Not as it seems

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After that amazing night they had spent together Fp hadn't contacted Alice. He began sleeping with Gladys again. Jughead and Betty had became close again until Jacob was released from prison he only got a 2 week sentence and of course Betty ran back to him. He bought them a flat and they moved out. Betty was mess her emotional state got worse everyday. It had been 6 weeks since the miscarriage and Betty was in a situation. She found out she was pregnant. She made a mistake. She had sex with Jughead Jones in a moment of passion and lust 1 month ago the night before Jacob was released. Now she was carrying his baby. She was stuck in her emotion he wouldn't let her leave the flat she tried so hard but she couldn't. Betty had been invited to a dinner at the La Bonne Nuit with her friends and their families. She was lucky he was out of town for 2 weeks so she could go. 

She found a beautiful baby blue dress in the back of wardrobe she sighed looking at the bruises on her arms so along with that she pulled a black cardigan. Her makeup was simple her hair was curled. She was nervous she would be asked questions. She sighed and grabbed her shoes. She was driving in flats then changing to her white heel.

 She was driving in flats then changing to her white heel

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Betty drove remembering she would see Jughead. And her friends not forgetting her mother who would have her 4 month old sister along with her. Betty pulled up at Pops and removed her flats and pulled on her heels she grabbed her purse and stepped out of her car. The warm air radiating her soft skin. Betty walked into the diner passing a smile to pop. Walking down the the bar her heart pounded against her chest. Her heels made a noise as they hit the floor. Reaching the bottoms of the steps Alice spotted her daughter and practically ran over.

"ELIZABETH"She screamed embracing her daughter Betty winced making Alice pull away frown and shake her head. The Jughead came over making Betty smile "Juggie"Betty's smile was un missable my everyone. As was the way she hugged him tightly. Just as they were settling down her heart felt like it was going to stop when Jacob walked in.

"There you are sweetheart. Your still sick you should be home."Betty shook her head she knew he wouldn't hit her here. "I am staying with Mum and Ella whilst your out of town Babe"His face was full of anger. He coughed "Oh really we didn't discuss this i thought you were coming"Betty sighed"

"No Jake. You go i stay"Betty felt Alice grab her hand.

"We will look after her don't worry"He nodded and kissed Betty. He bit down on her lip making her wince. When he pulled away he just walked off.

"Jack ass"Betty shouted wiping the blood from her mouth. 

"Where is Ella"Betty asked "

"Your nan is here she has her. She also is poorly so"Betty nodded and looked at Jughead.

"B your guy is a ass he kissed Chloe last night"Betty heard many gasps.

"I guessed when he came home. Its no biggie he does it all the time"Betty sighed

"B that isn't right girl dump him"Betty looked down and sighed. She trusted everyone and she knew she had to leave him. 

"She tried too. 2 weeks ago. Landed her in hospital"Alice said Betty's head snapped up

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