Home sweet home

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Fp's eyes fluttered open and felt a smile on his face. Alice's back was pressed against his body. Her soft skin rubbing against his as she fidgeted. Her soft blonde hair tickled his nose. He planted soft kisses to her shoulder and neck. Alice was now 27 weeks pregnant making Betty 13 weeks pregnant. Fps hand rested lightly on her bump as his baby kicked beneath it. "Stop kicking you little shit"Alice grumbled. "Can't wait to see everyone especially Ella and Jelly"FP whispered kissing the golden skin beneath him. "Mhh me too handsome. i love you so much baby."Alice looked at her sparkling ring and smiled. "I am going home as Mrs Jones to be"FP chuckled at her cuteness. "You are Ali, now you my gorgeous go do whatever whilst i cook some grub" Alice nodded turned around and pecked his lips softly. "My handsome Jonesie"Fp felt his cheeks flush red and he ran off. Alice smiled and pulled herself from the bed she changed into her large knickers and black leggings. On top she threw on Fp's plain grey t with his zip up hoodie. She waltzed to the suitcase and pushed it down she neatly folded up the clothes she had washed yesterday and placed them neatly in the case. She zipped it up and placed it with the other 2 cases they packed last night. "Ali breakfast"Alice giggled slightly and danced out to her fiance. "Are they my clothes mrs"He pointed his finger and acted serious "Yes they are"Alice rolled her eyes and FP pulled her into him kissing her neck. "Eat up gorgeous"Alice kissed him deeply with passion. Fp dotted around making sure everything was packed.  He loaded everything onto the water taxi as Alice finished her breakfast and cleaned the plates. They locked up the cabin and headed off. When they got to the air port Alice checked them in as Fp took their luggage to the terminal. They sat in comfortable silence until their flight was called. They took their seats and prepared themselves for the journey. It was 9am here and a 10 hour flight home, but Riverdale was 3 hours a head of Hawaii so it would be 10pm in Riverdale when they got home. FP messaged Jughead and worry swept through him when he got a call. Luckily their was 30 minutes until the flight left, he answered slowly "Jug"Then he heard his sons soft sobs."We are in hospital dad, Betty is bleeding they are doing tests. The baby is okay but they think that my little bug might have an illness or their is a chance Betts has cancer"Fp sucked in and felt a tear slip down his face. "Son i am so sorry, we will come straight to you"Jughead sniffled "Cheryl and Toni are out our house with Roxy,Millie,Smokey,Bella,Ella and Jellybean"Fp wiped his tear "Okay son take care"

"Fp sweetie whats happened"Alice asked he turned to her and took her hands in his "Its Betty, they think the baby is sick,or that she could have cervical cancer"Alice felt the tears instantly fall from her eyes. She rubbed her bump "I hope its neither she has been through so much"Fp nodded and kissed her head. He wiped her tears as she snuggled into his chest. The plain took off Smoothly and Fp unclipped his and Alice's seat belts letting her fall into a peaceful slumber on his chest. Veronica had sent her driver to pick them up and then take their luggage home. Fp spent the journey watching his fiance sleep, thinking about his daughter in law, his unborn grandchild and unborn baby. Every time something good happened something bad outed it. Fp fell asleep for an hour before waking up to Alice lightly stroking his cheek. "We are landing handsome"Fp kissed her head and sat up. He pulled his seatbelt over his body and did Alice's too. "I am scared for them Ali. they don't deserve this"Alice wiped his tear and kissed his nose "We will help them through it."Fp nodded and clasped her hand. Once the flight had landed they went through security and Andre collected their luggage.Once at the hospital they requested Betty's room and ran off to it.  They walked into to see a sleeping Betty clutching her stomach. Jughead sat on the chair beside her bedside her his head resting om her hand. As they entered the nurse came in. "Miss Smith,Mr Jones"Jughead's head snapped up he nodded and gently awoke his girlfriend "Princess wake up the nurse is here"Betty's eyes fluttered open and she pulled Jughead's hand he took the hint and got into the bed Betty instantly snuggled into him. 

