New Routines

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And like that the time had come. The day Betty and Jughead finally got their baby girl home. Jughead had made sure everything home was perfect. The had bought the formula milk, the blankets, new clothes. He had made sure the house was clean and tidy. He had opened the curtains, bought nappies,wipes,cream and everything else she'd need.He had bought the car seat too. He had spent the past few days smiling, laughing and enjoying life as he and the woman of his dreams were preparing to bring their baby girl home. It was 10am on the 1st of October. Betty and Jughead locked their home and drove the distance to the hospital Betty's smile beaming. Her highlighter glowing. Her lashes fluttering. Her hair hung in loose curls, Her ripped white jeans clinging tightly to her legs emphasising her ass and gorgeous legs. The white v neck top exposing her chest matched with a camouflage jacket matched with her adidas pumps. Jughead looked down on her. His face filled with pride as he carried the polka dot car seat into the hospital. After collecting their baby girl they were heading to the La Bonne Nuit. Veronica was now 4 months pregnant, Archie had gotten Josie pregnant so there would soon be a baby boom on Riverdale. The families had gathered, The other half of the Jones'. The Lodge's plus Sweetpea, Fangs and Kevin, Cheryl and Toni, Penelope, Josie and Archie,Fred and Tom. 

They walked in hand in hand their joy wasn't hard to miss. Betty strutted into the room seeing the nurse finishing some tests. The room was now clear of their belongings they had taken them home last night. Betty smiled at her daughter who laid flat on her back a pacifier in her mouth her eyes closed. "She's been good since last night. It will be weekly check ups as i said her reaction time and movement will be delayed. She will most likely not crawl until 1 year old may 1 and a half years. She isn't expected to walk until 2 and a half maybe 3. Speech will be delayed until she is about 6 years old. By the time she is ten everything should be okay she will just be a small child"Betty and Jughead smiled and nodded. It would be a long road for them. But they were in love.Deeply madly and truly. Betty pulled out the black serpents baby grow and the jacket FP had made. She changed Isla's nappy and fed her before they left. Jughead pulled the soft pink beanie onto her head and for the first time in years he pulled on his beanie. Betty giggled and kissed his lips. He chuckled and took his baby from her motherly hold placing her in the car seat. He tightened her straps before covering her with the fluffy pink blanket. He tucked her soft bunny and kitten toys in her blanket. The pink pacifier in her mouth her bluey green eyes fluttering open and closed. "Well Betts lets get our girl home"Betty nodded and kissed his head then Isla's. They locked the Smith Suite and headed to their car "The business is doing well. Jelly loves bragging her brothers girlfriend and dad have their own private jet"Jughead chuckled as he strapped his daughter into the car. Betty checked the changing bag again and off they went.Driving to the Speak easy under pops. As they drove the soft humming of music disturbed the silence. Betty occasionally smiled at her boyfriend as soft babbles left Isla's mouth. Once outside of pops Betty unclasped her seat belt and opened her car door followed by Jug who slapped her ass "You looks flipping incredible"She kissed his soft plump lips softly and he kissed her forehead. I set the pink basinet up in our bedroom.I knew you wouldn't want her to far"Jughead spoke as he released the carseat from the belt keeping it steady. He used his strong hand to carry the baby and the seat the other hand clasped Betty's. She half turned locking the car door with the button as they walked into pops.

"Woah will you look at this my favourite detectives in love with this beautiful daughter"Pop cooed looking down at Isla. "She will have Betty's small appetite we think but love Chocolate milkshakes as whenever Betty snuggled her after a shower she makes weird noises. I think our next baby will have Jones apetite"Jughead chuckled and pop gasped "Already planning the second"They nodded "We want to wait 2 years but we said when it happens it happens no matter what we'll make it work"Pop nodded and kissed the baby's head "Bye Betty,Jughead and mini Jones"The couple smiled and walked down the grand stair case smiling as they walked in to see a table full of food with a huge cake. They turned the corner seeing everyone seated "BETTY, JUGHEAD"Jellybean squealed running to them."Hey JB. Hey guys this is wonderful"They said their hellos and Jughead placed Isla's seat next to Dylan's. Ella was running around like crazy with Jessie. Jessie is Kevin and Fangs adopted Son who they officially adopted 2 weeks ago She is turning 2 4 days after Ella. Her parents were drug addicts who both overdosed when she was 1 month old.  

