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5 weeks later.

Fp's heart was breaking. His head hurt his heart ached. He messed up, he ruined the chance to be with her. He sat in the living room of the house they once shared. Millie scratched at his leg as Roxy curled in his lap. He kept the sonogram close to his chest along with the photo he had asked a lady to take of them when they all visited the beach. He stood in the middle Ella in one arm his other around Alice. Jellybean was cuddled into Alice's other side and had her arm linked with Betty who was holding onto Jughead. Millie stood proudly in front of them her pink collar dazzling. His shirt was wet with his own tears. Jughead was angry at first but he had to support FP. 

"Fp"Betty spoke softy walking into the living room. He looked up his eyes puffy and red. "Oh Dad"Jughead sighed walking up behind his girlfriend. He kissed her neck softly before moving to embrace his dad. "I miss my girls"He sobbed. Betty and Jug now knew about the baby as they watched Fp cry over the small grey picture. As he spoke Betty's phone rang she smiled at the id.

"Hey Jellybelly its been 5 weeks no calls no texts whats going on where are you i know you aren't with nan whats happening girl"Betty watched Fp's expression

"Betty. Its Mum shes bad she's really bad she is in hospital its the baby they are doing tests."Betty felt the tears in her eyes but ignored her feelings and let her instinct take over "And where are you , where is Ella"Betty wiped her tear that had escaped the walls of her eyes. 

"Nan has El i am with mum it only happened this morning"Betty nodded "I am coming okay. Call me if she changes. I love you Jells"Betty ended the call she couldn't hide this from Fp. It was his baby too. 

"Betts babe is my sister okay"Jughead asked Betty shook her head then nodded

"Its my mum. She's in a bad way in hospital i need to go. I will call"FP stood up

"MY BABY"He shouted his tears fell faster. Became thicker.

"Fp i'll call. Just please set up the final pieces of furniture in Ella's new room. Fp set up one of the spare rooms we have the office one with the single bed obviously the double room, Then 1 empty room so not that  or the room next to Jelly. I am bringing them all home i promise"Betty kissed Jughead then hugged Fp. Her heart thumped violently against her chest as she drove the 1 hour trip to her nan's house. She collected their stuff and Ella before driving to the hospital. Her mind was in overdrive as she drove. She soon got to the hospital Ella clung to her as she walked through out the hospital. She soon reached the room Jellybean had told her when she entered her mum was having an ultrasound.

"Hey mumma"Betty chuckled Ella beamed. "Sweetheart..... i need to come home"Alice muttered Betty nodded"Fp set up the spare room for himself with my demand,"Betty giggled she moved to clutch her mothers hand. "Miss Smith do you want to know the sex"Alice exchanged looks with the others and nodded "ITS A BOY"The nurse cheered the girls were over powered with joy. "Miss Smith you are severely stressed which caused baby to turn but as we know you'll be okay. Relax for a while"Alice nodded slowly "Betty its a big ask baby. But can you,Jug and Jelly look after Ella. I am going away to New York to see the family for 2 weeks. To relax tell FP its a boy. Please"Betty slowly nodded and the girls chatted for hours until Alice fell into a slumber. Betty left her mothers passport and purse with her luggage on the side and took the two girls.

"Is he drinking again. My dad"Jellybean asked looking out of the window as the trees swayed in the April Air. 

"No he just cries. All day. All night"Betty sighed as she turned on her indicator. She opened her window slightly. "Betty i missed you all how's millie moo"Betty giggled

"Getting big.Ella has a new room now, we will have to decorate the baby a room"Betty giggled as she approached Riverdale. "Betty will he hate me"Jellybean asked Betty instantly shook her head. "NO NO he loves you Jell, he'll be proud"It was 6pm Betty knew the boys wouldn't cook so she parked at pops and ordered a huge amount of food. Once she had it all she put it in Jelly's lap. "Lets go Kiddo"Betty giggled as she rode the last 4 minutes. Once in the drive Jelly grabbed the food back and ran into the house whilst Betty picked up a sleeping Ella.

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