Time to care for her

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I messed up with my datings in the books so dates will probably get messed up sorry for the inconvenience 

Alice and Fp had always been complicated. Their relationship was like a rollercoaster up and down going in loops. But last night they had made it clear. They wanted eachother. They needed to be together. They were madly in love it was undeniable. They made a vow, to love and protect eachother. To be by one another and to give all of their love to eachother. Alice had always been the one to care for everyone around her. Never had she been cared for. But that would soon change of a twist of events. Events that make Fp realise how much he loves his wife. And how he nearly drove her away forever. 

Tuesday morning rolled around, Alice woke up first smiling as she felt Fp's bare body against hers. His neck in the crook of her neck his arms tight around her waist. As she moved he pulled her to his body. "Stay, Al please"She giggled "Baby its 7"He mumbled something into her neck "We will get pops for breakfast just stay"She gave in to his charm and snuggled back into him. At 7:45 she awoke again with Fp snoring gently into her. "Come on sleepy we have work"He groaned slepily. "Okayyyyy"He peppered her neck with soft kisses and got out of bed "I forgot i was naked"He groaned feeling cold as the air hit him. "Baby do you want a shower"Alice asked as she pulled the covers to her body. He grinned walked over to her and tossed her over his shoulder slapping her bare ass. He allowed the water to reach the perfect temperature before pulling Alice in. He held her close to his chest as the water cascaded down their bodies. "I am so sorry i hurt you Al, i fucked up i know, but now, Its Our little family,you and I, This is my priority, Our family"Alice looked up at him her gorgeous blue eyes looking into his dark ones. Slowly she reached up and allowed her soft lips to brush his. Their eyes closed as they deepened the kiss finding their own rhythm. Alice's hand tugged at Fp's hair as the other cupped his neck. He backed her against the cold tile wall and lifted her up. He didn't give her warning. He slammed inside of her. She gripped his muscular shoulders as he paced himself inside of her. His lips on her neck her fingernails dragging across the skin of his back, it caused him pain but pleasure. "Fp"his name rolled perfectly off of her tongue, Her soft moans encouraged him to go harder and harder his groans turned her on further. He felt her tighten and he whispered in her ear "Let go with me baby girl"With his soft voice she climaxed. As did he their moaning continue as he gave her a few more hard but sloppy thrusts to finish them off together.They were both panting as they kissed again. Fp placed Alice down and scrubbed her back. Whilst she washed her hair he conditioned his. He washed himself and she washed herself scrubbing his back too seeing the marks she had left . He slapped her ass and gently suckled her nipple. Whilst Alice applied her make up Fp dried her hair. "Beautiful"He whispered looking at her. They were standing in front of their huge mirror, Alice was wearing a laced red bra and thong. "Baby i am walking Millie quickly, Jughead is about to go on a walk with Bella and Olivia"Alice nodded and kissed his lips. "I love you"She whispered "And i love you baby girl"He kissed her forehead and allowed her to get ready. "Me and Betty will head in together you bring me pops"Alice asked Fp nodded "Perfect baby"He kissed her lips again and left. Alice decided on a black and white shirt dress with a black belt around the middle. She matched it with thick black tights and ankle boots. She locked  up with her keys and knocked on Betty's door. Betty emerged wearing a baby pink slim fit trousers that had a belt sewed in, small black heels and a white blouse. She had the baby bag on one shoulder her work bag in the other. "We are going in together and the boys are bringing us breakfast"Betty grinned noticing the ring on Alice's finger. "Back together"She asked Alice smirked and nodded as the blondes walked to Alice's car. They drove in chatting and catching up.

They walked into the office straight into Betty's and Jug's shared office. In the corner by Betty's desk was a beautiful crib."Its lovely in here"Alice smiled her office with Fp was next door. "I know right, its nice having you back on our side away from  Mark. The new writer is in today. He's called Dominic he likes being called Dom"Alice nodded as they spoke, half an hour later the suited Jones men walked in Jughead with Olivia's car seat. "Good morning Alice"He smiled as he placed the seat on the chair.Betty kissed his lips and unstrapped her "Hello baby"She cooed "We have pops by the way"FP spoke sitting down on a sofa. Betty fed Olivia quietly in the corner. Once she was fed ad burped Betty placed her into the crib. She sat with her family as they ate breakfast. "Morning"Gemma smiled walking in with a toddling Dylan "Good morning, Grandma what are you doing here"Jughead asked "I am staying with my  great grandaughter for the day"Betty smiled and nodded. With it now being April Dylan was getting bigger and stronger.  He was 20 months old. Walking,Babbling. He could say words like "Mummy""Mum""Daddy""Dad""Jug"Betts"Ella"JB"Mil" and other simple phrases is speech was good for his ages and in a matter of months he would be piecing sentences together. Ella as four this year and with Dylan being two of course they knew they weren't getting any older. Soon enough they'd try for a baby. Alice was sceptical at the thought of having another but she agreed with Fp. That After Dylan's birthday they'd try again. 

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