Soft with a fragile body

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The day soon rolled around. The day Jughead,Betty,Fp and Alice meet the small baby girl.Alice had left Dylan with Cheryl whilst FP went to Veronica and Sweetpea to check on the dogs. He fed the cats and travelled to Wyrm. He had a personal package delivered. It meant alot to him. He had ordered 4 serpent jackets. 3 of them being soft cotton rather then leather and the other being an original. He had also bought 4 southside serpent baby grows for Isla and Dylan. He had personalised 3 plain black jackets having the Serpent logo embroidered on the back. 1 for Dylan, 1 for Ella and the other being for Isla.He smiled to himself as he packed them into his bag leaving Ella's jacket,Jellybean's jacket and Ella's dress. 

The past 24 hours Isla had many tests and scans to make sure her organs were strong enough.It was scary but exciting for the pair. They sat in the room holding eachother closely as their phones pinged. The both smiled and awed at the attached images. Both shocked at how much much their Bella had grown and how Millie's colours had changed.

From TT


Millie Moo missing you!!!

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Millie Moo missing you!!!

Bella too!! Goodluck guys!! Love to all!!

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Bella too!! Goodluck guys!! Love to all!!

Betty smiled and leaned up. Kissing Jugheads lips softly in hers. She still ached but she was slowly getting over the pain. Minutes later Fp and Alice walked in smiling like Cheshire cats.

"Someone got laid this morning"Betty joked and Alice faked laughed "Ha ha so funny Elizabeth. I am cackling with laughter"Betty laughed as did Alice the boys looking at them in confusion "Oh shush. I have many stories about you i haven't told you. After your piss nights with the girls back in New York"Betty rolled her eyes "Love you really baby girl. Anyway hows my little princess today"Betty smiled as Isla wriggled "She's wriggly. She hasn't opened her eyes yet though."Jughead explained kissing Betty softly "You too okay yea"Fp confirmed they both nodded "We were thinking. When this is over. Isla is out and everything is settled. How about we book a holiday. All of us plus Cheryl and Toni and the dogs of course. Then Smokey and Roxy can stay with Nanna"Betty suggested and Alice and Fp both nodded "Perfecttttt"They grinned together as the nurse walked in. "You ready to hold your baby girl"Betty nodded as did Jughead. The nurse pressed a button the huge lift was lifted. The nurse slowly removed the canula from Isla's hand "She doesn't need the medication anymore but will need to remain here for the next 4 weeks whilst we still monitor the progress of her organ development."The young couple nodded "So are you thinking late September early October. Its been 3 weeks aleady"Jughead smiled as today was the 1st of September, Time always flew here. Jellybean and Ella would be home in 8 days just in time for Jellybean to start school and Ella would be joining a play group nursery. As she was turning 2 in 3 months. "We are estimating the 1st of October"The nurse smiled and everyone squealed in excitement. "We will move this incubator out of the room and replace it with a smaller one. Now Isla's feeding, nurturing and care will be mainly reliant on you both unless you need to go home"They nodded "Betts you hold her first"Betty looked at him questionably but nodded. She carefully sat in the seat as the nurse picked up the small baby that after 3 long agonising weeks could now finally be cradles, rocked and held by her family. 

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