My Love

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Alice awoke a pain in her ribs as her baby kicked against her.As she had the last 3 mornings she dragged herself from the warm comfort of her bed. She packed her small suitcase and pulled on her leggings and Fp's shirt she had stolen.She tied back her hair into a bun grabbed her passport and bags. "Hey Nessa thank you so so much for letting me stay but my man needs me, My baby needs his daddy"Alice smiled as she scarred her bump. She politely kissed her sisters cheek and left. The taxi took her to the airport she would face the 2 hour plane journey and then Betty would meet her with Jellybean,Ella, and Jughead at the airport in Riverdale when she landed.They would drop her home Jug would take her bag in then the four were going to Cheryl's leaving Fp and Alice alone for the night. 

During the plane journey Alice read her book whilst listening to FP's playlist on her phone smelling his shirt every now and then the sweet scent of Calvin Klein seducing her nose. Jer stomach fluttered at his scent. She pulled out the picture of him from her purse and pressed her lips against it. "Home soon baby we will be back with you"Alice cried slightly realising how much she missed him. His scent, his touch,his smile.his embrace him inside of her. Everything. Her fists clenched into tight balls as the plane began to land. Her face scrunched tightly.When landed she got her suitcase, as it was light it was classed as head luggage. She pulled her case with her through the airport a large grin on her face when she saw SMITH AND BABY JONES written in bold on a large piece of card. She grinned and walked over "My favourite 4"Alice chucked bubt Jellybean shook her head "Five"Alice looked confused until Betty placed her hand on her flat stomach. "I am pregnant, 7 weeks"Alice squealed and hugged her daughter. That means when your brother is born 2 months later you will have a baby"Betty nodded then Jughead smiled proudly "And you have new neighbours. Me and Betts we bought it with the money we had for college but as She dropped and i ditched we bought it so we have a 5 bedroom house"Jughead kissed Betty's head as Alice hugged them tightly. Alice picked up Ella and cuddled her tightly then Jb. They walked to the car together, The April air was filled with the cold scent but the scent that proved winter was gone and spring was here. The drive to the house felt like hours for Alice she decided she'd leave her suitcase she just wanted to run into Fp's arms. He wasn't expecting her until tomorrow she hoped he would still be asleep. Once they pulled up Alice kissed them all and ran into her house happiness taking over her as she realised her man was still asleep. Alice let Millie in the garden and put out biscuits for Roxy. She put sausages and bacon in the frying pan whilst she made tea. Once the tea was ready she finished the sausages and bacon. She plaited them and the fried 2 eggs once they were ready she placed the breakfast in the grill to keep it warm. She made 2 plates of pancakes adding chocolate sauce and strawberry's to them both. She quickly ran to the cupboard where she kept her bag. Of pure lace lingerie and thongs. Of course she had loads upstairs but she liked to surprise him. She pulled her leggings and panties down her leg and pulled out the blue thong that matched Fp's shirt. She pulled it on resting the elastic under her bump. Now dressed how she wanted to be she grabbed the large tray and placed the 3 plates onto it with the cup of tea she smiled widely noticing a play pen in the corner.She noticed it was new and the fact that it was blue meaning it was for the baby.

She noticed it was new and the fact that it was blue meaning it was for the baby

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