Alice's fist clenched "Where the fuck is my daughter you bitch"Alice took a step forward Fp pulled her back to him. "Where the hell is she Peabody your fucking with the wrong people."Jughead shouted "Funny. Your mum really wanted revenge on Alice. She hated her. But then she found out about the baby. Then she found out that Betty had your kid.She backed out. Rebelled on us. Refused to help.So we threatened the serpents, And the precious life of little Jellybean and Precious Jughead and she was soon back on bored"Jacob chuckled and snapped his fingers. And out came Gladys. In One hand she held a gun the other had a fist full of Betty's hair. "Gladys"FP said astonished she sent a sorry look. "Your underbelly Jughead, Your girlfriend. But you are an idiot. You slept with someone else. And thats what broke her little heart. I did that to her every night. And then you had already done it to her. Its proof she's not worthy. A waste of air. of time of life"Jacob smirled and Jughead felt his skin turn cold. His heart stopped his fist clenched and he began walking forward. "STOP OR SHE DIES"Penny shouted "I LOVE HER, I AM IN LOVE HER"He screamed "YOU STILL FUCKED SOMEONE ELSE WHO WE SET YOU UP WITH. BUT NOT ONCE DID YOU THINK OF HER OR MENTION HER"Malachi shouted. Betty had tears streaming down her face. A old rag stuffed in her mouth to some how silence her screams. Her pleads. Jughead looked at her. The pain in her eyes then back to his mother. "Mum really. She is the mother to your grandchild. The baby she carried is your grandchild. She is the girl your son loves. She is the best thing that ever happened to me. She helped dad with his drinking and made him a better man god she even helped Jelly when she was self harming"Glady's looked at Betty "I am sorry"She whispered "Jones you like seeing this. Your what do you call her, Your Princess your life at gunpoint held by your mother"Betty screamed slightly as Jacob slapped her "FUCK YOU"Jughead screamed FP looked at her "I see her as my own. And the serpents see her as a sister. She is there queen. You hurt her you start war"FP declared "Looks like its war then. Gladys"And then in a matter of seconds a gunshot echoed. The only thing heard was the muffled scream of the blonde as she fell. And Gladys dropped the gun and ran.As fast as she could. Penny and Malachi followed Jacob in tow. "BETTY"Jughead screamed.

"Stay with me come on baby for Isla. For me stay with me"He cried as he held her on his arms. Her eyelids became heavy and her eyes closed.

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