Take it easy

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As she drove her heart thumped against her chest. Her hands were shaking. "Betts calm down it okay"Veronica placed her hand on Betty's knee as they parked outside Jellybean's school. "I will be back"Betty sighed un clipping her belt and walking to the main reception. "I need Jellybean Jones"Betty wiped her tear."May i ask for your name and reason"Betty sighed "Betty. Our mother was stabbed i need to get Jellybean"The receptionist looked in sympathy. "Jellybean Jones to reception. Jellybean Jones to reception" Betty's hardest part was breaking the news to the young girl. Telling her their mother had been shot. She explained to her and of course she was broken. Upset. Tears stained her face as they walked into the hospital.They found the waiting room Jughead instantly wrapping his arms around his fiance."You okay baby"He asked she nodded softly "Cheryl and TT have Liv, Gemma took Dyl and Ella"Jughead kissed her lips gently, "I love you so much"He whispered "Betty, i should have protected her"Fp cried Betty hugged him tightly "Dad you could not have done anything to protect her. It was a viscous crime. "Betty let go and sat on Jughead's lap. Veronica and Kevin sat hugging Jellybean. "Miss Smith"They called for Betty she nodded "You need to sign this form for us sweetheart"Betty looked into his eyes. Something she recognised. Someone. A skeleton from her closet. "Bullshit your treating her"She hissed "You have no choice hunny"Betty shook her head "Mum would not have wanted you near her so nor do i. I will not let you. So yes i have a choice."He looked at her "Your still a cold hearted bitch aren't you.Like daddy, You gonna kill me princess. I know you could"Betty stood and barged past him to the station of nurses "Excuse me, the man treating my mum can't she has a restraining order against him"Betty explained the situation and walked back to the room "All sorted, She's okay, luckily the knife wasn't deep enough to puncture anything. She is having a small operation now to repair something she should be home tomorrow"Betty explained. 

"Take it easy Al"Fp whispered gripping onto her as they walked back into their home 3 days later. "You had an infection baby, You need to rest."Alice rolled her eyes at him "Mumma"Ella shouted gently hugging Alice's legs. Dylan toddled over and hugged her too kissing her leg. Dinner was ready on the table prepared by Gemma "Hey my sweet, dinner is ready eat up, Fp you bathe Dylan i will bathe Ella. "Alice smiled "Can i read them to sleep"She asked Fp chuckled and kissed her lips "Of course beautiful they are your children too."They ate as a family together. Gemma helping Dylan. As they bathed the children Alice helped JB with her homework. at 8pm Fp came down carrying Dylan "Milk"He whispered since Dylan still had milk before bed. "Ella is ready"Gemma peaked from the stairs Alice smiled and gripped the sofa as she stood up gripping the sofa side. Fp rushed to her hoisting her by her waist "Come on baby"He helped her to the stair case where the banister helped her up. He fed Dylan his milk burped him and changed his nappy one final time. By the time he had done that Alice had read Ella to sleep and kissed her goodnight. Fp had re decorated Dylan's bed room so it suited him more. He placed him in his cot, on the other side of the room was a bed he'd soon move into. The room was filled with toys and books. She read the story Fp's hand gently running over her stitched side. "I am gonna go i love you both"Gemma smiled "I will get my little grandson in the morning"Fp nodded "Thanks Ma"Fp hugged her Alice blew a kiss "Really thank you"Gemma nodded and left "Night mum,Dad love you"Jelly smiled and went to her bedroom. "Babe i need a shower"Alice whispered Fp smirked and helped her up. "Can you stay with me"Alice asked. So that is what he did. He helped her wash. He washed her hair. Made sure her side was covered with the water proof bandage. He dried her hair, helped her dry, and dressed her. She was in his over sized shirt and underwear "Can i come to work with you tomorrow"She asked as they laid in bed he scoffed "I am not stupid Ali. You need rest"She grumbled. "I will only attend meetings and sit on your lap i promise"He kissed her neck gently "Okay, thats it though"Alice nodded and rested into him. Fp had on hand resting on her thigh but that was it he didn't want to hurt her.

The next morning he made everyone breakfast allowed Alice to eat hers in bed. He changed the kids. His mum took Ella to nursery and Dylan for the day whilst Fp took Jellybean to school. He arrived home and walked into his bedroom seeing his Alice. Draped in the covers lightly sleeping. He placed a kiss to her head and decided to leave her sleeping. He changed himself into his work clothes and kissed her head again before leaving. He arrived at work and began on his drawings and sketches. He then went to his meeting. Everyone was in there. As he sat down Jughead groaned "Dad your wife has just limped in"His head snapped up. "Bloody woman"He stood up and ran out "Al"She smiled "You forgot me"He rolled his eyes "You were sleeping princess"He scanned her body she was wearing a black shirt dress. "You look gorgeous but i am mad you should have called me"Alice kissed his lips "Come on baby into the meeting we go"He let her lean on him as they walked into the room. "Oi go home Mrs"Betty demanded Alice stuck her tongue out. "I am keeping her close to me don't worry"As they sat down he pulled Alice into his lap. He kissed the skin of her neck softly. Over and over again.

"Take it easy princess"He whispered as the meeting continued.

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