Chapter 1

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I rushed towards him as he laid down on the ground. There were multiple wounds all over his body. There was blood dripping from his right eye. 

"Dimitri!" I yelled. 

His head lifted up and he looked over at me. His head fell back down and rested in the sand. I ran by his side and sat next to him. I lifted his head onto my lap and looked at his injuries. His eye was probably the worst. I needed to get him to a hospital. Although, we were about ten miles from the closest hospital. I only had gauze which should be able to help him get there. I looked at my belt and saw I had lost my one means of communication. I sighed and looked down at Dimitri.

"I'm going to get you out of here," I said. "I'm going to get you to the hospital."

I brought out the gauze and wrapped it around his eye and any major injuries he had. I tried to help him sit up, but he was in too much pain.

"Y/N, save yourself and leave me here."

"I am not leaving you here, Dimitri."

"You need to," he coughed. "You need to. I would just slow you down if we run into any enemies. Go. Win this war for us!"

"We're going to win this war!"

Dimitri looked into my eyes and saw there was determination within them. He had a small smile on his face. He reached up and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. He rested his hand on my cheek and he did his best to pull himself up. I leaned down to him and placed my lips onto his. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"At least I got to see you one last time," Dimitri said. "I love you." The last part was more like a whisper. He closed his eyes and fell back into my lap.

"Dimitri! Dimitri, stay with me!" I said and helped him up. I got him and wrapped his arm around my neck. I wrapped my arm around his waist and I walked towards the nearest hospital. 

"Please Goddess, please let him live."

I woke up with a splitting headache. I looked around the room and saw the sun was starting to rise. I grabbed my phone and saw it was five minutes before my alarm went off. I turned the alarm off and got up. Might as well start my day five minutes earlier than usual. I got ready for the day and walked into the kitchen. I made myself something fast and to take on the go with me. I grabbed my keys to my apartment and walked out. I locked the door and headed towards the elevator. Before I pressed the button, I made sure I had everything with me. I pressed the button and the doors opened up. 

"Hold that please!" a voice called from down the hall. 

I placed my hand in front of the door and the person ran into the elevator.

"Thank you," they said.

I glanced at them quickly to notice he had blond hair, blue eyes, a suit on, and a blue tie with a pin on the left side of his blazer. We stood there in awkward silence until the doors opened up. 

"Ladies first," he said.

"Thanks," I said and walked out of the elevator.

I opened the door to the apartment building and headed into town. As I was walking, that dream I had kept coming back to me. Who was this Dimitri? And why did I care so much about him? Furthermore, why did he love me? I must have been dreaming about a person on a TV show I was watching last night. However, his name wasn't Dimitri. It was more like Dustin. Which was no where near Dimitri. 

I was so lost in thought that I almost walked past the building I needed to go into. I walked towards the door and walked through.

"Good morning, Y/N," the receptionist said.

"Good morning, Flayn," I said. 

"Got a big day today! Lambert has something big planned."

"Does he now?"

"Yep. I don't know what, but we have something planned."

"Alright. Lambert is known for having surprises and is notorious for not telling people."

"Good luck in there."

"Thank you, Flayn!"

I walked to my cubicle and sat down. I set my things down and got organized. Once I got everything out and organized, I still had some time on my hand. I walked out of my cubicle and down towards the lobby. I walked into the lobby and got myself a cup of coffee. I turned and immediately bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I said and grabbed a handful of napkins.

"It's quite alright," the person said.

He slipped off his blazer and held it in his hands. I threw the napkins away and turned to look back at the person. It was the same person who was in the elevator this morning. 

"Ah, I'm very sorry about that," I said.

"Don't worry about it. Accidents happen all the time. I just hope my father doesn't yell at me."


"Yes. My father, Lambert. Head of the company."

"That means, you must be Dimitri."

Was this the same Dimitri that was in that dream I had. He did have the blue eyes, but he had both of them. And his blond hair was shorter rather than longer. 

"I am. And you are?"

"I'm Y/N."

"Nice to meet you, Y/N," Dimitri said and shook my hand. "My father has scheduled a meeting today in about ten minutes."

"Flayn told me."

"Well, I better get ready for that meeting. I'll see you later, Y/N."

"See you, Dimtri."

I waved goodbye to him and I went back towards the table and poured myself another cup of coffee.

"That was a weird way to meet the son of the company," someone said.

I turned and saw it was Dedue. Dedue was the right hand man of Lambert and was ordered to look after Dimitri. 

"I guess it was," I said. "Spilling coffee on someone isn't the best since it was sort of hot."

"I'm sure the young master will be alright," Dedue said and walked off.

I grabbed my coffee and got ready for the meeting.

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