Broken Bonds

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(Guys i know what is gonna happen with Betty's baby so  please expect heartbreak)

1 month later

Her life was a repetitive circle. She was always back in the same place. Jughead used to be full of love and promises but after promising her and her unborn baby the world he turned his back and screwed someone else. Betty was just a confused 19 year old girl. Every one forgot their promises to save the blonde. So here she was alone. All alone beside a man she knew had slept with another girl hours before. Her wrist ached her neck was swollen. She was happy for her mother. She was secretly seeing Fp well Betty knew as did JB and Jughead but they were all so excited. They just needed to wait for the divorce papers. As Alice finally found her place with Fp Betty began to wiggle herself in deeper with this boy. She was lying to him she told him the baby was his but he said he didn't care and if it was meant to be it would be. 

Her eyes were red and puffy as she laid on the soft mattress in a tight ball ignoring all of her pain. She glanced over at her clock 6am. Another day of lies. Another day of pain hiding behind her make up. She pulled herself from the comfort of her bed and walked to the kitchen and began making Jacob's favourite. Bacon with fried eggs and pancakes alongside a tea. She made his breakfast and like every monday morning she placed the tray on the bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed she ran her small thumb along his cheek. "Jakey wake up breakfast baby"His eyes opened and he smiled widely and instantly he kissed her Betty was confused "Your amazing Betty. I am going therapy i need to be Better for you and our baby i love you both so much. We are having lunch at the La Bonne Nuit today,"Betty nodded and held in her sigh she knew Mondays were the day everyone met up. She kissed him gently.

"I'll iron your clothes"She smiled but he pulled her back to him and onto the bed. "You rest your eyes. I will eat and sort out outfits then we can shower together okay"Betty smiled she knew this was a act but she felt wanted and loved.And when your so confused and vulnerable you really except any attention anyone is willing to give. Betty snuggled into his side he chuckled and kissed her head "I love you so god dam much"Betty couldn't help but smile. "I love you so much Jakey"He ate his breakfast and carefully moved. He was really trying to change his ways. He chose the most elegant blue dress for Betty to wear.He hung it on the door and ironed his shirt. He cooked her chocolate chip pancakes with a tea and went to wake her

"Hey sleep head. Breakfast is served"Betty's smiled made his heart flutter he loved her he did but he had a inner monster. A darkness. "Thank you Jakey"Betty attached her lips to his. Before pulling away and eating her breakfast. Once she was finished he took her plate and washed it up. When he came back in he picked Betty up from the bed making her squeal. They walked to the bathroom. "Bath or shower"Betty asked he groaned as she bent over the tub "Bath"Betty nodded and put the plug into the bath.She poured in a load of bath bubbled and waited as the tub filled. She then added cold making sure the temperature was perfect. Jacob slipped his boxers down his legs and climbed in opening his legs so Betty could sit between them. She giggled and pulled his shirt over her head and removed her thong. He licked his lips looking over her body. She climbed in the bubbles instantly covering her soft skin. She settled inbetween his legs and for the first time in a long while they sat in content laughing with eachother smiling and having intimate moments.Jacob washed her hair and back which ended up with him inside of her and water everywhere. Betty smiled and cleaned the floor whilst Jacob shaved. Betty finished off the floor and then dried her hair. She did her makeup simple but elegant. She walked into the bedroom to see the most beautiful blue dress. She curled her hair and pushed it all to the side. Then finally. She pulled on her white laced thong then her dress. "Jakey zip me up please handsome"Betty called he came in and zipped the dress "You look divine princess"Betty blushed and he pressed a soft kiss to her head "You look so sexy Jakey i like the formal look"He chuckled again "God Betty i want you again and again your always so tight"Betty went eye wide and giggled "I love you Jake. I am glad things are getting better"Betty smiled she had many bruises on her thigh from his hard grip and on large bruise on her side but none were visible. She was young and naive, She believed he was the only one who could love her.

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