Fallen Queen

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"Looks like its war then. Gladys"And then in a matter of seconds a gunshot echoed. The only thing heard was the muffled scream of the blonde as she fell. And Gladys dropped the gun and ran.As fast as she could. Penny and Malachi followed Jacob in tow. "BETTY"Jughead screamed.

It was a night like no other. A night that would never be forgotten. As her body fell and the cowards ran the serpents became angry and most of them ran. Leaving to attack. Jughead Jones ran as fast as his feet could take him and fell beside her. "Stay with me come on baby for Isla. For me stay with me"He cried as he held her on his arms. Her eyelids became heavy and her eyes closed.Her body was already cold but she was hanging on. "BETTY"Alice and Cheryl screamed running behind Jughead dropping beside her Alice took Betty's hand in hers and rubbed it trying to warm her up. Fp made the call to the ambulance as Sweetpea,Kevin and Fangs looked down shakily. Watching their fallen queen. "Sweetpea, Fangs. Find them, Put them in the wyrm then call me and my dad. We will finish them"Jughead spat. The youngsters nodded and ran. "Come on sis i can't loose you, not yet"Cheryl cried. Jughead stroked her hair as her eyes opened again slightly "J-Jug--gie l--o--ooo-k a--f--te--r  I--s---la"She spoke through her pain.She had 2 holes in her body. An entry wound and an exit wound. Well thats what they thought then Archie ran over "I heard 2 gunshots not one. Look over her quick"Toni suddenly nodded "I heard 2"Frantically they searched until Cheryl gasped. "Oh my god. They tortured her. She's covered in blood. bruises,cuts"She cried. A panic stricken Alice then let out a high pitched yelp. "I found it. Its in between her 2nd and 3rd rib"Jughead stroked her hair gently "Its okay. Bettsy i have you baby. I got you"He sobbed. He couldn't loose her. She was his queen. His one and only. Minutes later the ambulance sirens were heard the red lights were blinding. The ambulance rushed in a paramedic jumping out with a bag running over. "What do we have"She asked Cheryl sucked in "Well a entry wound through the upper  back and an exit wound through the lower chest of a bullet. A further bullet wound inbetween the 2nd and 3rd rib. And alot of bruises,cuts,slashes."Cheryl explained "I NEED A STRETCHER"She shouted a man ran over with a bed on wheels "Roger stabilise her neck, call ahead we need them to prepare the operating theatre. We need surgeons and consultants ready for us. I am giving 50mg of Morphine"He nodded as he braced her neck. "My count  1,2 and 3."They shifted Betty's body onto the board "Jug go with her. We will follow"Toni whispered he nodded "Isla"He grunted "Veronica is heading to them now with Archie he just left"Jughead nodded and jumped in the ambulance. 

The journey was long and painful. Just looking at her. Broken and bruised body. They held pressure on her wounds but what were her chances. He found himself looking at her guilt in his eyes. "I love you"He whispered over and over again as if he was placing a spell. He could hear the roaring noise of the sirens and he could feel the speed they were travelling at. He knew when they were there as they met a sudden stop and the wailing sirens stopped. The doors flung open and He jumped out the paramedics rushed her in Jughead shortly behind. "20 year old female, She has a gunshot wound the the upper back the bullet did exit just bellow her breast meaning her lung could be pierced and her spinal chord may be damaged. A second gunshot wound inbetween her 2nd and 3rd rib. She has several large cuts and dark bruising. Suspected head injury and a stab wound the upper thigh we have given IV paracetamol and 50mg of morphine"They whisked her away and the paramedic put his hand om Jughead's shoulder "Wish you all of the luck buddy"Jughead passed a faint smile as Alice,FpToni,and Cheryl ran in. Alice made a call, She knew why they left.They needed to. But it had been arranged. Hermione and Fred were coming to the hospital they were taking Dylan,Ella and Jellybean back to the Jones house. They would watch them and Tom would guard. Kevin had already headed back to Jughead's home to deed the pups and keep them company. The next 24 hours would be full of brutality. 

They slumped in the chair awaiting news thats when a nurse came. "Betty will be in surgery for the next 7 hours"Jughead groaned and Alice took a deep breathe "I know its not exactly the best place but when she's finished in surgery please can they set her up in the Smith birthing suite its on the private labour ward. Her daughter is in the Smith recovery suite so it'll be easier as Jughead is staying in with Isla in the bed they put in with him.It means we can see them both"The nurse nodded "I would go home,sleep,eat and rest,"Alice shook her head. And for 7 hours they sat there. Waiting Jughead had briefly been to see Isla. He had spoken to nurses and it was confirmed Isla will be here for atleast the next 3 months. They sat awaiting news. News that she was alive and well. Fp had Alice wrapped tightly in his arms it was 3am. Cheryl napped on Toni's shoulder And Toni napped on Jughead's, But he and FP were fully awake and aware. "I'm scared dad. She's my world,"FP sighed "I know boy. I know"A small elder woman walked towards them so they awoke the girls. "Betty Cooper"Jughead nodded. "Surgery had complications. And Betty had a seizure. We are awaiting a CT scan slot. We removed the remaining bullet and luckily it hadn't pierced the lung. The bullet that exited Betty's body did sadly puncture her lung. It passed through which is extremely rare. We managed to stitch it and place over a graft which ultimately saved her lung. But we don't know if her spinal chord has been effected. As this point in time Betty is still under anaesthetic. She is in the requested room and little one is doing fine. Next week they will do another screening on Isla to see her development stage. You are free to go up but as i said we are waiting the Ct scan. There is a possibility Betty has a brain tumour. From blunt force trauma. Miss Smith,Miss Blossom its 50/50 odds i am so sorry"Alice cried into FP then Jughead shot up as his phone pinged "Ali,Cher go sit with Isla and Betts. We need to go sort out the dogs."Alice frowned but kissed FP.

