Telling the team

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Betty paced the room waiting for Mark and his lawyer. "Betty you need to tell them the truth"Cheryl encouraged "I know, but i am scared, Cheryl no one will believe me, I have no evidence"Cheryl sighed "I do. I kept your clothes and the pictures. If it gets that far we will have to give them the images and your clothes"Of course it wasn't what Betty wanted. She didn't want to be seen as weak. She didn't want to be seen as a weak. She was a strong individual. "Okay"She whispered "Okay girls you ready"Mary asked, they were currently in the lawyers meeting room on the otherside of town. "Good morning"Mark smiled evily sitting across the table. Betty was inbetween Cheryl and Mary with Mark and the lawyer Adam opposite her.               "Our Client was wrongfully terminated. He was given no noticed he was fired on the spit"Adam explained "We will settle with 1 million dollars"Betty scoffed "He knows why he was fired. We just chose in his and Betty's best interests if the reason was disclosed."Cheryl explained "Your client sexually assaulted Miss Smith resulting in his immediate dismissal."Mary explained "Our Client explained he was in a consensual relationship with Miss Smith. On the day questioned they had consensual sex in his office"Betty choked."I am engaged with a new born baby"Betty gasped "Our client claimed you were to run away together. You were inlove."Betty ran out of the room is disgust and upset. "He's disgusting. An utter monster"Cheryl whispered stroking her back as Mary finished up "SEE YOU IN COURT"She shouted back. 

The drive back to the Jones Blossom offices was long. Betty silent as they drove her heart silently breaking. "Betty we are here"Cheryl whispered "We need to tell the team. But first i need to tell Jughead okay"They nodded. Betty left the car and went straight into the office she shared with Jughead. "Baby i need to talk to you"Betty gripped his hand "Whats happened gorgeous"She stroked his hand. "Don't hate me please"She whispered under her breathe. He kissed her head. "Never baby girl whats going on"She looked into his eyes. "The reason Mark was fired..he..he rap..ed  me"She looked into his eyes and explained the whole situation to him. Anger in his eyes "Baby girl, i am not angry with you, that monster touched you, my baby girl"He pulled Betty's body to his "I tried Juggie. I didn't want too"She sobbed deeply into his chest. "Betts its okay. Its okay baby girl. I'm here. I have you now. I am here. I will never let anyone else hurt you ever ever again. He gently kissed her head as he caressed her side. Gently rubbing her hip. "I love you Jug, Thank you for not being mad with me"He kissed her head again gently "You Elizabeth Smith Blossom soon to be Jones are the love of my life the mother to my baby. I will never leave you nor be mad. I love you so much"Betty latched her lips onto his. A sense of security washing over her body as she was in his arms. Her hand drifted to his belt but he stopped her "Princess. You were raped 3 weeks ago, and you only just told me ontop of that you had our baby girl nearly no less then 10 weeks ago"She shook her head "Juggie it might sound wrong some may judge me, but i need you. Just you, Gentle and soft. I need to see your face"He nodded and kissed her gently again as she undressed him. He gently kissed down her chest until she froze. He noticed her stiffen. "Baby girl, your not ready"She nodded "I know, i'm sorry baby"He shook his head "Don't be sorry"He kissed her again "Can we please still kiss"Jughead chuckled. Of course my princess"They began kissing softly. He gently nipped her skin as he held her in his arms keeping her close to him. Tracing her skin as they found a gentle soft rhythm. "Betts i called a meeting in 10"Cheryl shouted Betty smiled at Jughead "Thank you"She moved so she was now straddling Jughead. She gently kissed his jawline. "Come on gorgeous girl. "Jughead helped her up "Lets go get coffee and a bacon sandwich."Betty giggled and nodded. The couple strolled into the cafeteria grabbing some food "Do you think they will judge"Betty asked, Jughead shook his head "If they do Chuck,Reggie and I will attack"Betty giggled and kissed his lips. She kissed him gently. They walked back to the meeting room everyone seated. Cheryl stood by Betty.

"Okay so many of you want to know why Mark was fired. and why we are being sewed for it. 3 weeks ago i had to work late. I stayed behind in the office until about 9:30pm until i realised i needed to ask Mark about the article. When i got to his office he was drunk. He started saying how sexy i am like mother like daughter. He was saying how he wants to test how tight i am, see if my lips can work around him. I was telling him how inappropriate he is and it needed to stop. I went to leave and he pulled me back. He pinned me to his desk pulled up my skirt i begged him to stop. I  kicked him away. I said no. But he didn't listen. He ripped my underwear down.Ignored my pleads and he raped me. He didn't stop until he finished on me. Straight away i ran to my office i called Cheryl. She took pictures of my marks and stored my clothes. She fired him when i refused to call the police. But he has now flipped it on me. He is now claiming we were together and everything was what i wanted.He claimed that we loved eachother and we were planning to runaway with Olivia. He is going to claim that we were in love. I need you guys with me on this. Its going to be hard."Betty finally finished wiping her tears. She was embraced by everyone and there it was vowed, He would pay.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter, Check out Facade-Falice and For A Life Time-Falice my other budding fan fics, vote and comment love you all stay safe💥❤🐍💕

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