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"Good morning pretty lady"Mark cheered walking into Alice's room handing her breakfast, that she ate. "Hey, thank you, i will start paying you soon"Alice finished her mascara "I don't want money Al, i want you"She looked up and blushed. "Time Mark, please give me time, Fp was my life for so long"He nodded "Hey Al you've been here 5 nights and i am already my happiest with you"She giggled. Jellybean spent the previous night with Fp. As it was Monday he would hopefully take her to school. "Mumma, Marky"Ella squealed running into the room. "Morning little monkey, i say lets eat pancakes then mummy can choose you and Dylan your outfits"Ella nodded and Alice looked up and placed a gently kiss on his cheek. Her lips lingered on his skin.He kissed her head and walked to his kitchen to help Ella eat. Alice moved to Dylan's room she picked out a pair of soft grey jogging bottoms and a monkey jumper of course with his vest and a winter hat. She changed him quickly and prepared a changing bag for the day. She helped Ella change whilst Mark got himself ready. He came out in his smart black pants, polished black shoes, washed out blue shirt with a matching grey tie and a grey blazer. Alice herself was wearing a white pencil skirt with lines on it in different directions which formed squared with a matching black blouse along with black heels. "Come on baby"She picked up Dylan who was nearly walking. He may be over a year old but he got lazy. Ella was wearing black leggings, boots,a jumper with her coat her hair was braided with a bow hair clip. Alice strapped Dylan in as Mark strapped in Ella. The pair drove to the nursery where Alice walked in Ella and Mark watched Dylan. When she returned they drove to the office.

 Alice unstrapped Dylan and pulled the bag over her shoulder. She held the little boy in her arms as Mark locked her car carrying his own bag and her laptop bag. "Good morning"Alice spoke to various people as she walked through the building. Once in their office Mark set out the travel cot and filled it with the blankets,  Alice removed his hat and coat then placed him into the play pen she kept by her desk as it was easier, she sometimes looked after Curtis for Veronica and Sweetpea, Sometimes Fred for Josie and Archie sometimes even Everly. Fangs and Kevin kept their little one with a nanny whilst they worked.  "Oh jesus my schedule is so busy today Team meeting 10am Briefing at 12pm Overview at 2pm, Review at 4 pm then a team review meeting at 5:30,"She went eye wide "Al its okay, I'll get Ella from Nursery at  2 as always take Dylan with me. Then at 4:30 when Jellybean finishes her club i will pick her up take everyone home and make dinner"Alice smiled "Mark you don't have to do all of this. I am the mother"He chuckled "And i am helping you Smith whether you like it or not. Fp never did. Now its 9am we have an our. You play and spend time with Dylan"She kissed his lips softy he looked at her in shock "Al"She giggled "I'm sorry i just"He stopped her by placing his lips over hers "Shh baby get back to work"She swatted his arm and spent the hour playing around with Dylan when a knock echoed their office "Hey Ali cat meeting is now walk with me"Hermione smiled at Mark. "Of course, Be good Dyl, Thanks Mark"She blew a kiss and placed Dylan in his playpen. The women walked into the meeting room but for the first time they were early. They sat down and began to chatter. "I kissed Mark"Alice whispered Hermione squealed as Jughead,Sweetpea,Kevin,Fangs and FP walked in coffees in their hands. They still had 5 minutes before everyone would arrive. "Whats the squealing about"Pea asked "Alice is telling me a story about childhood"Alice giggled as the door knocked. As the office was  made with glass around it you could see everything. In walked Mark, Dylan in his arms "Al i need to pee"She giggled and stood up taking her little boy "Hey monkey"She cooed "Thanks gorgeous be a few"She blushed and turned around "Aww Alice is blushinggggg"Hermione shouted "ha funny. Very funny. Hilarious. I am hysterical"she grumbled as Dylan kicked her still achey stomach."FUCK"She screeched "Alice you okay"Jughead asked she nodded and held back her tears "Mumma mumma"Dylan babbled "Good boy Dyl,"Alice sat down ignoring her pain. "Al i got you and Hermione hot coco,"Alice smiled up at him but he noticed the pain in her eyes. He placed the cups on the side and opened his arms she smiled stood and fell into his arms. He stroked and kissed her hair whilst Fp watched in over powering jealousy. "You'll be okay, i promise. Now can i kiss your cheek"He whispered in which she hummed in responce. He pulled away and wiped her tear. She pouted and he grabbed her hand. "Hermione i need to check her stomach for.. you know what."Mark took Alice who was carrying Dylan to their Office. She settled her son into the travel cot as he was sleepy. Thats when Mark began kissing her passionately. She stumbled back her hands tugging his hair gently "Wow, Now get that ass of yours into the meeting"She pecked his lips one last time and walked into the room bumping into Betty. "Hey baby girl"Betty smiled tiredly "Mum i am exhausted"Alice kissed Betty's head "Go home, i will say you were sick and feeling unwell"Betty thanked Alice and walked away as Alice walked back into the glass meeting room "Betty has gone home she's been sick and feeling unwell, Jug maybe you should go just in case"He nodded "See you guys, love you Alice"He kissed her cheek she rolled her eyes and sat back in her seat,

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