A single fluter

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Small filler

Alice's PoV

My tears ran down my face dripping onto her hand. I haven't eaten or even slept i was just watching as my 20 year old daughter slipped away. It has been 4 weeks.And still she hasn't moved. In only 3 weeks Ella will be 1 year old.Christmas is nearing too. I was scared that i would never see her big blue eyes again. Her soft blonde hair now looked dirty,washed out wirey. Her glowing skin had now turned pale and greasy. She was cold. The only noise was the bleep of the machines.The constant bleep was the only thing keeping the last bit of my sanity. "Morning baby"Fp said walking into the room he kissed my head lightly i stood so he could take my seat and i could take his lap. His arms wrapped securely around me his chin rested on my shoulder his soft lips occasionally swiping my neck.Then in walked Jellybean and Jug.who was holding Ella.  His eyes were red and puffy. He sat beside his girlfriend and kissed her hand. "Hey gorgeous i miss you so so much we all do i have something"Jughead pulled out a tape recording

"They all recorded messages for her"Jellybean smiled i nodded happily .He pressed play and the voices began.

Josie- Hey B!We haven't spoke in a few weeks but babe i miss you. Your one of my closest friends you made me see the light when Sweetpea dumped me. You helped me through my tough times my rough times and my best times. Wake up please B stop being lazy i miss you love you girl

Toni- Hey princess its your favourite pink haired serpent. Miss you girl my trailer parties aren't the same without you and Jug snogging on my sofa and me warning you not to get anything on it. Your my sister in law and my bestfriend i need you i miss gossip i miss you hugs. Oh and B i am ready to tattoo you now i love you please wake up. 

And at that moment her hand twitched "She moved her hand Jughead"I spoke looking at her in hope. Jughead kissed her head softly and pressed play again.

Sweetpea- Yo yo hey Northside Princess. I actually miss your pastel pink. I know shock but Betts you really make us all so happy we need you back. We need you in our lives. We need our Betty back our princess i miss you Betty. So much i even used to have a crush on you. Sorry Jug. But Betty we all miss you. Wake up please we need bughead babies.

Kevin- B ITS YOUR BEST GAY i miss you so so much i have gossip and everything. I need you to help me B relationship advice.I want to hug you and tell you its okay but wake up first please. B my life has lost its shine and Jug he needs you love you girl.

Veronica-Hey my beautiful B, Its not the same without you. The meetings are just sad and my V needs its B. I need you to teach me your ways. I need you to hug me and tell me i am wrong i need a strong girl by my side i need you to kiss my head and say you want to go clubbing. I need you so bad i need my girl. I just want you back B.

Then it happened her eyes fluttered and our hearts filled with hope.

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