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2 and a half months later.

If skin showed emotion, stress and upset, Alice's skin wouldn't have colour. People really only show their true colours when you have given your world to them. And that is what Mark had done showing his true, jealous colours. Not letting her take the kids to Fp's. Not letting her into meetings without him, she wasn't allowed out. He had even forced her into letting Fp have full custody of the children. Her eyes were empty her soul dying her heart breaking. Her only escape being her job of which she shared with him. She'd finally lost her mind. So at 2am on a Sunday night she grabbed a back quickly grabbed some clothes and left the prison of which she had been encaged in. She started her car and drove. Her heart thumping against her chest. She didn't realise she was driving to her old home until her car was parked outside. She left the bag sitting in the car as tears streamed down her face. She knew how late it was and felt horrible for knocking at this time if night. She rung the doorbell hoping FP would answer. She waited for a few minutes then she heard the locks on the door turning. The door slowly opened revealing Fp, his eyes were squinted, his hair messy and his abs sticking out since he was only wearing plaid bottoms. "Ali"He whispered. She looked up at him and let her tears stream down. He didn't hesitate to pull her into a tight hug. "Hey hey, come in your freezing"He held her to his chest. She could feel his heart beating rapidly against her head as he pulled her forwards. He moved the arm that was around her waist to re lock the door. "I'm sorry Fp....i  made a mistake...i should..never"Her breathing was rapid he looked down into her eyes. "Ali hey whats happened whats that bastard done to my wife"She smiled up at him. "Hold me please, i just need to be in  your arms for a while"He chuckled but nodded "Bed or couch"She rolled her eyes "You need tea don't you"He asked she slowly nodded. "Come on then"He turned her in his arms so her back was pressed against his chest. He made tea and they sat on the sofa, Alice still in his arms, loving her sense of warmth. Her sense of security. 

"What did he do my love"Fp looked down at her tucking her thick hair behind her ear. "Fp he forced me to give you the kids. He stopped me being around you on my own. He wouldn't let me go to the hospital last week when Betty was in labour, He doesn't let me in meetings without him, he checks my phone, chooses what i eat what i wear, I just can't live like that"She looked up into his dark eyes seeing them fill with fury and anger. "He should know only i get to call you mine Al, you'll always be mine"Alice giggled at his confidence "You wanna stay with us tonight"Alice smiled and nodded. He turned off the lights and they headed upstairs, "I will be in our old room if you need me Al okay"She nodded her head she checked on the kids and headed to the spare room. Feeling misplaced and wrong under the duvet covers. She found herself on her feet. Walking to the room they once shared. She pushed open the door and heard light gentle snores. She climbed into the covers inhaling her homely scent. Her heart jumped when two arms pulled her body. "Go to sleep Alice."He mumbled. The blonde fell into a peaceful slumber. In the arms of her true love. Her husband. 

The next morning Dylan's cried were heard on the monitor "I have it Al, sleep longer okay, i am sure our visualant Jellybean will see your car and die anyway. Betty and Jug haven't told anyone about the baby being born yet they all think Betty's sick so she's brining the baby into the meeting at 9:30am. I will keep you by my side and say we need to work together for a few days, That way we can think of a way to get  you away from Mark"Alice smiled and nodded "Thank you"He chuckled "Anytime Al, I will come up before i leave"He kissed her head as she snuggled back into their bedcovers. "Dad mum is here i heard her"Jellybean resorted walking from her converted attic bedroom. "I think our family is coming back together baby girl. She's sleeping now"Jellybean beamed "Mr Smitten"For 12 years old she was very smart.Fp dressed and fed the younger children got them strapped into the car with Jellybean supervising them before quickly running back into the house. He placed a coffee on the bedside table. "Al its 7:30 when i get back at about 8:45 be ready for me, i will make us some food,"He kissed her forehead and left to take the children where they needed to be. Alice dragged herself from her bed, showered and began her makeup, She dried and curled her hair. She was standing in her laced black thong,stockings and bra when Fp walked in "Oh shit Al i am so sorry"Fp stuttered, Alice giggled. "Oh relax. Fp i left my clothes in my car can you pleaseee go get them"He rolled his eyes to get the bag.He walked back into the room trying not too look at her gorgeous body. He handed her the bag. "You look sexy"he muttered Alice blushed and changed into her tight black skirt and striped blouse, Fp cooked up pancakes and bacon. They ate together. Alice fed the animals before leaving. They arrived in the meeting room together at 9:25 being  greeted by Mark."Good morning"Alice smiled sitting beside Fp.He placed his hand gently on her knee as Mark sent them daggers. As they started a cheery, Betty walked in followed by Jughead who was carrying a baby seat "Everyone we would like you to meet Olivia Alyssa Forsythia Jones"The room errupted in claps and awes "Mum we put Alyssa in there for you since Forsythia is for FP."Betty settled the seat and unstrapped her daughter carrying her to her mother. Alice beamed up and took the baby into her arms shooshing and cooing her.

