His Mistakes

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to fit the story i have change Jellybean to 12 instead of 14 xx

3 months later. 

Betty was now 6 months pregnant, herself and Jughead were ecstatic. She should hopefully carry their baby girl full term, The room that was Isla's Betty and Jughead had locked, they would keep it locked forever, The couple had too recently got engaged, decorated their home and the room of their baby girl, the walls were a light shade of pink was a butterfly boarder, stickers of butterflies plastered on the walls with trees and wild animals, the crib was painted white , the bedding was thick, the mattress was thick covered with a soft sheet on top was fluffy pillow with a butterfly pattern matched with a thick butterfly blanket and on top of that a thinner white blanket with the same butterfly pattern. Inside the crib was a chocolate brown teddy bear with a colourful dog teddy, it had floppy purple ears and large pink eyes, In the corner was a painted white set of drawers with pink flowers painted at the bottom, the knobs were sparkled and large filled with new clothes,bibs,blankets,socks,vests,dresses,leggings, dungarees. In the other corner was a brown rocking chair with a teddy bear pillow alongside a blanket. Also in the room was a large space was a been bag, a big tepee of which inside was soft pillows and blankets. There was a white bookcase with the butterflies again painted on it, filled with toddler and baby books, there was a mini play kitchen fitted in with a toy box,doll house and a little sofa for her to sit on, Betty had made the room perfect and safe, the crib had pink foil around it like a princess, The room was amazing. The name had not yet been decided the couple would decide when their baby was born. 

But in the house next door things weren't as amazing and happy as they used to be. Alice was working  hard care for Jellybean,Ella and Dylan.  She never had a moment to herself.  She worked well at the company alongside her daughter and son in law,But Fp was abscent only 1 months  after getting married he began drinking, staying out, missing work not turning up to pick up Ella from nursery, Jellybean was 12 and helping care for her brother and sister. She was struggling with a 3 year old and 16 month old. Her eyes had lost their colour her heart was broken. "Dadda dadda"Dylan called at 6am on the Thursday morning. "Hey baby shh"She cooed her son looking back at her drunk husband. "Shut up Dylan"Fp grumbled Alice sighed and walked to her dresser quickly picking up a fresh outfit and walked into her sons bedroom. She placed him in his cot and softly began to sob. "Mum"Jellybean asked walking into the room."He's drunk again isn't he"Alice nodded and wiped her tears "Go shower princess, i'll wake Ella, make breakfast get Dyl and Ells ready then drop you off at school, Ella off at Nursery then take your brother to work with me"Jellybean sadly smiled "Love you mum"Alice smiled "I love you to baby"She picked up her son and walked into Ella's room she gently shook the girl "Good morning mummy"She smiled her words well pronounced, "Good morning baby"Alice allowed her baby girl to wake up before holding her hand and walking down the stairs, The 3 year old sat on the chair and Alice placed Dylan in his high chair and began preparing breakfast. Putting the pancake mix in the pan whilst preparing bacon in another, for Dylan she made plain pancakes with banana, Ella had waffles and bacon where as Jellybean had Pancakes,Waffles,Bacon and eggs, Alice let them eat and prepared a plate for FP. "I'll be down in a minute"She smiled grabbing the tray, she added a hot cup of coffee. She walked into the bedroom they shared sighing as the smell of alcohol hit her nose. She placed the tray in the bedside table beside Fp. She knelt beside him and stroked his face with her thumb. "Baby, we have work are you coming"She watched him open his eye and huff. He groaned "Go away"and he turned around she continued to ask him when all of a sudden he flipped around angrily his arm accidentally but aggressively knocking the tray onto to Alice the hot coffee burning her skin. She let out a loud scream as the boiling water sank into her clothes. She darted into the bathroom and pulled off her clothes instantly jumping in the cold shower.  Fp on the other hand had became fully aware and was pounding the door "Babe i am so sorry please"His words were slurred as he pleaded for his wife to let him in. She turned off the water and looked at her thighs stomach and arms where the water had burned her seeing her red raw skin that felt like it was on fire. She wiped her tears and pulled a towel around her body she unlocked the door and he stumbled in. She rolled her eyes. "Go back to bed and clean that shit up"She growled she let her towel fall to the floor and pulled her robe tightly over her body.FP looked at her tears in his eyes but the look she gave him broke his heart. It wasn't his Ali looking in his eyes it was a broken soul but still he wouldn't change. She walked downstairs as he cleaned his breakfast she had kindly prepared from the floor. "Mum whats wrong"Jellybean asked "I spilt coffee on myself silly me, go get ready baby girl"The 12 year old bounced to her bedroom as Alice carried Dylan and helped Ella up the stairs. She placed Dylan in his cot whilst she was in Ella's room helping her change. She pulled on her princess knickers since Ella was now potty trained followed by her black tights and cute pink  t shirt which was followed by a cotton dress which had buttons which connected the strapped sleeves to her dress. "Beautiful"Alice smiled, she brushed her dark locks and placed her bow head band in her hair. She helped her brush her teeth and pulled on her shoes. "Go sit down stairs with Jelly and Millie"She smiled watching the toddler down the stairs, she then moved to her sons room, she changed his nappy and blew raspberries on his tummy "Mumma"Alice giggled "Good boy"she changed him into a fresh vest, black joggers and a nike jumpers. "Come on baby"She let him crawl around his bedroom whilst she changed in the corner wincing as she touched the burns. She pulled on her black pencil skirt and blue blouse,combed her hair and did her make up with Dylan on her lap. She grumbled remembering her car keys were on Fp's side of the bed on his bedside table. She rolled her eyes and walked into the room with Dylan in her arms she carefully grabbed her keys "Ali baby"FP spoke slightly more sleepy "I am heading out to work. I'll get the girls and have them at the office until six, See you later"She went to leave and he stood up pulling her in for a kiss but she turned her head and his lips met her cheek, "Please"He begged she shook her head "I need to go, i'll see you later, if your home"She spoke knowing he most likely won't be home. She left the room with her keys and Dylan "Jells, Ella come on girls"Alice called She let them leave and locked the door. She strapped Dylan into his seat then Ella into hers. As she pulled on her belt she winced 

