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The young blonde was whisked away her mother at her side screaming in pain.The nurses surrounded her. Alice held her daughters hand as the nurse applied jelly to her stomach. Alice watched in hope as Betty kept her eyes closed tightly but all hope was lost. When the nurse sighed. "Miss Cooper i am so so sorry but your baby has died"Betty's screams shattered Alice's heart her wrenched sobs as she gasped for oxygen. Cheryl burst in taking over from Alice. Who too had tears streaming down her face. She watched as her daughter gripped her stomach screaming over and over again her sobs were enough to shatter any heart. It took all of Alice's strength to pull herself from the hospital room. She had to deliver the news to everyone else. She braced herself and walked into the private family room they had been showed too. As she walked in Veronica stood. "The baby"Alice shook her head. Jughead punched the wall his knuckles began to bleed after. Then Cheryl burst in "Aunt Ali Betty's waters broke she has to give birth here tonight"Alice shook her head and screamed loudly leaving most people with a achey eardrums.

"She just lost the baby. Now they want her to push it out"Cheryl nodded then they heard Betty's screams and Alice ran out Cheryl looked at Toni.

"Its a little boy. They just confirmed the sex. TT and V please can you go get some bits such as a blanket, blue baby grow a nappy a hat mittens a teddy and a box. She'll need it. Maybe some clothes for her"Toni nodded and Kissed Her girlfriend Veronica walked out too.Jughead was sobbing into his hands. "Jug go be with her she needs you in there. You Fp and Alice all of you need to be with her. I will look after Jelly just go be with her"The Jones men rushed from the side room to the blonde.Betty clutched his hand "I am so sorry juggie i am so sorry"She sobbed Jughead kissed her head "Look at me no one is to blame baby girl no one"Betty sobbed as Jughead stroked her hair. "Your so strong princess its okay you'll be okay i got you baby i got you"He soothed the girl Fp watched his son in awe, He was 20 and watching his 19 year old girlfriend give birth to their dead baby. He was being so strong so brave. "Sweetheart we are here okay me, Jug and Fp we won't let go okay"Betty screamed "Ella mum be with Ella"Betty was in pure agony. Alice shook her head "Ella is okay you need us right now"Betty was screaming louder and louder then the machines began to beep and blood began to pour from her vaginal area. The nurse ran in and moved Alice. "Betty can you open your eyes for me"She asked as the young blondes eyes closed. Betty hummed and her eyes squinted "Betty darling can you hear me"She asked 

"Un responsive how many cm dilated"The nurse asked the other nurse looked.

"6. We need to choose now c section or natural"Then her eyes opened

"Good girl she's awake natural it is."Betty was covered in layers of sweat. "Ali go check on El we have Betts"Alice nodded and Kissed her daughters head and walked out of the room. "Come on princess we have you. Your our serpent queen. When your out you can get that tattoo"Betty giggled "Juggie can i stay with you"Betty groaned through her pain " I am moving in with your mum gorgeous how about i move in with you when we get out of here and i take you out shopping get you new stuff so you never have to see that flat again"Betty nodded and screamed again Fp had tears in his eyes watching her. "Shhh its okay princess we got you we got you"Fp hushed the teen. "JUGGIE"She screamed the nurse checked again "She's ready to push"Betty shook her head. "I can't i can't"She cried "You can princess, you Smith women are so strong come on"Fp let her squeeze his hand she was gripping the hands of both Jones men who both cherished the blonde with every bone in their humble bodies. "Next contraction push"Betty nodded and soon enough she was pushing with every ounce of strength she pushed. "Arghhhhh"She screamed  as pain swept throughout her body. Alice ran in with the bag Toni had just bought in. Alice stood next to her man. Her hand brushing Betty's. "BETTY YOU CAN DO THIS 5 BIG PUSHES"Betty did as she was told she used all of her might all of her strength. Her screams were loud as she let out one last push. "Miss Smith do you want to cut the chord"Alice pulled a face and Fp piped up "I will"The nurse nodded Fp went over used the scissors and cut the chord. Betty was expecting the cry. But she didn't hear it. She was soon passed her baby in a towel. He was covered in blood. The room was covered in blood. Fp and Jughead both kissed Betty's forehead we are so so proud of you"Fp mumbled Jughead looked down at his still born son."Juggie what do you want to call him"Betty asked he leaned down "You choose princess"Betty smiled thinking back she thought to a name Fp and Jughead both loved a few years back. "Connor Forsythe Pendelton Jones"Both Fp and Jughead's smiled beamed

"Betts we want you to choose a name you love"Jughead said "Its a name we all love. So on his stone he their is a piece of us all"Betty looked up and Jug leaned down and kissed her "I know it could be too soon but one day we will have a baby and we will make Connor Proud"Betty smiled and kissed him "We will Juggie, I want you, Forever no more games just us.As a family with Ella and Jelly. No one else except the inner circle and serpents. I need to forget him. And soon i will tell you. Something really bad but right now i want us all here. Together"Betty had always been positive.

"Miss Cooper do you want foot prints and hand prints"Betty and Jug both nodded frantically the nurse took the baby away.

"You made me so proud Betty."Betty smiled then another nurse came in."We are going to move your bed sweetheart"Betty nodded and Jug helped her into a wheel chair. He helped her change into the clothes Toni had bought with her. In her room she had requested Ella to be bought in. Jelly came in too. Betty and Jug both let tears slip as they were handed their tiny baby, Betty began to sob. Remembering this tiny baby will never have a life. Her and Jug together bathed him in the small basin they had been given. Jug dried him and did his nappy and Betty she dressed him in the fleeced baby grow Toni bought in. She placed the blue hat over his head and pulled the blue mittens over his hands. Together they wrapped him in the large blue blanket and together they held him as Alice took a requested photo. Betty kissed Jughead softly and they looked at their son Alice wiped her tears as did Jelly . The young couple cradled their son until the nurse came in with a small wooden basket. And together the young couple placed their son in the basket.

"Connor Forsythe Pendelton Jones"Betty cried into Jugs chest gently.

And together as a family they knew they could do this.

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