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The words rang in her head as Cheryl held her. The look on his face when the words left the mouth of the woman. "Mr Clarke you have been found guilty for the crime of rape. You will now be taken to the county sheriff's department. Next week you will be sentenced."He was removed from the court officers on each arm.He pleaded for mercy as he was carried away. Cheryl and Mary squeezed Betty as justice was served. Alice and Chuck ran to them as they huddled for a group hug. Betty being the main receiver. "Thank you"Betty whispered to Mary. "Betty you don't need to say thank you. It's my job"Mary and Sierra hugged her tightly. "I need to get to my next client."Sierra hugged them all again and left. "Lets deliver good news"Cheryl squeezed Betty's shoulder.

"I wander how they are getting on"Toni repeated for the fifth time as she paced the room. The meeting room was full. Everyone awaiting the return. "I hope they are okay"She was on edge pacing back and forth. Worry combing her body. "Mumma"Everly babbled. Toni picked her up. "Hey baby"She squeezed her tightly bouncing her up and down. Olivia slept soundly in the office with Gemma. "So Jones we hear you and Mrs Jones are trying for another baby"Archie wiggled his brows. "We are, we aren't getting younger. I wasn't there for Ella, And i may have been with Dylan for a while but i missed alot because i was drinking, i missed his first kick. And the gender scan. I want to be there with her. From when the baby is conceived until when i die"FP explained "Deep"Jughead smirked "Dude you and Betty will have four i reckon"Jughead shook his head "Three"Pea punched him "Ronnie how many more"Pea asked "1 or two more"he punched the air "me and Archie are having one more"Josie smiled. "Of course Fred is only 1 and 6 months but"Archie shrugged "We don't plan one any time yet. So i reckon dad your the next baby bearer"Fp shrugged "I can't wait. Alice is the one for me."He sat back in his chair.

The car had pulled up outside Chuck opening their doors having arrived minutes before. Betty,Alice and Cheryl were walking together, Mary had a call and Chuck was hungry. They strolled into the building smiles on their faces. They noticed everyone in the meeting room, "Did they miss us that much"Betty joked. They pushed the door open and the room fell into silence."Well guys guess who didn't get sued for wrongful termination"Cheryl cheered "Guess who did get found guilty of.."Betty stopped Cheryl hugged her as everyone cheered. "She did amazing"Alice kissed her head "So did your Mum Arch. She was brilliant. Especially when the bastard bought Olivia into it."Betty smiled "He did WHAT"Jughead slammed his hand on the table. "He claimed Olivia was his and he wanted a paternity test. He knew it would buy him time. Luckily we had proof he hadn't even been hired when Betty fell pregnant. And we had already gotten proof. Of course we knew Olivia's was Jugheads. So we got her blood type and it didn't match Mark"Alice kissed Betty's head. "Juggie want to go home"Betty asked.He nodded and ran to her lifting her into his arms and with that they left. Everyone dispersed. 

"You look sexy"Fp whined as Alice worked around their office. "Your so horny"She continued work. "Its not my fault you insist on wearing sexy tight skirts around"She swatted his arm. "Your no naughty"He shruggd. "Punish me"He growled. "Mr Jones"She shook her head leaning to his ear. "Lock the door"He bolted up locking the door. He moved to Alice stripping her of her clothes before taking her on the desk.

"Woah"She panted some time after. Fp's arm around her holding her tightly. "Jesus we were so loud"She kissed his chest. "I'm tired"She whispered letting her eyes close she fell asleep in his arms on the sofa of their office. "Your so beautiful"He whispered as her chest rose up and down. She was snuggled into his chest wearing only the thong she had pulled back on. He pulled the blanket over them and held her tighter to his chest. Hours later they awoke. "Ali baby we need to get up, my mum messaged she had to get the kids we fell asleep"Alice shrugged and pulled him closer. "I love you Jones"She kissed his neck gently

"I love you too Al, unconditionally" He kissed her softly holding her body close to his.

Sorry for the short chapter guys

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