"My gorgeous granddaughter."She kissed her head softly "I am taking this little one to the office, gorgeous, i love you"Jughead kissed Betty's lips softly as she sat down huffing. "Okay so brief me who is on what"Fp but in quickly "Me and Alice are working on the creche together she's helping me with the design"Betty furrowed her brows "Mark you okay on the article"He nodded angrily. The day was long. Fp kept Alice by his side until the end ignoring the looks they received. "Your so sexy you know that"He whispered as Alice cleared the spare desk in the corner. "You know you have said that twice today Mr Jones"Alice looked into his eyes. "Well i have to say your still my sexy ass wife"Alice again rolled her eyes. "Mark just left Al, You pick up the little ones. i shall go collect your things. But first we need to move you back in here and get a new writer"Alice flashed her usual grin and went to talk about the matter to Jughead whilst Fp quickly moved Alice's stuff into his office. Jughead had already got a placement writter called Dom who would be starting. Alice drove to Forsythe and Gemma's  home. She gently knocked the door and a smile came to her face when Ella screamed "MUMMY"She ran into her arms followed by a toddling Dylan and bounding Jellybean. "Alice"Gemma smiled "Hi, Fp sent me"Gemma smirked "I am having the kids tonight Alice, enjoy your night"Alice poked her tongue into her cheek "Okay thank"Alice giggled and ran to her car. She bought the ingredients for FP's favourite dinner. Meatballs and pasta. As soon as she arrived home she began cooking preparing the food.As if on time as she plated to food Fp walked in. "Whats cooking good looking"he asked walking in with 2 suitcases. "Mark wasn't happy at all"Alice smirked "FP i cooked"He smiled and sat at the table together they tucked into their meal, speaking,laughing and joking. 

Once they had finished Fp loaded the dish washer whilst Alice closed and locked windows. The next moments came in lust and passion.From across the room they looked at eachother. Alice looked deep into his dark eyes and in second their lips were attached to one another. His hands roaming her curves and squeezing her ass. She moaned into his mouth allowing his tongue access to hers. "Jump for me Ali. Jump for me baby"She jumped into his arms and slammed her against the wall. "I missed you so much, Alice"He began kissing her lips frantically his hands clawing at her ass. "Your mine Alice. I told you that, Before i fuck you i need you to have your bands back on"He settled her on the floor and dragged her to their room and pushed her against one of the wardrobes whilst his hand searched for the rings. He pulled on his ring as she slid hers back down her fingers. His large hands grabbed her blouse on both sides and ripped it the buttons flying across the bedroom hitting different places. His lips and teeth began attacking her breasts. He pulled the laced black bra causing it to break "Fp"She growled "Oh shush i love you, you love me"He began sucking at her again his fingers tugging her nipple. She began pulling his buttons and kissing his neck softly. "You are mine you know that Alice mine"He flipped her and pushed her front against the wardrobe pulling her skirt down her legs. Followed by the black thong. They didn't bother with foreplay he thrust deep inside of her moving fast.Pounding into her.

The only thing they knew is that they needed this. They needed each other. This was their last shot, At love. 

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