On The Stand

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The weeks had flown by. Mark had been arrested, Cheryl had handed in what she had but he was released. Until the court case. It was a court case for two separate reasons. One determining if Betty and Cheryl fired Mark for no reason whilst the other was to see if Mark would face criminal persecutions. Betty and Cheryl had stayed together with Jug and Toni that night. Watching movies whilst Olivia slept and Everly babbled. "So who is going to the court case"Toni asked disapointed she couldn't go. "Its actually Me,Cher,Mary,Sierra and Chuck from Jones and Blossom since we have a lot of work but we will be coming straight in after"Betty smiled as Jug kissed her head, "You will both be brilliant,"Jughead cuddled Cheryl as Toni hugged Betty. They spent the rest of the night talking with eachother. "Sierra is meeting us there but me and Cher are getting Mary. So tomorrow, Jug can you take Toni to work in our car"Betty asked "Me and Betts will take our Car TT. Which means when we are back we can just go back to our own cars"Jughead laughed "You guys over complicate things. You are getting Mary from the office. So we will travel in our own cars to work which is longer from here sorry. Then when we get there you guys take Cheryl's car"Jughead pulled Betty into him "Perfect. now we need beauty sleep"Betty stood up "You guys know where to go i am just going to let Bella out"Jughead wrapped his arm around Betty as they said goodnights and let Bella outside. That night in bed he held her close. Kissing her softly. Kissing her gently. Making her feel loved. 

The morning soon rolled around, Jughead and Toni were ready and dressed making breakfast when the girls came in more formal then ever, "You look beautiful"Jughead placed a soft tender kiss on her lips. She was wearing  a grey formal but tight dress with a black blazer and heels. Cheryl was wearing red of course. They ate their food grabbed their girls and headed to work. Once in they strolled through the office receiving good lucks and smiles. Betty hugged Alice tightly "I'm coming baby,"Alice looked her in the eye "Really"The younger girl beamed "Of course Betty"Betty kissed her mothers cheek, said goodbye to Jug and Olivia before heading downstairs. "I will follow behind"Chuck walked to his car as Cheryl's filled. "Sierra is meeting us there"Cheryl smiled as she began driving. Once arrived they awaited to be called into the room,Betty,Sierra,Mary and Cheryl on one table Mark and his lawyer on the other side. Everyone rose as the judge spoke. "All take your seat"Everyone sat back down "Today we are here to make two decisions. If Jones and Blossom wrongfully terminated Mr Clarke, And If Mr Clarke did infact rape Miss Smith and is guilty. If Mr Clarke id found guilty he will be arrested by the two police officers on the side of the room. If Jones and Blossom is found guilty they will have to pay"The information was taken in. For the part on which they had been sued for wrongful termination both parties had a statement to read, Mark,Betty and Cheryl would be called to the stand when the second part of the trail began.

"Miss Blossom and Miss Smith wrongfully terminated my client. They gave him no notice, no pay slip for the month, no time to clean his desk. There was no reason behind this except the fact they did not want the secret to get out. He has human rights and was treated with disrespect by his bosses. He is an individual with a life. He has bills to pay. But those women fired him with no thought. They were selfish. My final argument is no matter what he should have had two weeks notice"His lawyer settled down as Mary began,

"Miss Blossom and Miss Smith did what they had to do to protect their team. There was no secret just a viscous crime. A crime that lead Miss Smith to lock herself in her office. Miss Blossom took matters into her own hands. How can you expect women to work in the same office as a man that sexually assaulted someone. He was not given notice but he was breaking many of the rules and policies staff members at Jones Blossom must follow. One being no alcohol. Of which Mr Clarke had consumed.He was touching her inappropriately, was being constantly rude to every member of the team after Mrs Jones a co worker of Mr Clarke's dumped him when he became possessive. The only reason she was with him being because she was in a sticky situation. He took advantage of a woman who may have been facing a divorce with two young children. Mr Clarke was outraged that Mrs Jones went back to her husband. He was a liability to everyone on that team. They could not risk giving him a 2 week notice in which he would have had ten  opportunities to hurt someone else"Mary finished "Calling Mark Clarke to the stand"He looked at Betty in pure evil and anger. He was interrogated by Mary but he had painted a strong picture that he and Betty were together in a relationship. Wanting to run away together. "Calling Miss Betty Smith"Mark's lawyer called Betty took her breathe and took the stand. 

"Miss Smith cutting to the chase. You were sleeping with my client you didn't want the affair to come out so you fired him"Mary shouted "Objection here say none of this is fact"The judge nodded "Sustained" "Miss Smith were you having an affair with my client"He asked "No."Betty looked dead into his eyes "Your engaged. You didn't want your dirty affair getting out so you fired him and called rape"Mary was angry "Objection he is badgering my client and there is no question"The judge again nodded "sustained"Betty was tapping her foot. "You wanted to run away with my client to start a new life"This times the judge interrupted. "Its not story time. Is there a question"He shook his head "I'm done, no further questions your honour"The judge nodded now it was time for Mary to ask the questions. "So Miss Smith, in detail, tell us what happened that night"Mary questioned "Objection thats the sympathy card"The lawyer shouted "Overruled. We need the full story he had his turn"Betty was allowed to answer "I had to work late i had to finish my design ideas. It was around 8pm when i left to Mr Clarke's office. He was late with an article i needed. I walked in the stench of alcohol burning my nose. I questioned him on it he said it had been my other employee. I asked for the article he said it was on the back desk so i went to get it. I heard him lock the door"Betty stopped and took a breathe. "He began touching me, kissing my neck saying i am beautiful like mother like daughter.  I pushed him away and went to leave but he grabbed my arm it left a bruise of which was photographed."The bruise was shown "He continued touching me.... i tried to get away but he pushed my back onto his desk i kicked him and kicked but he wouldn't get off. I said no. He flipped me around i tried to move but his weight was crushing me.... He ripped of my panties pulled up my skirt. Thats when he raped me. I said no. I begged for him to stop. He finally did after he had finished up on my leg some on my skirt. I pushed him unlocked the door and ran into my office where i called Miss Blossom. She came offered to call the police of which i declined. I was still in shock and scared. She took me back to her house, I told her to throw my clothes away but she put them in plastic bags of which the police have along with images of bruises and bite marks."Betty was dismissed and Cheryl's questioning began.

 "Miss Blossom you were only trying to protect your sister from the truth being revealed about her affair. "Cheryl wasn't the one to be patronised. "No sir. My sister was brutally raped. And i wanted to have him arrested but she was too scared. So i fired him. To save the other 50 female employees and our company. It was a decision made to avoid this happening. It was the option where you could move on. But Miss Smith was left emotionally scarred nor could i ever let a monster back in. I made the right decision and a notice would give him a oppurtunity and a chance i wasn't willing to take. Your honour i am answering nothing more"Cheryl left the stand. "Jury you are now dismissed. To come to two verdicts. On which on being is Jones Blossom guilty for Wrongful termination and is Mr Clarke guilty of rape."The jury dismissed and the caught enjurned. "You did amazing"Alice hugged her tightly. For an hour they sat around "The jury is ready"The court refilled. "Has the jury reached two verdicts on which the majority have agreed on"The judge asked "We have your honour"One member spoke.

"Do you find Jones Blossom guilty or not guilty of wrongful termination"He asked 

"Not Guilty your honour"Betty and Cheryl clasped hands tightly

"And do you find Mr Clark guilty or not guilty of rape"There was a long silence

"Guilty your honour"

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