Chapter 26

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The week is almost over and it's seems the more I fear for my life. I think it's normal for me to do that at this point. I don't know how everything is going to turn out in the future but I pray that the stalker's identity gets revealed soon.

My mom is finally back home. It was seriously becoming awkward especially when my dad couldn't stop asking me if Adam and I have slept together. It was torture. I avoided the question as best as I could because I don't think talking about those kinds of things with my dad is appropriate. I love my dad but sometimes only mom can know the things that happen to me. The school comes to my view and I drive into the full parking lot. I'm happy when I get a parking space that's closer to the entrance door. I put my bag string over one shoulder and clench onto the rest of my books. I hurry into the school because I only have about five minutes until school starts. I get to my locker to pack all the books I'll need for the day and walk to my first class which is Spanish.

The morning goes by great, the bell rings for maths class to end so we can have our lunch break. I finally got to finish my maths assignment which took me long five hours to complete. Holding onto the strip on my backpack, I push my way through the crowded hallway to get to cafeteria. I don't feel hungry so I'll probably eat my lunch after school because we have a year book meeting. I'll be starving to death because I'm saving some extra money for Adam's anniversary gift. I've decided on getting him boxing gloves with his initials. I hope he likes them. I made my way to the usual lunch table in the corner. It doesn't take long until Emma joins me with her tray filled with food.

"Hey Girlfriend." she winks at me as she takes her seat.

"Hey baby girl."

"I hope you haven't forgotten about the yearbook meeting after school."

"I haven't forgotten about that."


"So how was your date with Ethan?"

"It was okay." she whispers as she takes a bite of her sandwich.

Ethan asked Emma out on a fourth date. She was freaking out and begged me to help pick clothes to wear. I did my best to help her out and Emma looked amazing yesterday. She didn't call or text me to tell me how the date was going. So now I want to drill the information out of her.

"Just okay, it's your fourth date and you telling me nothing exciting happened?"

I was kind of hoping that they would have at least kissed if not dating. Emma has got to make a move before other girls take him away.

"Yes it was just okay."

I stare at her and I can see her cheeks getting pink by the minute. So something did happen or was about to happen. I wonder what happened.

"You are lying... Your cheeks are telling me a different story."

"Fine... We kissed."

I squeal and clap my hands.

"So how was it?" I ask.

"It was good... He's such a good kisser."

"Awww... So are you guys dating now?"

"No... He didn't ask and my feelings for him are getting deeper every time we spend together. I'm hoping he feels the same way."

"Well he kissed you so that counts as something."

"It could've been just a kiss to him that didn't mean anything."

"Emily Summers... Its clear the guy feels the same way. He's taken you out on dates, really amazing dates and you guys talk to each other almost every day and now you guys kissed. So I think that's enough to show you that he feels the same way about you."

The words I wish I never said Where stories live. Discover now