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Ella has well developed speech i am sorry if it seems un realistic. Also i am sorry, it'll get better i just thought i needed to give this story more of a chance to develop so this story line will fit. Comment below your thoughts Be safe during these difficult times guys.

What is the meaning of love? Love is an intense feeling of intimacy,tenderness and deep affection. Love is standing by someone no matter their mistakes, Love is accepting your partner no matter their flaw, being there when they are at at their lowest. But love isn't a one way street. You need two loving,responding people.Love shouldn't cause pain, love shouldn't harm you. Alice was in love with Fp. She couldn't walk away from him. She loved him."Are you sure your okay with them Forsythe"Alice asked as he and Gemma turned up at their home "Alice you need space okay and our son is messing you around, we have moved back here now so we will have them until Sunday"Alice thankfully hugged them kissed the kids goodbye and walked back into her home. Briefly she tidied up the mess the children had created. She wanted her husband. Her FP. She fed and walked Millie and checked her buns that after a week were slowly fading. It was Wednesday night so it had very nearly been a week.She finished her cleaning and skipped dinner. She walked to the spare bedroom that she slept in now. She pulled on her silk night gown and wiped the makeup from her face. She pulled her hair into a bun. And settled under the covers Millie and Roxy by her side. Only one thing on her mind. Fp Jones.She tightly squeezed her eyes together hoping to fall asleep but as she heard the front door open beneath her she couldn't help herself she leapt from the comfort of her bed and ran down the stairs stopping when she saw him, his back was turned to her all she could see was his black hair and the back of his serpents jacket. He slowly turned and his eyes met hers. She didn't say a word. She just ran and jumped into his arms her lips roughly connected with his. He kissed her back with force walking forwards her in his arms until her back hit the wall. His lips moved to attack her neck, he sucked her skin as his hand fondled with her breast soft moans leaving her mouth. She used her hands to move his jacket down his arms he chuckled "I am so sorry. I fucked up again,I'm an idiot"He spoke "Shh Jones shhh"She hushed him as she roughly attacked his neck with her lips he began lifting her silk night dress "The kids baby"She shook her head "Your parents have them until Sunday"He nodded as he released her. She instantly began to work at the buttons on his shirt he pushed himself away and grabbed her hand. He began leading her into their bedroom but she froze. Remembering when he punched her in the stomach in that very room 3 days ago. She pulled him towards the room she had been sleeping in, Roxy jumped off of the bed and Millie growled at Fp and walked out, He sighed but was soon groaning when he felt Alice sucking the skin on his neck, He pulled the bobble from her hair letting it fall freely. He shimmied his shirt off and allowed Alice to un buckle his belt and un zip him. She quickly pulled down his jeans leaving him in only his boxers. He lifted her up and began kissing her fiercely. He loved the way her skin felt, the way little moans left her mouth. He removed her nightdress paying no attention to anything but her face, He qucikly pulled his boxers down and thrusted himself inside of her wet core. "Fuck Ali, i missed you so much fuck"He slammed inside of her their skin slapped together as he became harder and harder, "Fp"She moaned he felt her wince when he roughly grabbed her arm and when he pressed against her stomach he went too look but she didn't let him "Don't"He looked into her eyes then down to her stomach seeing the large bruise along with a burn mark, He pulled out of her pulled his clothes on and left without a word leaving her standing there naked.

 She sobbed and fell to the floor. She quickly changed into a new night gown she locked her front door "Millie"She called out the dog ran in and jumped onto the bed snuggling into Alice, Roxy came in seconds later snuggling into Alice's hair. "Whats wrong with me"She cried into Millie who whimpered. Alice tightly snuggled with her companion all night long. When the morning came she skipped breakfast she went for a run with Millie came home showered and dressed. She headed to work as usual walking into her own office smiling at her assistant "Good Morning Mark"She spoke "Morning you look gorgeous as always, i got you a hot chocolate"She thanked him and headed to her desk, She began typing away until 10am when there was a meeting "If the phone rings answer"He nodded, Alice walked into the meeting room being almost the last person her breathe hitching seeing FP sitting their a seat beside him. She decided against it and took the seat beside Josie and Kevin on the opposite side. "Morning"Betty spoke walking in "Jesus girl your going to pop soon"Betty grumbled "I feel huge" "You look amazing"Jughead laughed walking in kissing her cheek. Hermione sat down with Mary who were new on the design team. "We are doing well guys, Fp has sent me over his final sketches they have be cleared just waiting for the construction team to confirm it all, Jug had edited his photos for the magezine and our design wear is nearly finished so by the time the building is finished so will our furniture line. Mum hows the article"Betty asked "Its finished as i believe Mark is editing it as we speak"As Alice said it he walked in with a fresh drink "Sorry to bother you, Mrs Davidson from the nursery is on the phone Ella had a accident and is asking for you, I said within the hour and i got you a fresh drink i drank yours"Alice smiled "Thank you, Excuse me Betty, we have a briefing at 3 don't we"Cheryl nodded as Fp looked at his wife then to Mark, He watched him hand Alice her coat and kiss her cheek. "Isn't this Ella's third accident this week"Cheryl asked "Yep, she keeps falling, mum took her to a specialist the other day, apparently she needs physio because the way she sat her hips moved"Fp frowned not knowing any of the information. "I need a new pitch guys, We have the toddler line, the kid line, any ideas for other clothing lines"Cheryl asked "Gym wear"Kevin shouted Betty nodded "That is amazing i have three perfect models in mind, Veronica, Toni and,...""Your mum 10000%, her swim wear shoot was perfection"Fangs piped Betty nodded "I agree, i loved that one in NYC it was my main project but she was pregnant"Betty groaned as her baby kicked. "The meeting concluded and everyone dispersed. Fp had Alice on his mind. Regretting his previous actions. 

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