The Accident

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(Sorry for the time skip but have so many ideas for this story)

4 months later 

Fp's PoV

The past 4 months had been nothing short of incredible. Betty was now 5 months pregnant and had been back 2 weeks not saying a word to Ali but we worked through it. It was nearing the time my papers came through for the divorce. Jelly had been slowly moving stuff over to Ali's house. Ella was now 8 months old. Heavier but still so beautiful. She could sit up now and laugh and cry with tears. I had spent so much time un happy i didn't realise what happiness was. That was until i began waking up with Ali near enough every day. We had our routine. I would sneak to her in the night with Jelly and Jug. We would all stay together. Then in the morning Jelly would go to school from here and Jughead would go to the bar he owned. The Whyte Wyrm.But the new redecorated version.  I would still be asleep when they left. So Ali would make them breakfast feed Ella change her nappy and get her toys. She's place her in her play pen in our room then go downstairs make me breakfast with a coffee then wake me up. We would normally have passionate sex whilst Ella slept. I would go home and get my truck and go work. I was surprising Ali but i had been offered the job as Sheriff of Riverdale by Hiram Lodge. I would be taking that offer in a month when my divorce was finalised. Tonight i had snuck to Ali's on my own and when i got there i found her laying on her bed in a deep red lingerie set. "Fuck Ali"I groaned hardening at the sight. "Hey there handsome i have been waiting for you"She purred i threw my jacket to the ground and pulled my shirt over my head. I unbuckled my belt and pulled off my jeans leaving me in my boxers. Alice moaned and jumped into my arms. "Fp your so handsome did i ever tell you"She whispered nibbling my ear lobe. "Alice in a month when the papers are signed i am taking a job. As Sheriff of Riverdale"She looked at me and kissed me deeply I sat down on the bed making Ali straddle me. Her hand embedded in my hair whilst the other one stroked my cheek. "I am so proud of you FP, you have come so far in life, and you are making us all so so proud of you. Your proving to everyone how amazing you are. and Fp i mean this. I love you so much and I am so proud to have had your baby."My eyes watered and i attached my lips to hers "I love you too Ali"I groaned as she got off my lap. She undressed herself and i pulled my boxers down my legs. I pulled her naked body to mine smashing our lips together. I pushed her backwards to the bed she landed on her back but i flipped her. I grabbed her by her hips and pulled them up she was now on all fours. Without warning her i pushed myself inside her core. Groaning feeling her wetness. I didn't start slow. I gave it to her how she liked it. I slammed into her deeply "Fp"my name rolled off her tongue. "Ali you like it like this"I groaned loosing control of myself "Forsythe i love you i love it in every way"That spurred me on i slammed deeper inside of her. I was drilling into her with all of my power our headboard banging the wall. "FP RIGHT THERE"She screamed i grabbed a fistfull of her hair and slammed harder and harder "Cum Ali let me ride you through it"I spurred her on. When she tightened around me i pulled out and flipped her around she pulled me back down to her wrapping her legs around my waist. I pushed inside of her again. "I love you so much Fp don't you ever leave me again"She half demanded half moaned. I pushed myself harder and harder driving into her core at full pace. "Fp i think i am gonna cum again"She moaned "With me Ali"She nodded i plunged into her feeling her warmth against me her soft purs were egging me on "One more then cum Ali"

I thrusted into her one last time before pulling out panting. "Ali your amazing"I said trying to catch my breath. "You make me so hot Jones"Alice groaned with a sweaty forehead. "Oh Ali cat you have no idea"I kissed her forehead as she lay there panting on my chest. Thats when we heard a loud scream echoing the house. Alice pulled herself from the bed and pulled on my shirt. She walstzed out of our room and too Ella's i then heard a scream. "JONES GET DRESSED WE NEED TO GO HOSPITAL NOW"Alice screamed i jumped up and pulled on my boxers followed by my jeans i ran into the room finding my baby covered in redness. "She has a rash and a temperature we need to go now"Alice said i took the baby "Get dressed sexy i will get her in the car."I said without thinking she pulled my shirt off leaving her naked. "Ali i am hard again now this is bad timing. Go get dressed"She ran out naked her ass bouncing making me harder then i was. I took Ella down to the car and strapped her in. Alice came running out 5 minutes later in black joggers and a plain polo. Alice jumped into the driver side and i got in the back with Ella. I text Jughead,Jelly and even Betty along the way. My phone pinged three times instantly

Jughead (Boi) 💥😎:Me and Jelly are coming now. we called Fred and Hermione too

Betty💕: FP i didn't mean what i said i am coming now i love mum so much

Betty💕: Please don't tell her i am coming

I shoved my phone in my jacket and as we neared the hospital i unstrapped her so i could run. "Ali i will run  in you park up okay baby"Alice nodded her head once outside i picked up Ella and opened the door. Running into the hospital whilst my secret lover parked. "HELP PLEASE"I shouted running to the desk. "She has a high temp and covered in a rash"I said the nurse took Ella and walked away with her. I sighed and watched Alice run in. I pulled her into my arms i knew she was hurting. I held her tightly and guided her to the seating area when she decided she would sit on my lap. Her head snuggled into my neck my nose embeded in her hair. Then Jug,Jelly. Fred,Archie,Hermione and Veronica ran in followed by Cheryl and Toni "Didn't know we called half of Riverdale"I joked Alice giggled

"Awww your her dad knew it she had Jones genes"Fred cheered they all sat down "Guys you can't tell anyone about me and Ali. Not until the divorce papers are here or Gladys could fight back. Once they are here i will send them and move in with Alice. Jelly, Jug you choose where you go, Then it'll be court"I explained holding Alice close to my chest. 

"We are coming with. Mum is mad"Jelly said Jug nodded and they sat down.Then a tiny voice came.

"Mumma"Alice jumped up and saw Betty. The girls ran into each others arms "I didn't mean it mum i am so sorry i love you please don't leave me i am so sorry"Betty sobbed we all listened then i noticed a very visible bruise. So much for changing i thought. "Sweetheart i am sorry i love you your my baby i love you so so much but please darling listen to  us he isn't changing they don't"Betty nodded her bump was alot bigger now. 

"Betty your covered in bruises"She nodded "Mumma is never wrong"Betty sniffled. Betty Looked at Jughead. "Juggie"She cried running to him he instantly wrapped his arms around her. "Shhh its okay i got you babe i got you"Betty beamed in his arms in his embrace. Then hell broke loose.  "You seriously are a little slut"Jacob said charging around the corner. I stood as did Jughead with Archie. Alice and Cheryl moved to Betty's side. "What has that slut told you"He spat i shook my head and pushed him "She ain't no slut. She is a serpent. We protect our own"I pushed his chest. He chuckled and clenched his fist punching me in the face 

"DAD"Jelly bean screamed

"FP"Alice and Betty both shouted at this point i was sure security were on their way. That set Jughead off. Jughead lunged forward hitting him in the jaw. Jacob retaliated and punched him which then caused Sweet pea and Fangs to burst in. Jacob pinned Jughead to the floor. Sweetpea and Fangs attempted to pull him off. As they did one of them was pushed. Into Betty. The force from sent her flying and she fell onto her stomach. Her loud piercing scream was what stopped everyone and in a instant blood surrounded her.

"THE BABY"Alice shouted. Betty cried in pain, A nurse ran over. "WE NEED A TROLLEY"I looked at the face's around me. Jacob stood up and ran as Betty lay on the floor blood dripping down her leg.

We knew at this moment if that baby survived their could be serious damage 

Guys the next part is very graphic if you can't handle that and emotion please wait until the next next chapter is posted. 

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