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Alice sent a message to everyone she needed to by everyone she meant Cheryl and Veronica. They needed to be there and they had called everyone else and asked them to meet them at 2pm at the La Bonne nuit. And that would be when everyone found out if their own Betty Cooper had fallen or flew. It was odd how close everyone was. The original midnight club then the breakfast club their children had formed when they were 16. Veronica and Cheryl met at 11 and drove to the hospital. Their minds over working and shattering. Jughead was pulled from his bed by Fp but had made his own way to the hospital.He cleansed his hands and allowed his big but soft skin clasp the smaller hand. Soft and silent tears falling from his face as he apologised. He had spent 1 night drunk but he regretted it. He wasn't like that. He loved his family. He brushed her soft skin as the machine beeped at a regular steady pace.He sat for a while until he heard his fathers voice and Dylan's soft babble. "Hey dad, look i am sorry for getting drunk"Fp nodded slowly as Alice joined them "Its okay Jug, you needed to release your negative energy"Alice smiled understandingly. He smiled and stood up wrapped his arms around his father and Alice. Minutes later two more voices were heard and in walked Veronica Lodge rubbing her bump. It wasn't big but it was there "Hey guys"They cheered Jughead chuckled "How's living with Sweetpea"Veronica had dumped Archie after discovering he had too cheated. They agreed they loved eachother. But they weren't in love anymore. He moved in with Josie and Veronica with Sweetpea. "Good actually. Kevin and Fangs are fed up of your dogs though so we are having them with us for a few weeks.Millie and Bella are good girls. Toni loved cats so just sits in your house playing with smokey"Jughead chuckled "Okay well thank you for doing that. Oi dad is Millie ours now then"Jughead questioned FP shrugged "I am not sure to be fair son anyway we have 3 minutes"Everyone braced themselves. Alice settled Dylan in his moses basket and the five moved to Betty's room. 3 doctors were in there. 

"Okay, now this can go three ways. Betty can not respond and we will re attach her. She may respond but still be asleep or wake up straight away. We will see."The nurse and doctor moved to Betty. She lady unhooked the tube from Betty's mouth and moved it away from her. She took the small the small tube that was inserted in Betty's neck too. They stood for a second and the noises made funny noises the 5 panicked but the doctor smiled and grabbed a torch. She lifted Betty's eye lid then gripped her hand "Betty can you hear me sweetheart if you can squeeze my hand"The doctor smiled broadly as she felt a gentle squeeze. "Well done Betty, Darling open your eyes for me. Let me see those gorgeous green eyes your mum told us about"Alice frowned but watched Betty. "Okay so she can hear us. She hasn't opened her eyes yet but she will be soon. Would you like us to but her in the room with Isla"Jughead looked at Alice then nodded frantically. The nurses nodded and opened the second door making the one single door frame into a double. The took the breaks from Betty's bed and wheeled her in. As the room was big her bed fit perfectly in the far corner of the room. It was out of the way and peaceful for her. This room was huge. You had Isla's incubator, a double hospital bed, 4 chairs,a door to a bathroom. 3 sides with a fridge,kettle and microwave. Once Betty's bed was settled Jughead took a seat beside her as did Alice. They held her hands tightly Jughead whispering sweet nothings to her his lips brushing the skin of her hand.They didn't know if she'd remember anything. Alice moved to cradle Dylan as she moved away Jughead stood he hovered over her. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and as he did. Her hand squeezed his and her beautiful eyes fluttered open "Juggie"Her voice was soft and his eyes filled with water "She's awake. She's awake"Everyone including FP rushed over "Hey there sexy"Jughead smiled she chuckled "Isla"He nodded "She on the other side of the room gorgeous. We are here. Me,Your Mum,Dad,Cheryl,V and Dylan."Betty's moved and snuggled into the blanket. "I missed you all so much"She muttered as they all hugged her "Nice hickey dad"She giggled. Alice and Fp flashed red "Really your meant to wait 6 weeks you animals"Jughead joked "We need to go and tell everyone. The serpents have even gone to the La Bonne Nuit to hear about you B. We love you so much"They kissed Betty quickly  and left. "Mum, Dad go home spent the day with Dyl, relax i need rest anyway and Juggie is here"Betty slighty hugged them and they left leaving her and Jughead. 

"Juggie sleep with me"She pleaded. He gently rolled his eyes but nodded. She only had 3 wires attached to her now and they were on her other side. Jughead walked to where the other bed was and change his black jeans to soft grey joggers. He grabbed the softer blanket and removed the horrible hospital one from Betty. He tucked her in then slotted in beside her. Her head rested on his chest and her leg gently wrapped around him. "They said you'll be able to be taken from the wires later today but you need a scan to check your head"Betty nodded and snuggled closer to him. "Jughead i love you. So much.And i want us, I want you. Forever"He looked at her infectious smile and placed a gentle and soft kiss to her dry lips. "Water"She nodded softly. She sipped the drink ans snuggled back beside him. 

"We are for eternity, Forever and Ever. Always and Always"Betty spoke placing a kiss on his cheek. 

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