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Their bodies were pushed together. Her head rested gently on his chest as his muscular arms held her tightly. Her blonde hair sprawled across his chest her soft skin against his. His fingers tracing patterns on the golden brown skin beneath it. The silence was interrupted with Dylan's soft cries from the bassinet in the corner. Alice sighed and pulled herself from the muscular arms of her fiance. Sleepily she walked to where her son lay crying and picked him up resting his head in the crook of her neck as she rocked him gently "Shh baby shh"She cooed rocking and bouncing him. His cries became quitter and quitter until he fell asleep. Alice placed him down gently "6am, Ella will be up soon, i will go do breakfast"She spoke in exhaustion. She pulled her robe over her body and left before Fp could object. He groaned and pulled himself up knowing he had work today. He walked into the bathroom attached to their bedroom and showered quickly making sure he washed himself. He dried off and smiled at his growing stubble. He gelled his hair, pulled on his fresh boxers followed by his uniform. He grabbed his sheriff jacket from the cupboard and looked at a sleeping Dylan "Love you buddy". He checked the window was locked and turned the baby monitor on. He entered the kitchen and the scent of bacon filled his nose. Ella was sitting in her high chair "Jellybean is walking Millie and Bella with Kevin, They fed Smokey this morning and i fed Roxy"Fp didn't reply he just walked behind her and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist pressing soft kisses to her neck. "Your amazing Ali. Only 2 weeks ago you were giving birth to little man.We will talk later yes"Alice sighed and nodded "Its been a week Fp. Betty still hasn't moved or made improvement. Jughead is spiralling"She wiped a tear that fell from her eye. Fp gripped her waist and turned her. "Alice she's our girl, She's strong. She'll make it baby.I have to work please take it easy today"Alice shrugged slightly. "I am staying with Isla tonight with Dylan i am taking the moses basket with me. Hermione and Fred are coming here to watch Ella and Jelly. Kevin said he'll stay next door with the dogs as long as it takes"Fp nodded sadly "I'll meet you at the hospital later then"Alice shook her head "Not tonight babe please"He didn't know what to say he'd never dealt with rejection. He just walked away not saying goodbye leaving Ella screaming. "Hush baby you can come with mummy too. And Jb will come"Alice quickly rang Hermione and Fred cancelling before ringing Jughead 

"Alice"He sounded exhausted, tired fed up. 

"Jughead sweetheart. I am staying at the hospital with Ella,Dyl and Jelly tonight. You go home have some well earned rest spend time with Kevin,Fangs,Sweetpea and Toni, Then with Bella and smokey. I'll watch them both and call you if there is change"He let out a sigh of relief "Thank you so so much Alice."She smiled "Anytime. Your no good if your sick Jughead. She's strong. She's a smith and Blossom meaning she's strong. "Jughead chuckled "Love you"he said ending the call. Alice continued with breakfast as JB walked in she plated it up "Hey sweetheart so tonight we are having a hospital sleepover if your okay with that baby. But first i was thinking breakfast, we all go to the park get pops then go"Jellybean squealed and nodded hugging Alice "Love you mum"She squealed again making Alice feel happier. She plated them breakfast and warmed some formula milk for Dylan. She let it cool on the side and walked down the stairs with him. She positioned herself comfortably on the sofa and fed him gently then burped him."Cheryl is coming with us"Jelly spoke Alice nodded as the door knocked and in walked Cheryl Blossom. Alice changed into a just above the knee lengthed white floral summer dress.Her hair hung loosely and her makeup was subtle. "Who wants to see daddy in his office"Ella giggled "We will stay at pops and you can take him lunch"Jellybean suggested to which Alice nodded. She changed Dylan into a baby blue vest followed by a white top with a cow print. She topped it off with soft cotton dungarees and a summer hat. She used the baby sun protection and coated him in it. Ella was dressed in white butterfly sandals, Checked shorts her white vest followed by a cute pink top that had cut off shoulders. Her thick locks were in a tiny braid. Alice strapped her and Dylan into the car placing the stroller and buggy in the back. She packed 2 changing bags and of course Dylan was sick as soon as she began driving so she changed him into his 'I love daddy' baby grow. 

They strolled around the park Ella played a little bit but the heat took over and she fell into a sweaty sleep in her buggy. They walked over to pops Alice ordered Fp's favourite. "Leave her with us we will take her home. Tonight i will watch her and Jelly. You,Fp and Dyl stay with Betty and Isla. I packed clothes for you both. Well for Fp as you had clothes for you and Dyl."Alice smiled and kissed them both hugging them tightly "its not forever then we are all going on a family holiday"Jellybean and Cheryl both squirmed in excitement. Alice grabbed the food from the pop thanked him and walked across the road to where her car was parked. She strapped up Dylan and folded the buggy. The drive to the Sheriff's station was short and silent. She applied her lip gloss and stepped out again the hot air hit her. And again she flipped the buggy out and un strapped Dylan placing him down in the flat back stroller. She grabbed his changing bag and locked her car walking into the station. She received soft smiles and hello's until she reached his office. The door was closed so she knocked gently "Come in"He called she pushed the handle down and the door opened. She bit her lip looking at him as he concentrated "Hey"She smiled softly. His head snapped up and his eyes filled with happiness. "Ali, Dyl"He cheered standing up he walked to his door where she stood pulling in the pram and her. She was confused when he locked the door and pulled down his blind. He settled Dylan's buggy in the corner and put the breaks on. He grabbed Alice's hand and led her to his chair, he sat down and pulled her ontop of his causing her dress to rise up. His hands ran up and down her sides as he held her.

"I was a dick earlier Alice i am so sorry baby girl"Alice chuckled "I have pops"He cheered as she hopped off of his lap and handed him the bag of food "I've eaten"She lied, He nodded and began devouring his food.Dylan stirred so Alice warmed his bottle and fed him. She burped him and cooed him to sleep. "Alice babe. Your hot like smoking"She rolled her eyes "No sex for another 4 weeks Mr"He groaned 

"We will do this together Jones. We will pull our family through this together"He nodded and kissed her softly. But for them trouble was starting as Jughead Jones found comfort. Comfort in the arms of alcohol.   

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