My Girl Part 1

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Credits for the idea of this chapter go to kirby272 this is in 2 parts 

FP awoke at 11:15pm Alice wrapped tightly in his arms his chin resting on her head. His hand was tangled in her hair the other rested on her bump. Carefully he entangled himself Alice didn't wake she let out a slight moan which caused him to Chuckle as he did their was a knock on the door. Fp looked at his bare chest and shrugged he walked to the door and answer Jughead stood smiling. "Thought i would drive you"Fp stood aside Jughead smiled seeing Alice on the sofa snuggled in the blanket. "You guys are goals."Jughead nudged his dad and chuckled. "Betts needs me for a sec i will be back at 12."Jughead bit his lip looking at his phone  "Booty call Jug"Jughead raised his brow and ran out. Fp smiled at the beauty on the sofa. He walked upstairs to their bedroom pulled out his zip hoodie and baggy blue shirt of his and a pair of black leggings for Alice. He grabbed a wireless bra and pair of her maternity knickers. She always hid them which always caused him to laugh. He put the clothes over the arm of the chair in their bedroom. He pulled on his own grey top and changed into some black joggers that looks more like jeans. He pulled his socks and shoes on along with his jacket before walking back down stairs. He tugged the blanket from Alice and threw it over his shoulder.Before picking her up bridal style he can't lie she was heavy but it was nothing he couldn't handle. As he picked her up she stirred. "Mh baby"She mumbled causing him to chuckle his heart filling with nothing but pure love.  "We leave in 20 minutes baby get dressed for me"She groaned as he put her down she took the clothes and walked into the bathroom changing her clothes brushing her teeth and putting her hair into a pony tail. She walked out to find the bed made. Alice looked in every room and FP had closed the curtains in everyone. 

"Well Jones your a family man"She smiled wrapping her arms tightly around his torso. She tiptoed and planted a soft kiss on his neck. "Hey Alice,Dad"Jughead smirked walking in Fp went eye wide seeing the huge mark Betty had left on his sons neck. "Jug your girl marked her territory bad"Jughead smirked and sent back a remark "Should see hers."Alice cringed and swatted him. "How do you think they made a baby Ali mhh Magic"She rolled her eyes but kissed him lightly. They made sure everything was locked securely whilst Jughead loaded the car. Once ready Alice snuggled into Fp in the back of the car. He kissed her hair lingering as he took in the scent of her shampoo. She fell asleep her head perched on his chest. Jughead smiled looking back at them. "Your a such a swoon dad, but your happy"Jughead turned down his radio. "She is fucking amazing Jug. I am so in love with her. She's given me so much. She's made JB the happiest she has ever been. She has carried 3 of my children. Even though Charles isn't here she carried him. She carried Ella all on her own. Took care of her on her own for ages. Dealt with Betty loosing 2 babies. She kept giving me more chances even when i was breaking her heart. Now she is carrying my little boy. And she raised the most caring girl that is now carrying my grandchild and making my son the happiest man. Us Jones men are trouble but we have the most precious girls. Those girls stood by us, Alice she still loved me when i cheated on her i hurt her so much but she forgave me, then Betty she left town when you cheated. Took you back you got her pregnant she then caught you cheating again. She then lost your baby, then she took you back, published your book, now you live together and she is carrying your baby"Fp was breathless he smiled as he looked down.

"They are amazing dad, Alice she makes you so happy and Betty woahhh where do i start. She is my soul mate dad. She is all i ever wanted i am glad this is how we turned out dad. I am glad that we are who we are. We have our girls. Now its time we show them how much we love them. So dad i have decided i am gonna propose to Betty in 2 months. We already planned on going to Indonesia with Veronica,Toni and Cheryl. I am gonna do it when we are out their"Fp felt his heart warm even more. He felt his love grow. "I am too Jug, Tomorrow night. I have it all planned"Jughead whooped slightly and a bit too loud luckily they were just pulling in to the air port. Alice smiled and kissed FP's lips softly. "Your baby thinks i am a trampoline"She rolled her eyes Fp stroked her hair. "Give mummy a break, my little kangaroo stop bouncing on mummy"Alice laughed at his baby voice. "I love you Jonesie"she giggled kissing him again "You wait here whilst i get the cases out okay gorgeous. "Alice nodded and rubbed her bump. Fp and Jughead unloaded the luggage and Alice got their tickets and passports. She stepped out Fp's hoodie keeping her warm then Jughead laughed "Wow i still am not used to seeing you like this, i am used to seeing you in skirts and blouses not my dads shirts and leggings"Alice smiled and hugged him "Well thats my old life. I can be me now"Alice hugged the younger boy "Look after my girls and yourself. Love you kiddo"She ruffled his hair and went to check in she went through security FP shortly behind when he beeped he panicked it was the ring. He made sure Alice wasn't looking and flashed him the ring. The guard smiled "Just his watch"Fp smiled and wrapped his arm around Alice. Their luggage was loaded and they checked in. "We have half hour maccies breakie"Fp suggested Alice nodded frantically He ordered a sausage and bacon mcmuffin with hash browns and a coffee. Then Alice ordered 2 bacon muffins with a chocolate milkshake and 3 hashbrowns. "am i being greedy" she whispered to FP who just patted her stomach.