"Mum"Jelly asked "Its the burn baby"Jellybean nodded not believing her. "Betty andJug left early this morning"The 12 year old smiled. "The baby will be here soon"Alice added as she drove "Bye mum love you"She kissed Alice's cheek and bounced into the gate. Alice then drove the short drive to the nursery where Alice took Dyl from his seat and carried him in her arms whilst Ella walked alongside her. "Bye baby be good i love you"Alice kissed her head "bye Mumma"The girl walked into the classroom greeted by her teacher. Alice walked back to  her car and strapped Dylan back in and drove to the office."Good morning"She spoke walking in greeting Cheryl and Toni "No Fp"Toni asked Alice sighed and walked to her office. "Good morning-- Oh-my-god"Betty looked at her mother in disbelief seeing bruises across her mothers stomach along with a huge red mark. Betty closed the door and rubbed her stomach. "Did Fp do that"Alice shook her head. "A tray fell this morning when i was on the floor. Pretty heavy it probably just bruised quickly and the hot coffee burned me"Betty sighed "I am sending Jug to sort Fp the fuck out"Betty slammed the door.

"JONES"She screeched walking through the office "Yes my love"He asked "Your father is out of control. Hes drinking again, mums exhausted and this morning he knocked a tray all over mum now she's covered in burns and bruises"Jughead groaned "Baby relax the little one doesn't need you stressed out. I'll go there now okay"He placed a soft kiss to her forehead then to her lips. "I love you baby girl"He kissed her over and over again. "I---Love----you"He spoke in between each one. Fp Jones had made his mistakes but is this his biggest one.

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