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Alice slowly began to heel. Fp kissing her and touching her keeping her safe. Holding her through the tough times. She had began to hate her body. Looking at the wounds the knife had inflicted. Fp of course told her how perfect she was. He complimented her reassured her but she still covered herself. In intimate moments she would cover her side.In the shower she wouldn't let him wash that side of her. It had only been six weeks since the incident so he was trying his best. With it now being The near end of June the 2nd Birthday of Dylan was nearing. "Hey sexy"Fp whispered coming behind her she went to cover her side but his hand grabbed her arm first. "Princess you look gorgeous, your body is perfect, Alice, size doesn't matter to me, your scars make you more unique. You are so bloody beautiful Al, i can't express it, I am so in love with you, your the love of my life, the mother of my children, my wife"Alice slowly moved FP's hand. So it could trace the three marks. Fp dropped to his knees she frowned. He allowed his fingers to trace the marks and he gently kissed her side. His soft lips brushing her skin. "I love you"He whispered kissing back up her body until their lips met he fingers tangled in her hair.He began pushing her backwards both oblivious to what was happening 20 minutes away in their offices. To there beautiful girl. 

"Mark please get off"Betty cried as he pinned her to his desk. The clear scent of alcohol on his breathe. He gripped her thigh roughly. She tried pushing him away but he wouldn't listen. He pulled up her skirt she tried kicking him away she said no over and over again but he would not take the answer.She kicked him off and tried to run only to be pulled back. He pulled the lace panties down her leg and began unbuckling her belt. He thrusted himself inside of her. She screamed out only to have her mouth covered. He continued and continued ignoring her begs and screams were ignored. He pushed her back down her chest was firmly in his desk,He pushed deeper inside of her, his grunts loud. Her tears slipped down her cheeks as her mascara ran down her face. With a few more thrusts he pulled out of her. She let a sob over take her body. Finding her strength she kicked him hard. She ran back to her office and locked the door. Calling the one person she trusted. Her sister. "Betts its 10pm"Cheryl moaned "He..he rap..ed me"She sobbed "Who Jughead"Cheryl questioned "Mark"She whispered she heard the loud noised on the end of the phone "I am coming okay 6 minutes"Their house was closer to the office then Betty's. And as she said 10 minutes later a gentle knock came to the door. "Its Cheryl"She crawled to the door un locking the door."Jesus Betts"She looked at her. "Betty i need to call the police"Betty shook her head. "Please, no, don't. Just between, me and you."Cheryl looked at the bruised "Let me take a few pictures of your bruises in case okay"Cheryl took pictures of the bruises. Then she marched to his office. "YOUR FIRED"She screamed and with that she went back to Betty. "I'll call him, tell him your staying with me tonight."Betty nodded crading herself in the corner.Cheryl came back into the room and helped Betty up. She limped to the car. Cheryl drove them to her home and helped Betty out. "I still have your room here, i love you."Betty left her clothes outside the room. Cheryl used her initiative. She took Betty's clothes and placed them in a plastic bag keeping that bag with the printed out pictured in a cupboard. "Hey baby. Everly is Fed and Changed"Toni smiled kissing Cheryl's lips "Thank you TT, Betty is here tonight"Toni nodded, Cheryl said her good nights and headed to her bed. Nothing preparing them for the storm to come

2 weeks had passed. Not a word from Mark all was to good to be true. Luckily for Betty seeing as she only had only just had Olivia Jughead wasn't expecting sex. She was still mentally damaged. Disgusted when she looked at herself. "Morning gorgeous"He kissed her neck slightly she moved from his grasp.Olivia was 9 weeks old dependant on her parents. Today started as any usual day. Jughead and Betty woke. She gently kissed him, showered herself, dressed Olivia for the day packed her day bag. Made breakfast for Jughead. Fed Olivia, eat her breakfast then leave to Gemma's house. Dylan was now attending a day care, and Ella would be starting a pre school in the January.With Ella turning 4 and Dylan turning 2 time was moving quickly. The 12th June Betty and Jug spent with Olivia remembering Isla. It had been a year already since they lost her and a year since they found out about little Liv. Now 1 week into July the couple barely touched. Jughead didn't mind. He didn't read into it. And no one questioned the departure of Mark. But today it would all change. "Thank you Gemma"Betty smiled handing over Olivia kissing her head gently "I will send you pictures."Betty was working already. At the start they bought her in but now decided against it. In a huge room the floor above theirs building work was beginning for the creche, Soon enough the collegues would be able to leave their children their with the worked they would employ. With Curtis and Fred both being 1 year and 4 months old and Everly had just turned one on the 1st of July. All of the children were close in Birthdays and age. Of course the previous weekend was 4th of July. Most of them enjoyed the firework display where as Betty silently suffered. 

She pulled into the office and walked straight to the office she and Jug shared. She settled her stuff down and checked her schedule. A meeting in 5 minutes. Jughead walked in seconds after her "Hey baby you okay"Betty nodded. "I am all good Juggie"He sighed and nodded "Okay Beautiful i love you"He kissed her forehead. They grabbed their coffees and walked into their meeting room. Betty seated between Jughead and her mum "Hey nice hickey dad"Jughead teased. Fp pushed his tongue into his cheek once the meeting room was full the business talk began. "Upstairs is coming along well, i am proud"Fp smirked "We are doing very well in the business"Betty smiled thats when a male, tall slim built barged into the room Chuck followed he stormed to Betty's seat and threw a folder on the table. "i tried to stop him but he's a lawyer"Betty stood up "I'm Betty Smith"She held her hand out to have a file shoved into it. "And i will see you in court"And with that he left. Betty frowned and walked to Cheryl. They opened the file and read the opening "Suing for wrongful termination. Our Client was fired by Betty Smith and Cheryl Blossom with no given reason or circumstance. He was given no time to find a new job he was fired in the spot"Betty muttered. She looked at Cheryl, Sickness emerging in her stomach. "Betty"She looked up at her. But she ran out. "Mary your still a lawyer right"Cheryl asked Mary nodded "Good you may be my employee but you are now our lawyer. Me and Betty are being sued for wrongful termination."Cheryl shook her head. "Is anyone paying attention to the fact Betty ran out"Toni spoke Cheryl hummed "She needs a minute."Cheryl read over the file. Betty walked back in "Betty Mary is our Lawyer in this. We will have meeting after this. He's dragging us in the mud"Betty nodded

"Oh Cheryl. Two can play this game. The bastard chose the wrong people. Picking on two Blossoms both of which who were raised with serial killers. He thinks he picked an easy target. But hell. He chose the wrong bitches"

Heyyyy guys hope you liked this chapter written with the help of  kirby272 thank you for all of you amazing readers and supporters your votes and comments all mean so much. Check out my other story Facade-Falice. 

Hope you are all staying safe at this time,❤💕💜🐍💥

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