Their Universe

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Tender,loving and protective. They are the words the described Fp's actions towards his pregnant wife. She was 15 weeks pregnant. Expanding and feeling insecure which broke his heart. She was perfect. Her body was beautiful. Today was their second scan and then in 4 weeks they had the gender scan of which Betty was coming to, so she could take the genders and arrange a party with Veronica and Cheryl.

"Alice baby you look beautiful"Fp tried comforting her. "I look like a fat, ugly elephant"She sulked. He knew partly this was his fault because of his previous actions. But Alice was so insecure which Fp didn't understand since she was so attractive. He knew it was partly hormones. It still saddened him.

He wrapped his arms around her "You Are perfect"She smiled at him. "I just feel so frumpy" He rolled his eyes "Alice Jones. You are a godess. A beauty. Have more faith in that sexy body of yours. Also my babies are in there. You know i love all three of you."Alice looked up into his eyes "How did i get so lucky Jonesy"She asked looking up "I am the lucky one. Trust me i don't deserve you. Look at you. Your gorgeous. Kind caring loving. Your worth more then what i have given you"She shook her head

"What you have given me is a foundation. To build my family of which you have given me.Your my life FP. You messed up. But we are human. No i don't condone cheating. But i love you and trust you enough to forgive you. I love you. Your my husband. My soul mate."He looked down at her capturing her lips in his. "I love you"He muttered under his breathe. "I love you most"She adjusted her leggings. She wore a pair of black leggings, a grey t shirt a scar around her neck, a woolly black cardigan with heeled winter boots even though it was autumn. "Do i look silly"Alice asked "Nope. You look perfect"He kissed her cheek as he hooked his belt through the loops of his black jeans.

"Ella, Dylan be good for Grandma and Grandpa"Alice warned  "Yes mummy we will" Ella beamed flashing her cheesy grin.For nearly four years of age she had perfect speech and orientation of words. You could hear what she was saying very clearly. "Mum. Dad"Dylan smiled walking over, "be good" Alice told him "bad" said Alice face palmed, " We love you and we will see you after" the couple left hand in hand to their car. Fp drove as Alice sang he was mesmerised by her. She was amazing. But as he was driving she felt a thump in her stomach . She waited a second and felt it again, "Fp pull over"he frowned "Why" she repeated herself " Fp pull over please"he indicated and pulled into rest station on the road. "Ali wha..." he was cut off when Alice grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach "wait is that..."he asked " your babies are kicking" his smile turned wide and his face filled with joy. " I've never felt the first time before" he whispered " I don't want to move my hand" he looked into her eyes " you'll never miss a moment"he placed a loving tender kiss to her plump lips
He began driving again as the babies kicked Alice.

On arrival at the hospital they clasped their hands together. Walking in taking each step as a stride. Fp looked like the proudest man alive. A beautiful lady on his arm. His rings on her finger. She was his forever and that reality was beginning to sink in. And he was happy about it.she was his forever after so many years of waiting he had the love of his life.

"Mrs Jones" Dana callee out leading Alice to her suite "how is everything" she asked as Alice and Fp settled in the room. "Well we felt some kicks today" Alice Beamed "I'm scared it's early though" Dana saw the worry in her eyes. "It's okay Alice, lay down for me let's see what's going on,Alice sat on the bed rolled her shirt up and clasped Fps hand.

The cold gel was applied to her stomach and soon the sound of beating hearts filled the room. Tears welled their eyes. "I see two happy healthy babies. One is bigger then the other which is the cause of the kicks earlier on but it's nothing to worry about, your very healthy too which is good." Alice was stuck in her happy trance focused on the happy news she just received.

Fp requested four sonogram photos . Once they left they headed to pops Alice dipped her burger in her milkshake one more of her cravings that Fp didn't mind. They ate and laughed before heading home. They walked in to the children eating lunch , watching cartoons smiling, "Mummy" Ella ran into Alice's arms which caused Fp to tense "Dadda" Dylan looked up at Fp who picked him up.

"Finish your lunch and we'll all go to the park" As soon as the word left Fp's mouth they begged to be put down so they could finish. The couple headed to the kitchen where Forsythe and Gemma stood. "They kicked" Fp smiled "Wow that's amazing do you have a photo for grandma"Gemma smiled. Alice handed her the black and white sonogram. Alice felt yet another kick and placed Gemma's hand on her stomach, " it feels magical" she beamed causing Alice to smile "it is" the kids soon ran in.

Alice helped Ella into her coat and scarf as Fp helped Dylan. "I'll get the buggy just in case"Fp spoke into Alice's ear in indication too Dylan. She softly nodded as he pulled it out of the cupboard. Alice placed his changing bag under the buggy with fresh water and a blanket. She had a dummy stuffed into her coat pocket too. They placed the duck food into the bottom of the buggy too as they prepared to leave.Dylan held his fathers hand and Ella held her mothers.Gemma pushed the buggy Forsythe by her side with Millie on her lead

They walked to the park with a large field and perfect play area. Since the air was getting more bitter not many people came out, Fp pushed open the gate to the play area and he with Alice walked in. Fp pushed Dylan in the swing as Alice played with Ella on the slide and round about.

"God they are perfect together"Gemma commented as she played with Millie

"He's so in love. When they were teens I knew
It was special but he messed it up. Rarely did he smile with Gladys and he missed most of her pregnancies because he was away"Forsythe watched the couple in awe.

"She's an amazing parent. She's the best I could have wished for our boy"After 25 minutes the couple came over, Fp placing a warm out Dylan in the buggy.

"Ducky ducky"Ella bounded. Fp smiled at her taking the buggy from his mum. He walked ahead with his father who had Ella holding his hand. Behind them walked Alice with Gemma and Millie

"I am glad you made it back together he's so happy with you" Alice blushed "he's my universe" she giggled

"Son you did well with her. She's amazing I always saw that look you gave her you had that connection"Fp smirked "she's my world dad my universe she's given me all I am. God of If Jelly were here you'd see how good Alice is with her Jelly calls her mum as you know but she's with Betty,Veronica,Cheryl and Toni for a spa day" Fp pulled a funny face "Alice is the one" he added.

The family stopped to feed the ducks when a elder couple offered to take a image of the family together,Fp took Dylan from the buggy pushing it to one side and they smiled . Enjoying the moment

They were incomplete without eachother and they were eachothers universe.

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