Slowly,I'll heal

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A week had already passed and Betty Cooper was now awake, she was on a constant guard, For the past 48 hours she had sat in the same arm chair that was placed next to the incubator her daughter was in. In the past 2 days she had left the room 8 times each time for 1 minute whilst she used the toilet. She refused to eat, to sleep to drink so the doctor did the one thing they could and attached her to a fluid drip. And through medication she was keeping hydrated but slowly she was wasting away. Jughead stood at the window each day looking at what he lost through his stupid drunken mistake. That was the reason she left originally. He had been staying at the home they shared feeding the animals and setting up the 1st spare room for himself. He watched the woman he loved waste away as she sat at the bedside of their sick daughter who was attached to numerous wires. None of them had even held their small baby. He wasn't even there to see her give birth. He had seen the video of her coming out and Cheryl cutting her chord but thats it. "Penny for your thoughts"Fp asked walking up behind Jughead. "I am an absolute dickhead dad. I was meant to be there for her. By her side. To love her help her"Jughead wiped his tear. "She's wasting away dad. Archie said Veronica told him Betty hasn't eaten in days. Since she was in ICU. And Isla i haven't even met her seen her or anything"Fp sighed at his son "I am still mad and disgusted with you but your my boy Jug, you hurt her. As soon as she checked her phone that picture was there. She is broken and her little girl is seriously ill. You chose getting laid and drunk over holding your girl through the night. Alice said she'll come up later when Dylan comes in for his first check up.But she is exhausted with Ella running around  like a loonie. Luckily for us Millie is with you and Roxy just hides. Jellybean is coming with Cheryl and Toni today maybe they can talk to her. I am staying with her for an hour whilst Ali,Ella and Dyl nap"Jughead hugged his dad Fp passed a small smile and walked into the room. 

"Hey princess"He smiled walking in Betty smiled "Hey dad, hows mum and Dylan"She asked as she stood up wrapping her arms tightly around him. "They are good mum is here tomorrow but she said she'll leave me with El and Dyl downstairs"Betty shook her head "Bring them please help me keep my sanity"FP chuckled still holding her "Okay". Jughead watched in Jealousy as his father put his hand through the incubator and stroked his daughters hand. "How's Jughead"Betty asked. Her back was to the window Jughead stood at. "He's bad. Regretful. He made the spare room up at your place for himself but if you don't want him there he can stay with us"FP spoke as he sat down "No no its okay. When you see him please tell him to come see her, he hurt me but he needs to see his daughter"Fp nodded as his phone buzzed "Ah sorry Betts gotta shoot Dyl and El just woke up the house is in war zone love you"He kissed her cheek and walked out bumping into Jughead. "Son come home with me, get some sleep take a shower. go to the store by a teddy and a blanket get some clothes for you girls. Then get pops for you and your girl then come here. Betty wants you too meet your daughter"Jughead's face lit up "Really"FP nodded and together they left the hospital leaving Betty at her daughters bedside alone again.

Once home Jughead ran into the house . He was excited but he knew he needed to sleep. It was 2pm now he wanted to get to Betts at 6 so he set an alarm for 4pm. He drifted to sleep with a smile plastered across his face. When he woke he showered combed his hair and found his beanie. He threw it in a quick 15 minute wash whilst he packed Betty's clothes. He selected a few pairs of leggings socks, underwear and sport bras. He picked a few of his shirts for her and strutted to Isla's room feeling tears in his eyes. The day they found out they were having a girl came flooding back into his mind. 

Flash back

"Baby do you care if we have a girl or boy"Betty asked as they sat in the waiting room awaiting to be called. "No baby girl i don't care, all i want is our baby to be here alive"Betty nodded and smiled. "I love you Juggie. So much. Your the love of my life."Betty smiled up at him and kissed his lips softly her arms wrapping around his neck. "Betts you have no idea how happy you make me your my soul mate, my world"They looked into eachtothers eyes, passion and lust filled the air."Mrs Jones"Someone called out Betty and Jughead smiled and walked to "Jones sounds good on you princess"He planted a soft kiss to her forehead and they walked into the room. Betty perched herself on the bed and rolled up her jumper revealing her small bump.Her hand connected with Jughead's and his thumb brushed her skin gently. "Miss Cooper i am sorry they said Jones, this will be cold"Betty nodded and shuddered as cold gel was placed on her stomach. They waited and minutes later a grey picture flashed on the screen and the heartbeat filled the air.  "Okay so as we know little one is smaller then expected but the heartbeat is strong for 22 weeks. Do you want to know the gender"Betty and Jughead both nodded. The nure smiled widely. "Congratulations you are having a little girl"They looked at eachother and squealed. "A little girl baby, A girl"Jughead had tears in his eyes as did Betty. They wiped her stomach printed the pictures and off they went. "Juggiieee pleaseeee can we go shopping"Betty begged. So thats what they did, They went to the store picked paint,furniture,stickers,clothes,toys,teddys everything she would need. The couple spent 3 days decorating the room but they soon had it perfect.After 4 paint fights. And hot steamy shower sex.

first half of her room (ignore the little girl)

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first half of her room (ignore the little girl)

first half of her room (ignore the little girl)

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second half of her room.

end of flashback

He wiped his tear and walked to the drawers. He pulled out 5 small baby grows they had specially made. He folded them and packed them into the bag with Betty's clothes. He ran down stairs with the bag and left it at the door he took the wet beanie from the washing machine and put it in the dryer.. "MILLIE, BELLA WALKIES"He shouted the bigger dog and smaller dog ran to him.He clipped on their leads and opened his front door. The dogs ran and barked as they walked slowly around the block. Pollen filled the air.  He sneezed gently and chuckled to himself.  Once home he set down the food for the dogs and packed a bag of his own whilst grabbing a large fluffy throw from the bed. He folded it and picked up 2 pillows..He pulled his newly washed dry beanie from the dryer he tucked it in his bag and left his house he locked the door. He walked to his car and drove to the store. He purchased a soft fluffy pink blanket and small bunny with a matching kitten teddy. He checked his phone 5:15pm. He put them and the bag in his car and drove to pops. He ordered their favourites to take away. He drove to the hospital and groaned realising he had to much stuff. He threw his bag and the bag for the girls over his shoulder. He grabbed the shopping bag and pops bag in one hand and used the other hand to throw the blanket and pillow over his shoulder. He managed to walk into the hospital and outside the room they were in. He stopped when he heard her soft voice. "Your daddy, is the most kind caring man i know.He hurt me, broke my heart but i know he made a mistake.  I love him so much, he's the man of my dreams, but it'll take time for me, Slowly i'll heal"Jughead smiled and walked in "Hello"Betty looked to the door and his heart broke seeing her exhausted look.  "And here is daddy, looking like a clown with lots of bags and POPS"She squealed the last part. She shot up and he gently put his bags down. She ran into his arms and he squeezed her tightly "I am so so sorry baby girl. I am so sorry"He spoke into her hair "Juggie i forgive you, but it'll take me time. To open up to you again fully"Jughead nodded "I will stay in the spare room"Betty chuckled "NO we stay together"She squeezed his hand tightly and he showed her everything he bought. Betty handed the baby grow the the nurse who changed her in the special room, she placed her new pink crown shaped hat on her head. Betty giggled and placed the blanket over her with the teddys. Thats when he pulled it out.His beanie "I got her that little pink one made but i thought she could cuddle this"Betty let a tear slip down her face. "I love you"Betty kissed him gently, They ate together and for the first time in days Betty fell asleep. In the arms of her lover. 

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