"Jughead whats happening"Fp asked as they marched from the hospital. "Peabody got away. Mum checked herself into the psych hospital. But Jacob and Malachi are tied up at the wyrm."FP chuckled "We need to go to the old trailer boy. We need our knives and guns. This needs to be painful. Then i will cover it up as Sheriff"He smiled proudly Toni nodded and they went to the trailer. Picking knives,blades and guns before travelling to the Wyrm. They walked in like bosses. Jughead took to the stage. "SERPENTS. I AM PROUD OF YOU. FOR FIGHTING FOR OUR QUEEN. FIGHTING FOR OUR OWN. NOW GLADYS MAY HAVE SHOT THE GUN BUT THEY BEAT HER. TORTURED HER STABBED HER. AND MALACHI SHOT THE GUN THAT SHOT HER IN THE RIBS, WE NEED JUSTICE. THANKS TO THEM CUNTS I MAY NOT HAVE A GIRLFRIEND,A WIFE. A LOVER. MY DAUGHTER MIGHT NOT HAVE HER MOTHER BETTY HAS 50/50 ODDS OUR QUEEN HAS FALLEN. SO SERPENTS GO DOWNSTAIRS BEAT THEM TORTURE THEM. DON'T FINISH THEM, ME,MY FATHER,TONI,FANGS AND SWEETPEA WILL FINISH THEM WE NEED TO FIGURE OUT WHERE TO DITCH THE BODIES"Jughead shouted then Slurpe jumped "We have an idea boss, kill them torture them. Then take them back to their car. sit them in it push it in a ditch then torch it"Jughead clapped "PERFECT NOW GO" The serpents ran to the basement as Fangs and Sweetpea walked over "Guys. I fucked Veronica. Its my baby"Jughead chuckled "We know. Betty told us"He rolled his eyes "I miss her fucking laugh already. I need her in my life"Jughead began to cry.  As he cried Alice Smith and Cheryl Blossom had just gotten the worse news. Betty had a tumour. it was removable, But they had no idea if she would wake up or if she'd have memory. Cheryl rang Toni in tears "Cher"She spoke "Its bad TT. Its a tumour. Removable but her chances are 30/70, 30 to surviving  70 to her staying in coma."Toni for the first time let a tear slip down her face. "Sis"Fangs spoke "I love you Cheryl. We will make them pay"She ended the call and turned to the boys and shook her head "She only has 30% chance of living. Its a tumour, Removable but they said she might not wake and if she does its possible she won't have memory"Jughead screamed loudly as the Slim came up "Finish them"Fp chuckled "We will make them hurt a whole lot more first"They all put on knuckle hooks and walked down the stairs. "You three put them in pain we will watch"Jughead spat.Toni let out a evil smirk and stabbed her knife into Malachi's leg before slashing his cheek blood oosing out.Sweetpea punched Jacob over and over before shooting him in the leg. He moved to Malachi and shot him between the 2nd and 3rd rib "How does that feel, thats what you did to our girl"He spat Jughead smirked. "Fangs cut Malachi 30 times anywhere. Toni you cut Jacob. Then i want Sweetpea to shoot them in the foot. 3 shots on each foot. Make it 5 on each for Jacob for the baby he made me and Betty loose.Then dad you will finish Malachi and i will finish Jacob"They carried out their missions the groans only making the serpents happier. Blood was everywhere.

Jughead grabbed his knife and gun. He walked to Jacob and shot him. In the stomach then the chest. He was now barely Alive. Hanging on by a thread. He stabbed him in the stomach then the thigh,He raised his gun and pointed it inbetween his eyes "Who wants to slit his throat"Jughead spoke darkly. Slurpe walked forward with his knife. He made the cut ad Jughead pulled the trigger "That was for Connor and for Betty"He spat at the tortured dead body before him. Fp wasn't as brutal as his son. He stabbed Malachi a few times then shot him in the head. "YOU GUYS CLEAN UP GO BACK TO THE QUEEN WE WILL CLEAN THIS PLACE AND THE BODIES"Tall boy shouted they nodded and drove back to the house Cheryl and Toni shared. Luckily Fp had clothes in his truck as did Jug. They showered themselves and removed all traces of blood. They changed quickly. Fangs went home to Kevin and Sweetpea received a call from V who had broken up with Archie. So only the three returned to the hospital.When they entered the room Jughead put on his mittens "Hey baby girl daddy is here"He took them off and walked to the room that would be Betty's. "She's in surgery Jug"He nodded

"Malachi and Jacob are gone"He muttered. Alice hugged them all Jughead settled in the chair allowing Alice and Cheryl to snuggle into eachother on the bed. Toni  sat on a chair as did Fp. 3 hours later Betty was taken back into the room the others didn't know until the nurse came in. "Miss Cooper is now in a medically induced coma and on life support. In 6 days we will remove the tube but until then just talk to her."They all nodded

Their queen had fallen

hey guys please comment anything you would like to see in this story below please, Who would read it if i made a story called On the Frontline. It would be a bughead story which maybe causes falice. It'll be Jughead being a commanding soldier at the camp with Betty as their paramedic. All riverdale characters will be in it but in different ways, For example Cheryl would also be a paramedic but the lead paramedic. Toni,Fangs and Sweetpea would be soliders as would Kevin,Reggie and some other characters, Comment below if you'd read it and any ideas for this story.

Love lil x🍭🌈

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