Pretty blue eyes

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Fp's PoV

Her piercing blue eyes were fixed on mine. I watched as she moved around the living room tomorrow is Ella-Mae's first birthday. Betty she had done well.She was still in hospital though. She opened her eyes made eye contact with us. But she still didn't have the strength to talk or even move. She was breathing on her own and smiled every now and then but she was still in pain. Alice had worked her ass off too.  Jughead helped me as we set up pink banners around the living room. Alice wrapped up her gifts and Jellybean she was baking a cake with Cheryl and Toni. Alice was so sexy. The way she moved. I know i am head over heels in love with her. And i know i hurt her so much.I made her feel like she was worth nothing but that will never ever happen again. 

"Dad i am staying with these ones tonight we will be back in the morning at 6am before Ella wakes up we promise"I chuckled "Ok Jellybelly"I put up the final banner "I am staying with my girl tonight"Jughead beamed pushing Jellybean. Jelly laughed "Swoon"Jughead nodded and went upstairs he returned 5 minutes later with a bag and Betty's pillow. "Love you all i will be here at 6am"Jughead hugged Alice and Jellybean before leaving the only sound being the rev of his motorbike as he sped off of . Jellybean finished the decor on her cake with the help of Cheryl and Toni. "Bye mum bye dad"She cheered kissing Alice's cheek then hugged me leaving us stunned "Wow"I smiled walking to Alice as she laid out the gifts on the table.My arms snaked around her waist and my hands cupped her breast. "Ali i have wanted you all day"I groaned kissing her neck. She giggled "Oh Jones give me 10 minutes. Go get in bed i will be up in 10 i promise"She placed a long but loving kiss on my lips her cherry lipbalm and sweet vanilla fragrance warming my nose. "I love you Ali"I whispered kissing her head "I love you too Jones, we will need to decorate Ella's room again soon babe"Alice groaned making me laugh "Babe her cot will last atleast another 3 months. So in the next three months we will buy all the bits and bobs we need. Anyway gorgeous we don't need to redecorate the whole room"Alice glared at me and i took back my comment. "Okay beautiful, Obviously this is now a six bed house as you had that extension put in. So how about we decorate the empty room next to ours as Ella's new room for when she gets out of her cot. That means 4 of the six bedrooms are occupied then we can leave Ella's room as a nursery just in case we have another baby and decorate the other room as a spare. And if i get lucky enough to squeeze 2 more children out of you we will have the space."Alice smiled and kissed my lips deeply. "Sounds perfect. now go get ready"I rolled my eyes and went upstairs. 

I was seriously in love with this woman. She is perfect everything about her is perfect. When i see her my mood lightens. I feel happy when i am around her. She makes me the best version of myself. She's an amazing girlfriend but an even better mother. She encourages the best out of all of her children. As promised 10 minutes later she walked in. "Hey handsome. Ella is out like a light"Her eyes oh god her eyes were so gorgeous. One of my favourite features. I spat my gum into the bin and stood up. I watched her closely as she moved her hands to the hem of her tight blue dress. My eyes transfixed on her body as she pulled the blue material up. Slowly more of her skin was being revealed. Soon the material was at her hips. Her black lace panties looked sexy her serpent tattoo standing out against her tanned skin. Her legs looked so smooth so silky.My breathe hitched and my pants tightened. She continued to pull up the material. Her boobs soon bounced out i gasped as she revealed she had on no bra. She discarded the blue dress and strutted over to me i pulled her into my arms and she began to undress me. She pulled the flannel from around my waist and threw it to the floor. Her hands moved to the hem of my shirt. I chuckled and pulled of my shirt in a swift movement. Alice bit her lip and looked me up and down. Her eyes trailing up and down my body. She licked her lips as i removed my belt. Alice giggled and unzipped my jeans once they were off we were both left with our throbbing parts. Alice's lips crashed onto mine in a soft kiss which soon turned into a battle of dominance.

 Her tongue fluttered against mine , and my hands were deep in the softness of her hair, and it was like time had turned back , carrying me right back to when we were teenagers. I pulled her against me thinking that i'd never get her close enough,i wanted to protect her. Please her. Keep her safe in my embrace.Alice's lips moved trailing soft kissed down my chin to my neck. Her tongue rolling gently against my skin she gently nipped me every now and then. I felt myself releasing small grunts as her hand moved to palm the bulge in my boxers. The contact sent sparks through my spine. I pulled out her hand and turned her so her back was to the bed. Slowly i pushed her back until she fell into the soft mattress. I crawled up her body my lips brushing her stomach. I let my tongue swish against her skin as i sucked the skin from her belly to her neck paying special attention to her breasts and nipples. "FP"My name rolled so innocently from her mouth. 

"Fuck me Fp its been 3 months"Then i remembered it had been 3 months. I needed her more then anything. I didn't bother getting a condom i just ripped her panties from her body and pulled my boxers down. I quickly pushed myself into her her moan was loud and enthusiastic. "Fuck baby your tighter then i remember"I groaned without thought. I moved inside of her at a steady pace her soft purs encouraging me to thrust harder. I gripped her waist and i thrusted inro her harder and harder slamming into her at my hardest. Alice yelped but reassured me she was okay. So i went harder inside of her. 

"Oh Ali baby"I moaned my i sucked the skin beneath my lips as i pounded into her harder. "FUCK"She screamed as the headboard slammed the wall. I felt her tighten around me and i knew she was close releasing. I slammed into her deeper and deeper i soon felt myself coming to my release "Together"She moaned "Together"I agreed and with several more thrusts we came together. I rolled off of her and pulled her sweaty body into my arms i kissed her soft hair and looked down

Getting lost in those Pretty Blue Eyes.

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