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2nd update of today whoopp :-) Please comment on what you want to happen with Betty's pregnancy and what other things you'd like too see. Or private message you will be credited for your ideas💜💥

Alice's PoV

I woke up a sense of warmth and radiation around me i smiled remembering mine and FP's conversation. I felt mt stomach flutter when his soft lips connected with my neck. "Good morning my gorgeous baby mumma"Fp said into my neck making me giggle "I am good handsome how are you"I asked turning in his arms. He kissed me softly his lips encased mine as his hands brushed my sides. "Ali i am solid. This is end game i need this i need you"I felt myself overcome with excitement, I rolled on top of him and smashed my lips onto his. He groaned as i rubbed against him through the material of his boxers. His large hands firmly gripped my ass cheeks. As things got heated we were stopped by the echoing cry of Ella. I rolled off of him and picked up his shirt from the floor pulling it over my head it fell to the middle of my thigh. I went to my drawer and pulled out some underwear. I then walked to Ella's room. 

I walked over to her crib to see her moving her mouth open her eyes squinted

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I walked over to her crib to see her moving her mouth open her eyes squinted. I giggled and reached down to pick her up she was slightly behind in development she couldn't lift her head yet. I rested her head in the corner of my neck as i held her high. I walked back to my bedroom seeing Fp sitting up.  I strutted over to him and handed him Ella who was still slightly crying. I took a picture of them. Fp looked at it and smiled widely. "Thats ma girl"I nodded and kissed him softly.

"Do you want me to  make you breakfast in bed handsome i need to do her bottle anyway"I questioned he nodded shyly "Fp Jones don't you dare get shy with me"He rolled his eyes "Al can i take you girls somewhere today just us three. I want to drive out of Riverdale take you shopping for lunch and go to the park"My smile beamed as i nodded he smiled too.

"I will eat your lovely breakfast. Pop home get dressed then say i am working over night spend tonight here if possible then tomorrow i will talk to the kids about me divorcing Gladys"I felt my heart warm even more. 

"If our daughter wasn't on your chest i would be on you Forsythe"He groaned. I walked out and down the stairs my mother left a note saying goodbye. I nodded and started making pancake batter. I left the batter in the jug and fried some bacon and eggs on another plate. Whilst they fried i made up Ella's formula milk. Once the eggs and bacon were fried and milk was warmed i made 6 pancakes. 4 for Fp to go with his bacon and eggs then 2 for me. I placed the 3 plates on a tray with the bottle and carried it upstairs i placed it on the bed and ran back down the stairs on using my coffee machine i made Fp a coffee with 3 sugars and a lot of milk just the way he likes it.As i carried the mug i used my other hand to grab Ella's small bouncer chair. I carried them both to my room I placed the coffee on the side and took the small baby from Fp's chest and placed her in the chair. I strapped her in and let her babble away. I placed the tray in FP's lap and took my plate.

"Jeez Al your amazing how just how"I giggled and kissed his nose. "Eat up Jones"He nodded. I ate my pancakes luckily he still had a lot on his plate.

"I will get some clothes on whilst you eat"He nodded i kissed him gently. "Get yourself ready i will feed and burp her then when i leave you change her i am sure that will 20 minutes you will spend ages getting her ready."I knew he was right. I kissed him again and walked to my drawer. I pulled on a pair of black jeans and a light blue blouse. I walked to my en suite and changed. I brushed my hair and applied my make up. I walked into the room 30 minutes later to see Fp fully changed Ella was on the bed with her teddy. He came up to me and kissed me deeply.

"You look so beautiful Al, I will be 1 hour maximum okay."I wrapped my arms around his neck "We will take my car handsome it has her seat installed it'll be easier"He nodded and smacked my ass. 

"Laters sexy"and with that he was gone. Leaving me with my gorgeous baby. "I love your daddy so much Ella. I think we need to go out and do something now"I said rushing to get her dressed. I changed her nappy and pulled on her white vest which had a huge butterfly on it. It was April now so still a little cold. I pulled out a pair of baby pink tights. It was hard to get them on as she was still so tiny. After that i pulled a floral dress over her head the pulled a small pink cardigan over her arms.

 After that i pulled a floral dress over her head the pulled a small pink cardigan over her arms

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(outfit but on a slightly smaller baby)

I picked her up and went to her bedroom i placed her in her cot so i could pack the changing bag.I packed 2 spare vests a baby grow 6 nappies , cream, wipes. nappy bags, 4 bottles of milk just in case. I grabbed her favourite pink blanket and teddy and ran down stairs and to the car throwing them in the back. I went back upstairs and picked Ella up again this time grabbing her little rattle and snuggle. I carried her downstairs and to my car where i strapped her into her car seat. I wrapped her blanket around her and gave her, her dummy. "Gorgeous"I smiled. The hospital was a 10 minute drive i had about 50 minutes. So i locked my door quickly and went back to my car and drove quickly. I got there in 6 minutes. I unstrapped Ella and picked her up. I walked into the ward smiling.

"Hello i would like to possibly update my daughters birth certificate and change her second name"I smiled she nodded and pointed me to the office where i met a lady.I explained a little and then she printed 3 documents. 1 stating Ella's full name. the second being one i had to sign the other being her birth certificate. This would surprise Fp. I but it carefully in my bag a drove home. 10 minutes to spare. I quickly got out the car grabbing my bag and getting Ella. Once in i placed her in her jungle gym whilst i photo copied and laminated both copies. I hid mine in the drawer and put FP's in my bag. A knock soon echoed my living area. I walked to the door and opened it. Instantly he pushed me back to wall his lips on mine. "I missed my girls"I shook my head and kissed him again. "Come on big guy"I patted his chest his lips met mine again and he picked up his daughter "She looks gorgeous Ali"I smiled "Thank you, Buggy is in the car already with the changing bag and her blanket, snuggle rattle and teddy"I let a breath out 

"Alice your amazing baby girl"Fp said he planted a kiss on Ella then on me. I unlocked my car so he could strap her in, I grabbed my bag and locked the door. I threw Fp my keys "You wanna drive"I asked he nodded

"Ali i am gonna fuck you so good later trust me"I blushed 

"Sweet talk Jones Sweet talk"He chuckled watching the road indicating. 

"Well what can i say me and mini me are always excited for you"I rolled my eyes

"Smoooothhhh Forsythe Pendelton Jones Junior"I teased he swatted my thigh. I used a special mirror i had to see Ella had fallen asleep.

"She's amazing Ali"I nodded "She is"FP drove 2 hours until we reached a beautiful shopping centre we went for lunch first which was when i was giving him the birth certificate.I grabbed the bags and Fp got the buggy. He set it up then picked up our sleeping baby. Laying her down he covered her with the blanket and placed her things around her. I placed my bag under the buggy and as a trio we walked into a small cafe.

"Fp can i give you something"I questioned once we had sat he nodded. I pulled out the laminated certificate and handed it over to him. He gasped

"Alice this is amazing. Thank you i... i don't know what to say"Tears filled his eyes he leaned over the table and caught my lips on his.

"Ella-Mae Forsythia Jones"Her names rolled off of his tongue naturally.

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