Super Swimmers

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Rather longer update, if you haven't yet check out Facade-Falice. Nearly 3,000 views guys i appreciate it so much. Keep reading and voting hope your all well love you all xx

Love in other words was to cherish, be the rock, be the lover, be the comforter, be the biggest supporter, Be the solidity. And for Fp Alice was all of them. She was his rock, his solidity. His comforter. His lover. She Cherished him. She held him she loved him. No matter what. Even if time apart did happen. Even if they had married others and had children with other people their hearts always belonged to eachother. It was truth. The only truth. Alice had patience with him when no one else did.She loved him when no one else could. She accepted he needed help. And for that he loved her. He may have messed up which led to a break but he was stronger now she was back by his side. Waking him up with kisses. Making him breakfast. Sometimes she'd send in the kids to jump on him. But on this morning he was up first.He turned off the alarm and untangled his body from hers. He walked down stairs where the children were. "Good morning trooper"He beamed swinging a newly 2 Dylan around. His birthday was 2 weeks ago now and since Fp had been hammering Alice when ever he could. Betty and Jughead had 4 month old Olivia whilst grieving for Isla.

"Okay so Ella you are at nursery today, Dylan is a daycare and Jellybelly is at school"FP spoke as he dished up breakfast. "I am walking with Delilah."Jellybean smiled to which he nodded. Jellybean helped Ella change and Fp changed Dylan. He drove them to where they needed to be before heading home. Life was perfect for him. He had three of his gorgeous children in the house with him. A gorgeous wife of who he was trying to get pregnant. 2 gorgeous animals. Next door he had his son. A man he was proud of. His daughter in law it was weird because Betty too called him dad but it was a normal for him and everyone around them. He had his gorgeous granddaughter. Then he had his friends, with their children, A fast growing Curtis and a lazy Freddie. A hyper Everly then his life. He was living in his dream world. He pulled off the bottoms he had thrown on and made Alice chocolate chip pancakes with tea. He walked to their bedroom and placed them on the bedside table. He climbed into the bed beside her. His lips gently brushing her neck,

"Ali baby its 8:30"he whispered he felt her jolt. "Its okay baby i took them to where they needed to be i wanted you to rest"She snuggled back into his arms. "I love you Fp"Her voice was soft and loving. His touch was soft and tender. Her body was pushed against his as he held her tightly. "I love you too Al, i want to be there this time. From the morning sickness, every scan, the gender reveal, the first kick, the room decorating. I want it all"Alice giggled "You have super swimmers Mr Jones"He kissed her again. "Your my world. You know that right"As he said that Alice jolted and ran to the bathroom as sickness urged throughout her body. Her gut wrenching. Fp was shortly behind her holding her hair back. His hand rubbed her back up and down soothingly. "Forsythe. I think i may already be carrying your baby"Alice groaned into the bowl. He chuckled "Should i go get a test"He asked "Please. If it is positive i will make an appointment straight away. Jones you really have strong sperm"She gripped the bowl as she heaved again. Fp pulled back on his pants and left water beside his wife."I will be back soon baby"He left her heaving.

He jogged to the store walking in he began combing the isles. As he did he bumped into someone. He looked up to see Betty, Jughead by her side. "Your not dressed"Jughead frowned "Mh, Alice is mad at me i think"he chuckled Betty looked up "Why"He scratched his neck "Morning sickness. She thinks i already got her pregnant"Betty laughed loudly. "Is she is no more please. You have Jellybean,Ella,Dylan,Millie and Roxy already"Betty looked at him. "I know i know, we were't expecting it this soon but we aren't getting younger"he shrugged "You will have a 4 year old, a two year old and a new born baby. That spells mayhem and chaos"Jughead pointed out "I know but we love eachother we will get through it, plus we have people around us, Where are the tests"He asked. "Wait here i'll get them"Betty handed Olivia too Jughead and walked to the test area picking up a double pack. She paid for them and handed them to Fp. "Go home then come tell us the result"Fp kissed Betty's cheek and ran home greeted with Alice drinking water. "I have been holding my pee"He chuckled and threw her the box. He followed her back upstairs and into the bathroom. "Babe you don't wanna hear me pee"Alice looked at him. 

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