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This story is sadly coming to an end i would say about four or five more chapters after this one then i will publish the first chapter to a story i recently started, Thank you so much i can't believe i have gone from having 460 reads on one story to 4k, it means so much thank you. Will you read my new fanfic if so comment below. 

The cold air nipped at them as they walked hand in hand down the streets of Riverdale. Looking over everything. On what the town had become. It had turned a new leaf. Not much crime, no serial killers or gargoyle kings. No affairs. Just love and enclosed warmth.With September coming to an end and the date of finding out the sexes neared Fp and Alice found themselves in their own bubble. Her face had turned rosy from the bitter air. "I love you Alice"Fp whispered into her hair lovingly as they made there way to the nursery. 

"Fred would be proud. Of everything this town has achieved i just wish he was here"Alice sadly looked down "Me too Ali. He didn't deserve to go so soon. But we are here. Archie is making him proud each day. We just have to thrive for him, make him proud."Alice squeezed Fp's hand. "I never thought i would see this day"Fp frowned down at her "What day"She rolled her eyes at him playfully. "The day i would be walking hand in with the man of my dreams to pick our younger babies up to take them to their grandparents until monday"Fp kissed her head "I know, But hey it means we sleep in before work tomorrow"Alice giggled. "I told your mum we would feed them so pops"Alice raised her brow. "How could i say no, i mean i have soldiers in there"Alice looked into his eyes stopping him from walking.

"I love you Fp. And in less then two weeks we will know if we are having two mini me's, two mini you's, Or a mini me and a mini you"Fp placed a soft kiss to her head. "I am happy as long as you are, how about tonight. We sit down and choose two girl names and two boys names"Alice nodded "And look at furniture online since we stupidly sold what we had knowing we would have another"Fp pulled her in closer. "Mhh i think we should decorate the nursery this weekend. Not mattering on gender. Just a nice neutral nursery"Alice bounced "Really"He nodded "Of course my love"They soon reached the nursery which had a pre school and day care attached to it. "I can't believe Ella starts school in January" Fp sighed "I know honey"Fp and Alice walked into the day care. "Mumma, Daddy"Dylan toddled to them "Hello big guy"Fp lifted him up.

"Dylan's speech is coming around very quickly.He can identify animals and the sounds they make"Fp gasped "Whose a clever boy" Alice cooed "Floor"He babbled. Fp settled him down "My parents will be bringing him and taking him tomorrow and monday"FP smiled "Thank you Mr Jones. Have a good weekend, see you tomorrow Dylan"Dylan waved and they walked out. Waiting for Ella outside. Soon enough her teacher was sending the kids to the parents she recognised. When she pointed out Alice and Fp her smile grew as normally Fp would so the school run "Mummy, Daddy"She screamed running to them Fp picked her up swinging her "Hey fire cracker"She giggled "Silly daddy"Alice kissed her head. "Okay we are going home, getting you troopers dressed and meeting Jelly belly and then your staying with granny and grampy"Alice cooed "yay"Ella squealed. They walked back to their house, playing numerous round of eye spy. 

"Jelly"Ella shouted walking in "Hey little one. I am ready"Jelly bean stood in grey joggers and a white crop top. "Your growing up to quick for my liking"Alice commented "I love you too mum"Jellybean smiled. "Mh still your getting older. Your thirteen"Jelly bean rolled her eyes "Fourteen soon"Alice groaned. "Come on kiddos lets get your bags sorted"Fp went with Dylan and Alice with Ella. "I love you mummy. And i love you babies"Ella kissed Alice's cheek then her stomach. "We all love you too gorgeous girl"Alice kissed her head. Once the bags were packed they tended to the animals and left.

"Okay Pop its a big one, please can i have the Fp normal, then the kids burger and fries with a chocolate milkshake and blueberry muffin. A pop double bacon cheese burger and fries with a salted caramel milkshake and chocolate muffin, the chicken nuggets and fries with fruit shoot and the chocolate yoghurt. Finally please can i have the southern fried chicken burger with fries and onion rings, a chocolate milkshake and salted caramel muffin, add chicken strips to that please"Fp let out a big breathe "You keep me in business Jones"Pop joked "I know,I know."Fp paid with his card and headed back to his family. 

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