"You looks amazing Betty"Fp smiled wrapping his arms around her "Thanks dad"She kissed his cheek and hugged her mother. "Hey mum"Alice squeezed her eldest daughter as Jughead,Sweetpea and Archie raided the food. "You guys are so cute together"Jellybean resorted the couple nodded then Betty spoke casually "Oh Jones and Blossom now own 4 villas. One in Sardinia, One in the Maldives, One in the Caribbean, One in the Canary Islands the last in Argentina"Cheryl coughed "Which one are we going to in December when we go away"Cheryl asked Betty shrugged "The best two whilst we have Ella,Dyl and Isla is Sardinia and the Canary Islands. But we have our boats out their too"Then in unison Cheryl,Toni,Jughead,Alice,Fp and Jellybean stated "The Canary Islands"Betty nodded "We don't really need to pack, Natalia asked me for our sizes and taste in clothes shes installing the wardrobes"They were living the luxury life "woah Richos" Hiram laughed they nodded and chattered. Until a baby crying echoed Betty knew it was her Isla. She stood up and walked to her baby picking her up rocking her gently. Soothing her. She walked back to the table the pink blanket wrapped around her body. Betty bounced her little girl as she walked soothing her gently. She sat down as her eyes fluttered open. "Hey gorgeous."Jughead whispered he placed a kiss on her head. Veronica squealed as Betty handed her Isla. Her arms wrapped tightly around the baby "awww she has a beanie, Betty's eyes and Jug's hair"The couple nodded. "May I"Hiram asked Betty looked shocked but nodded. Surprised as the elder man rocked and cooed her baby a smile on his face "uncle Hiram it is"Jughead chuckled Hiram looked up in happiness "Really"Jughead and Betty nodded as Isla let out a loud screech "Betty giggled and picked her up. "Hey baby its okay"Betty rocked her slightly before Cheryl held her. Herself and Toni cooing over her. Betty handed Isla to Alice who smiled down at her granddaughter just as Dylan began to cry. Fp stood up and picked up his son shocked at how much bigger Dylan was compared to tiny Isla. 

The evening went on everyone stealing cuddles from the babies. Everyone eating but soon Betty and Jughead excused themselves and headed home.Once home fussing their puppy and kitty. "Hey Juggie i was thinking, feed her, bathe her in the baby bath, then get her tucked up on our room then we can shower cuddled in bed and watch a film"Betty suggested, Jughead grinned "You make the bottle up and feed her i will get bed stuff ready"As he said he made the bath and Betty fed her. They gently bathed her and changed her into the pyjamas before placing her in the princess basinet Jughead had bought, They kissed her head and showered themselves, whilst also for 23 minutes their slapping skin and light moans were heard.They washed properly dried themselves, Changed into Pyjamas and cuddled into bed watching a film. Smokey curled on Jughead's leg Bella curled into Betty's side.

Next door Alice's lips were attached to Fp's as he thrusted inside of her. Their skin slapped as he roughly gripped her hips "Our kids sit on this sofa"Alice moaned FP chuckled "Shh Ali"He groaned into her neck as they finished together. They cleaned up and too showered. They turned on the baby monitor and settled downstairs their duvet wrapped around them as the Tv played. Roxy on the arm of the Sofa, Millie curled into Alice, The couple shared soft kisses and gently embraced eachother.

It was a fresh start. A time for new beginnings , New Routines and New life.

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