Chapter 4

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The morning sunlight shines through my curtains as I open my eyes. My head starts spinning as I lift it. I throw it back on my pillow. This normally happens when I had a late night. It's pretty clear my body is drained with everything that's happening. The threats I have been receiving are quite alarming but I'm sure it is nothing I have to worry about.

The smell of freshly baked pancakes and butter fills my nostrils. I will never get tired of this every morning but it is heartbreaking that I will be leaving home soon for university. I'm going to miss waking up in this bed and smelling all the delicious breakfast every morning. I have to ask my mother to teach me more of her famous recipes.

I make my way down stairs to the kitchen. My mom is standing over at the stove. Her hair is in a messy bun and she is wearing her favorite floral rope with her cute rabbit slippers. I make my way quietly to sit on the stool by the counter.

"Morning mom" I said.

I hear a little scream escapes her mouth. She turns around with a hand placed over her chest feeling her heart beat. I softly giggle.

"Oh my goodness, you scared me" my mom says dramatically

"Oh mom... Morning mom." I laugh.

"Morning my baby... How was the game and party!?"

I tell my mother everything. She is my best friend as well and she loves it every time I tell her about the drama that happens at school. I haven't told her about the threats yet actually I haven't told anyone about them. I just don't want anyone to worry about me, especially my parents. I need to deal with the threats by myself or I shouldn't worry about it.

"Down to earth Ayisha. Is everything okay?"

"Sorry mom. Everything is okay"

"So spill the deals... How was the game and party?"

"It was amazing. We won the first game for the season and I would love for us to bring the trophy back this season"

"Impressive. Adam must be doing an incredible job. I'm sure he must be training more lately."

"Yes mom but he does make sure that he spends time with me though. I'm one of his priorities."

"You two should just get married already and I want grand babies after that." my mom said with a wide smiling forming on her face.

"Mom... No I think we are too young for that besides dad would kill us if we did that" I laugh.

"And the party?" my mom asks with a smirk.

The party was quite wild for the first game. I explained more about how drunk everyone was especially Ethan, how much Adam didn't want me to leave his sight thinking that someone might take me away. My mom just laughed most of the time and wiggled her eyebrows every time I mentioned Adam.

"It sounds like you had an incredible night. So I guess I should expect grand babies soon" my mom winks at me.

"Mom stop" I could feel my cheeks becoming red from my mom's comment.

My mother puts a plate of the mouthwatering breakfast in front of me and a cup of coffee. She sits beside me and begins to eat her breakfast as well. I have not seen my dad since I woke up and he never misses breakfast.

"Mom. Where is dad?"

"Duty calls. Something happened at one of the construction site the company is working on"

"Oh... " I said.

My father is very determined when it comes to his company. He would never sleep if anything wouldn't meet his expectations and his workers would always fall under the pressure. I would feel their pain at time when I went with him to the construction sites. They would work for hours and have minimum lunch breaks. My dad would just tell them that he didn't want to disappoint the clients. I guess that is why his company is still succeeding and getting a lot of investments.

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