Unleashed secrets

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When you think things can't get worse they always do. No matter what the Smith girls did there was always trouble. That was what Alice would soon find out. It was Saturday the 11th of September. Ella was now 9 months old. Betty and Jug buried their son last week he was buried next to his uncle Charles and Auntie Polly. Both who died. Charles died when he was 1 day old he was premature. Hal Cooper made sure he covered it up and forced Alice to go back to school. Then her daughter Polly. She lived until she was 9 months old then died suddenly unexplained. Alice after that was broken which was why Betty and Ella were her main priorities. Alice smiled as she added the last bit of furniture to Jelly bean's room. Today was the day they moved in.Along with Fp. Jughead moved in when Betty was discharged as promised he moved in to support the newly 20 year old girl. 

Alice smiled and picked up Ella from her play mat. "Hello gorgeous girl we have dinner today its Uncle Freddie's birthday."Alice cooed her daughter. She dressed her in a pink dress and light cardigan. Alice found herself wearing a skin tight black dress with her black leather jackets and black heels. Her hair was perfectly curled. She thought tonight would be perfect but it was going to be far from perfect. Alice walked down the stairs to be greeted with a crying Jellybean.

"Jb sweetheart whats happened"She asked in worry "Dad.... he kissed mum and said he....he loved her... i heard them doing it last night"Alice's heart shattered into millions of pieces she pulled the younger girl into her arms "You can still live here baby. You have a home here with me Ella,Betty and Jug"Alice looked at the girl who smiled "Really Ali i can "Alice nodded and squeezed her "Now go dry your pretty tears get ready and lets rock this party"Alice was ignoring her pain. Trying to forget her pain she blinked it away. She squeezed her younger daughter and then Jughead came down. 

"My dad lost out his loss. Betty had something to do in Centerville she will meet us there. Alice i will be here for you. My dad is a weak coward. He lost something good with you. I will never hurt Betty the way he hurt you i promise"Alice hugged the younger boy. He may only be 20 but he was wise. He took Ella from her grasp "I will get her strapped in you get her bag and Jelly"Alice nodded and walked up the stairs to see Jelly standing blood dripping from her arm. She gasped

"Jelly bean sweetheart"Jelly jumped and began to sob. Alice rushed over to the girl. "Sweetheart"

"I tried. I was happy. Dad ruined it. I was so happy with our family. I was so happy"Jellybean sobbed. Alice looked at the 13 year old

"I will clean this now. Then tomorrow i will take you to the doctors to discuss your feelings okay. Now your a very beautiful young girl i know you have that long sleeved jumper dress. Go put that on with your necklace black tights and small heeled ankle boots. "Jelly bean hugged her step mother tightly 

"I did this last year mum laughed"Alice shook her head "I will never laugh baby. Come on sweetheart"Alice pulled herself up and took Jelly to the bathroom. Alice cleaned the small cuts on the girls upper arm, She bandaged them then allowed her to get dressed. 10 minutes later she came out in a jumper dress that reached just above her knee with black tights and ankle boots. Alice smiled "Beautiful"Alice gripped her hand and they walked down together Alice grabbed the bag. They walked outside to see Jughead bouncing his younger sister, Then it happened her first word normally is mumma or dadda but hers wasn't they all went eye wide when the little girl babbled "Juggie"In her language.

"OH WOW FIRST WORDS AND ITS JUG WHOOOP"Jughead cheered they all cooed over the baby before driving to Veronica Lodge's speak easy.  Jughead carried his youngest sister and ALice linked arms with Jelly. When the four walked in jaws dropped.

"Wow Alice."Fp said she brushed him off Jelly and Jug both scoffed. They moved to the table Jughead sat Ella in the high chair inbetween him and Alice he left a seat for Betty on his other side.Jelly bean invited Fangs to sit next to her FP looked down sadly he didn't know what had happened. "Juggie"Ella babbled again. "Woahhh whose a big girl"Fred cooed 

"Yep first words are Juggie."Alice laughed Then Gladys came in with 3 huge hickeys. Alice sucked in her breathe. Everyone soon took their seats. 

"Where is Betty"Archie asked 

"Centerville business to attend"Jughead spoke proudly "He's being a swoon."Jelly bean laughed

"Well i have the most gorgeous girl by my side. And the most wonderful sisters and the best un blood related mother anyone could ask for"Jughead gestured to Alice.

"Aww Jug your a family man"Sweet pea teased. "Nah i just wanna sort my life out"As Jughead said that heels could be heard. "Hey you"Betty smiled walking in and she looked drop dead gorgeous

"Jeez my bestie is hot"Kevin cheered Betty rolled her eyes and pulled something out of her back. Only Jughead would know what it was and when she held it up he felt his heart beast faster.She held a book. A hardback cover book, Called "The Tail Of The Town"Jughead's words wandered 

"Betty you didn't"His smile radiated.

"I did. Jughead Jones has a book being released in over 15,000 stores world wide. It has been signed and my very dear friend decided to publish your book. So Juggie your now a author"Jughead had been knocked back by many publishers.Alice looked at her daughter amazed. Jughead ran from his seat and to his girlfriend lifting her in the air. "Your amzing thank you"He planted a long loving kiss to the girls lips she giggled. "Anything for my Jug Bug"He loved the nick name, He clasped her hand and took the book and showed everyone.

"Woah Jug" Veronica gasped 

"She is amazing isn't she my Betty"Jughead kissed her again and again. 

"Alice can i have ear plugs tonight please"Jelly sighed "You'll need them"Jughead smirked Betty rolled her eyes. "yea yea Jones"Betty giggled.Fp watched them envying the love.

"Soooooo Gladys and Fp you both have hickeys i heard you were divorcing"Sierra said Gladys smirked

"We were going to. But we spoke and confessed our love. We just had a bad patch but we are actually re newing our vows again"Alice felt a lump in her throat. She watched Betty's posture as Betty went to say something Jughead kissed her. "Chill"Betty felt her blood boil

"Fp really?  You sleep with my mum tell her you love her. Make all these plans your just a liar"Everyone looked shocked with the girls out burst. "She is right. You promised me dad you promised"Jelly bean sobbed. Alice wrapped her arm around her 

"Its okay sweetheart"Alice kissed her head. "Juggie i love you"Betty whispered moving to sit on his lap he hugged her from behind and snuggled his face into her neck."Ella screeched loudly her loud screams only made Fp want to hold her, He stood up but was pulled back by Gladys. "Leave the bastard baby."Jelly bean snapped and ran out. 

"JELLY"Alice shouted "Betty"Alice nodded at her daughter Betty kissed Jug and walked away chasing the young girl.

"Really my baby is 9 months old.It is not my fault your husband got me pregnant.He begged to be in her life. Now he is walking out of it again. My Baby deserves Better. Jelly bean deserves better. She was happy. Gladys she told me what you said to her. I know you know what i mean. And i am telling you now. That girl is not going home with you. And Fp you back the hell away. You stay away from me,her and Ella."Jughead stood.

"That goes for me and Betty too. I can't forgive you dad."Jughead shook his head. Then Betty ran back down "Mum Jelly needs you.Me and Jug will take Ella for the night she needs you"Alice nodded "NO funny business near my baby"Alice warned Betty giggled. "We will wait"Betty smiled Alice walked out leaving the young couple.

"Betty Jug please"Fp pleaded. 

"Forsythe no. You lost us"Betty said picking up Ella.

"Dad you messed up. Lost out on something big. Loosing me and Jelly in the process"Jughead shook his head in dissapointment

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