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Last chapter guys! I thoroughly loved writing this story thank you so so much for reading,commenting and voting it makes it all worth it. I will now publish the first chapter of my new story, thank you so much, enjoy xx

Life in Riverdale went on as expected, time went on, families grew, some separated, others became stronger.

Lets start with the evil, Gladys Jones, She managed to find Hal Cooper, who some how survived being shot down by police, he escaped prison plenty of times. They shockingly fell in love, they knew they could never live in this town where they were both wanted, so they got themselves a car, drove far away, until they got a ferry, to a Island where they would never be found again. Or so they thought. Penny Peabody tracked them down. shot them both then herself. Ending the fear of all three. 

An unexpected scandal came to light, a dreaded affair, Hiram Lodge and Penelope Blossom, they had been together for ten years, without any one knowing, a secret affair, they had two love children together, Rio and Melissa . It was of course a shock to the town, but they were happy, it was never anything anyone would have seen happen, but it did, once their affair was outed they bought a house together and married, they were happy together, madly in love. Rio and Melissa both succeeded in their life, with thriving parents, a welcoming community, and the bestest friends. Melissa when she was old enough moved to Chicago, had children, met her husband and became a well known author. As his father Rio was a business man with his father.

It took Hermione a while to get over Hiram, and the fact her first Love Fred had of course died, she spent years with Veronica in a deep depression. Until the one, the right one, joined their team at Jones and Blossom. Micheal Dolan. He had 4 children of his own. They embraced Hermione. Over the years they fell deeply in love, madly. Hermione moved out of Veronica's home and into Mike's as she called him, and eventually they married, adopted 2 children, siblings, who had been rescued from a abusive father and drug addict. So together they raised Sophia and Leo Dolan. Sophia became a successful doctor and Leo became a surgeon. Both married and had children

Veronica and Sweetpea, they were one of the families to grow, expand and love deeper, they married when Curtis was six years old. Veronica along side Betty and Cheryl bought out Multiples design lines, clothing lines and furniture. Sweet pea, he worked well as the technology CEO at the company, they bought them self a huge house, adopted 2 dogs, Benji and Chunky. They raised Curtis to be a polite young man along side their 2 other children. Chloe and Mason. Curtis followed his father into a life of tech, he met the love of his life, Joey, they met in college, started as best buds but soon realised they were more, they married. Mason was in Uni, with someone the family loved very much, Veronica was more then happy to welcome into her family, she had always been close to them, Chloe, she was amazing, joined design with her mother, and loved design, at 16 she had is all mapped out with what she wanted. 

As for Cheryl and Toni, they were amazing. Continue the business of course, raised Everly. She became a strong young woman, following her mothers footsteps.  Cheryl and Toni married, they went on Holiday's they fell in love more and more everyday. They soon decided to have another baby, the sperm bank came in handy and Toni carried their babies. You heard right, Toni birthed twins. Elijah and Nick.  They taught their children everything they needed to know, manors, language, posture and education. Everly was in a relationship with Leo Dolan The adopted son of Hermione and Mike. Elijah being 18 was about to leave to study the human body and then there was sixteen year old Nick who was madly in love with Chloe Connor.

Archie and Josie, they wrote songs together, they left the company and moved away, they left Riverdale. Raising Freddie Andrews in New York. They became well known for their love songs and rock music. They had two more child together. Two girls Valerie after Val who sadly passed away in a fire. The Maria, after Mary, who two sadly passed away only a year after the Jones twins were born with stage four cancer. It was a shock, it caused heartbreak. Shattered hearts. Buried alongside Fred, she was dearly missed, in memory Josie and Archie wrote a song. Freddie began working in construction in memory of his grandpa. Maria, worked with her parents, writing songs. Valerie, she took up her Grandma's passion. She became a lawyer.

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