"We have the test results and we can positively confirm that it isn't cervical cancer"Betty let out a loud sigh of relief "What is wrong with our baby"Betty questioned the doctor sighed sadly "I can confirm that your baby as a growth deficentcy. You may only be 13 weeks  pregnant but the baby is growing slower. then expected The procautions of this are early labour and this would could be up to 2 months early. Your baby would suffer long term from this. When the baby is born they will need to be taken into a incubator, Speech will be delayed it'll take longer for the baby to be able to feed themselves, delayed reaction time but the baby should over time grow as they should but the first 5 years they will be highly dependant on you both, and as a doctor i say if you can't handle that then an abortion is the best option"Betty nodded her head slowly and looked at Jughead "Its our baby, our child, we will die for them, So no we will not have an abortion"The nurse nodded "I would like to see you every 2 weeks from now on as i said Betty is 11 weeks pregnant. At 19 weeks we will be able to tell you the sex. So 2 months. From now i can tell you at that point you will be for and half months pregnant. We expect you to go into labour at 7 months pregnant.Which of course itself is only 3 and half months away"Alice gasped "I am due to go into labour then"The nurse nodded slowly. "Your free to go home"Betty nodded and Jughead sighed he kissed his girlfriend gently. "Betts we are strong okay we will get through it i promise you. Now i will ring ahead get Cheryl to...."Jughead was stopped when Veronica walked in "Hey B, Mrs J to be, Jug, Mr Jones, Cheryl and TT took the kids back over earlier so they are home for you all asleep. Roxy is in her tree but Millie wouldn't leave Bella as obviously they are the same breed Millie is older but keeps humping poor little Bella and Smokey is in his cat tree"Jughead hugged Veronica and whispered "We can't go on holiday"Veronica nodded and took in a deep breathe. "I know this is the worse timing but B i am pregnant"Betty smiled lightly and hugged Veronica "Congragulations V, Now go relax"Veronica hugged her best friend and left the room. "Jughead walked to Betty and picked her up as Veronica came back in "TT just rang to say Alice and FP should stay with you guys tonight but come back to the house at about 7am before Jellybean and Ella wake up"They all nodded and Betty snuggled her face into the crook of Jugheads Neck. He carried her out followed by Alice and Fp. Once he had everyone in the car he drove them home as he arrived he pressed the button on his keys allowing him to open the garage and drive straight in. He opened the door that had 6 steps that led into one of the Hallways which had another set of stairs that lead to the basement. He opened the third door which led onto the kitchen. He went back to his car and picked up a sleeping Betty. Carefully he carried her up the first set of small steps. Through the kitchen and living room to the main stair case. He carried her into their bedroom and pulled of her leggings and top followed by her bra which was replaced by his shirt. He placed her in the bed and kissed her head "Sleep tight Angel and my little Beanie"He waled down the hall and shut the door which had the stairs that lead to the biggest room upstairs which had 1 huge bed with a single bed as they hadn't moved it around. They had 4 bedrooms on the second floor with a office and main bathroom.2 of the rooms had ensuites. 

"Sorry about that, want a beer dad, Milkshake Alice"Jughead questioned as he opened the small door then Bella and Millie ran out. "Its meant to be my study but we made in the animal room we are getting a dog size flap put in the door. Smokey"He shouted and the little fluffy grey kitten ran down the stairs and jumped on the side as Jughead fed him ham.He grabbed Alice's favourite milkshake and a beer for his dad.

"This place is amazing Jughead"Jughead Chuckled "Betty,Veronica and Cheryl have good taste. I chose my office decor luckily Betty liked it. We have a huge bookcase in their along with a sofa,2 desks a tv and we still have a huge space in the room"FP chuckled slightly as Alice curled into him"How are you both"Jughead looked down "Well the sex is amazing still, Sorry Alice,. I plan on in a few weeks setting out a romantic scene in mine and Betty's favourite place then i'll propose"Alice squealed "Amazing"

"I know its sad about Betty but it really is home sweet home"

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