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Betty and Jellybean laughed as they ran around ikea picking out furniture.They had decided with a forest theme for the baby room. Fp had also requested the girls purchase a bassinet for the room he and Alice shared. Amongst all the extensions it was never realised how many bedrooms this house had. Fp cleared the room of the mini fridge kettle and microwave, hoovered the house, changed the bed sheets and sorted all of the rooms out. Betty's old room was the study as it was before but he took out the single bed and put the microwave,mini fridge and kettle in their. He cleared out Ella'd old bedroom for the baby. The empty room he added the single bed from the office and the single bed he had ordered with a wardrobe. The other double room stayed the same. The room next to Jelly's on the third floor became a spare bedroom with a desk,wardrobe,ensuite and book case. The house was huge. 

Fp asked the girls to buy every piece of furniture the baby would need but not clothes or anything thats something he and Alice would do. So that day Jellybean and Betty made a trip to Ikea. Where all hell broke loose. The 2 girls chased eachother around the store in hysterical laughter. They only bought 4 things from Ikea but they spent 3 hours their. Everything else the bought from Mother Care. The two girls packed up their car and requested delivery on a few things. They took the paint,dustsheet,paint brushes and bassinet for Alice and Fp's room the rest was coming in the morning. The girls arranged to meet FP and Jughead at Pops as Cheryl was having Ella whilst the others decorated.

"Well hello their sexy"Jughead smirked as Betty strutted in her black jeans hugging her figure tightly along with her tight red body suit that criss crossed at the chest. "Hey guys, stuff coming tomorrow but we have all the paints,brushed and sheets for the floor in my car with the bassinet for your room"Betty smiled at Fp and she sat in the booth snuggling into Jughead's side. He placed a loving kiss on her forehead as he held her tighter. Betty was hiding something. She had messed it up to many times before and with Alice being pregnant it was no time for her too announce to Jughead her period was late by 2 weeks. Betty knew she had made a mistake. And Jughead himself had admitted only 3 days ago he didn't want children yet. 

"Juggie i need to talk to you"She mumbled grabbing his hand she led him outside and took a deep breathe as she pulled out 3 positive sticks from her bag. "I am so sorry Juggie"She criedhe looked down in horror and anger. "Fuck sake Betty really, i was just progressing now a sprog on the way"Betty looked down "I will have an abortion if thats what you want"Betty said looking down. "yes, yes thats what i want"He spat walking away. Betty felt her tears as they began falling down her cheeks. She pulled her phone out and called the one person she trusted 

"Hey B whats up girl"The familiar voice of Veronica cheered

"I need my V, can i come to yours please"Betty pleaded looking down at her self feeling disgusted. 

"Of course B girl see you soon"Betty shoved her phone in her back pocket and wiped the tear. She walked back into pops. "I am seeing Veronica she needs help. I will leave my car here Andre is picking me up. "Betty threw her keys at Jughead kissed Jellybean's head and left. Betty had lied she was actually walking to Veronica's house she needed air. She thought back to how happy FP was about the baby when he told them. And even Jughead's first reaction god forbid even Jacob's. She hated that she had been so careless. The one question she asked herself was weather she should abort her baby.

Back on the otherside of town the Jones men and Jellybean ordered lot food and scoffed their faces before heading home. They changed into their decorating clothes and laid down the mats on the floor. They added the mixture of colours into different pallets and covered their rollers in layers of thick coloured paint.Jelly laughed as Jughead's roller splatted paint over him. Everyone feeling satisfied when the sound of the paint hitting the wall and being pressed filled the wall. By the time all 4 walls were painted the first wall was dry and Fp worked his artistic magic. Jellybean rolled her roller over Jughead's face leaving lines of wet paint before he could get her back she ran out "I AM GOING TO BED GOODBYE"She ran leaving the men dumbfounded. 

"Child is nuts"Fp chuckled as he pulled his shirt over his head. Jughead laughed slightly but guilt over took him.  "Dad i fucked up with Betty."He sighed pulling his shirt over his head. "Get dressed come down stairs talk to me then call her"Jughead nodded and walked down the stairs through the living room stroking both Roxy and Millie on his way down. He decided to shower quickly washing his hair with Betty's favourite scented shampoo. It was strawberry and coconut a strange combination but Betty loved the scent. She would always kiss Jugead's hair and linger as she inhaled the sweetness. Once showered he pulled on his boxers and a S top when he felt the cold air he pulled on checked pj bottoms. As he got upstairs Fp was making tea. "Tell me then boy"Fp demanded as he added the milk to the two mugs.

"She's pregnant, And i reacted badly told her to get an abortion"Fp gasped "JUGHEAD JONES GET YOUR PHONE AND CALL HER"He shouted Jughead looked shocked but instead ran out of the house with Betty's car keys. He sped off the the Pembrooke where he called Betty.

"Jug..."She sighed

"I am outside come to me baby"The line went dead and minutes later Betty appeared. Once she was in the car Jughead sped of in the direction of Fox Forest. Once in a place that couldn't be seen he parked and pulled Betty into his lap.

"I am so sorry baby.I will forever be guilty for what i said. I love you Betty. Your mine and so is this baby we will look for our own place okay. I am so sorry i love you"Betty giggled

"I love you Jughead Jones"Betty giggled

Hey guys next chapter is FALICE FALICE FALICE

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