"No he's a Jones he can eat enough to feed an army"Alice pecked his cheek they ate whilst they laughed and took pictures. They soon boarded their plane Fp pulled out the folded fluffy blanket from his hand luggage draping it over them. As the plane took off Alice gripped his hand tightly 

"You are now in the air boarding the flight to Hawaii, We are due to land in 8 hours and 37 minutes 58 seconds at Hawaii central air port. Now please relax and unclasp your seatbelts and relax i am Colin your co pilot for today. The air is looking clear please respect the other passengers around you"

Fp and Alice both unclasped their seatbelts "Picture"He questioned she nodded and he pulled out his phone Fp chuckled and te fact these days their was WIFI on the planes. He posed stupid;y for the photo whilst Alice looked like a godsend. Her makeup from yesterday still evident on her skin. FP kissed her head and logged into instagram the Jughead did not want him to have. Alice rested her head on his chest her stomach rested on his lower abdomen slightly he chuckled and posted the picture.Instantly his phone blew up which shocked him as it was 4am.

Liked by V_Lodge, CherylBombshell, TTopaz, JugJones,BettySmith, JB_Jones + 45 others

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Liked by V_Lodge, CherylBombshell, TTopaz, JugJones,BettySmith, JB_Jones + 45 others

FP_Jones - Me and My Love getting ready for our journey @Alice_Smith 

Sweet_pea: Yes Boss get in there

CherylBombshell: Have fun Aunt and Hobo's dad.

BettySmith: Have fun guys love you, be safe, love you all, again be safe xx

JugJones: Betty is in parent mode. Get laid have fun

JB_Jones: Miss you mum and dad xx

Fp chuckled, "Betty is in parent mode babe"Alice just hummed "Sleep tight gorgeous"He whispered knowing she was slowly drifting into sleep.He stroked her hair softly placing a kiss to her hair every now and then. He soon too fell asleep only waking when the speaker boomed "30 minutes too landing"He sighed and moved Alice bolted up he chuckled. "Relax baby girl its okay"Alice blushed "Your so beautiful Ali.  I love you so fucking much"Alice giggled and kissed him. His hand moved under the blanket and he touched her she squealed "Fp Jones no, but i promise when we get there we will"He clapped his hands. He folded the blanket back up and pushed it inside of his bag both he and Alice re strapped themselves and gripped eachothers hands. The plane landed smoothly Fp grabbed their luggage and called an Uber. She snuggled into him as they waited soon it came they loaded their bags Fp held her tightly as the driver kept looking over her. he couldn't take it anymore so he smashed his lips onto hers in a possesive manor. Once at the water taxi rank the Water Taxi drover collected their luggage and loaded it Alice was in awe of the sights infront of her. "Its perfect FP"She smiled he nodded "Like you Ali. Your perfect"Her skin was glowing in the sun as the sun began to fall. Here it was just turning 12pm. As the water taxi drove Fp took plenty of photos. They soon reached the small island that had only their cabin. The man helped them with their luggage before leaving them alone.

"Babe this is perfect"Alice gasped he chuckled and kissed the base of her neck. "Get your ass into the bedroom. I need you he made me angry i need to show you your mine"He growled Alice felt herself tingle. She removed her clothing and walked into the bedroom. The next thing she knew her back was against the mattress as Fp sucked her neck he hovered above her. Without warning he pushed inside of her. 

For 3 hours he fucked her, kissed her, and claimed her. The sex was full of FP muttering she was his and Alice screaming his name. She soon fell asleep with Fp behind her his arms around her tightly their bodies pressed together. 

If only she knew what tomorrow would bring.

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