Chapter 29

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A/N :I don't know why does Wattpad keep mixing up my chapters sometimes. But I'll fix the mistake once I'm done with the book. Please read chapter 28 which is next before reading this chapter.
Enjoy 🦋

Ayisha POV

A WEEK. It's how long I haven't spoken to Adam. I had a wonderful weekend with Ryan and I would love to do it again soon. When I got home, I explained everything to my mom, she was shocked that Adam would do something like that. I guess we all didn't expect him to do something like that. I decided to not go to school the next day and spent the whole day watching movies while stuffing myself with ice cream. I have finally stopped crying now.

I went to school after spending two days at home. I was a bit nervous to go but I guess luck is just by my side because Adam hasn't been at school this whole week. I really do miss him that I'm not going to lie about. I have seen Brianna though and I'm shocked that I haven't tried to strangle her. I told Chloe what happened and she just seemed to not care. She still speaks to Brianna, at least I would've liked for her to keep her distance from Brianna but I guess she just doesn't care about how I feel. I can't control Chloe with the people she keeps around her so I'll just have to suck it up.

The school comes to my view and I park my car. I don't know if Adam will be here. I don't know what will I do if I see him but I did get time to think about us. I guess the space did help us out in a way. He hasn't tried to text me for the past few days. I sigh. I really miss him. I take my bag and walk over to the entrance. I walk slowly to my locker and put some of my textbooks in it. I pack the books neatly in my bag before closing my locker shut. I quickly get to maths class and sit at my usual seat in front of the class. The lesson soon begins and I zone out most of the time. My life has turned for the worst. I did get a threat a few days ago and I decided to inform the police. I haven't got any information back but I do hope they find something because I'm tired of all of that nonsense. I don't know how to handle anything and I feel like I might loose my cool soon.

My parents spent their twenty five years anniversary yesterday and I'm happy for them. I really do want that and it sucks because I won't be able to spend my three years anniversary. I guess I shouldn't believe in happily ever afters. There will always be something or someone who will take your happiness away. It's just how real life is, messed up. The bell rings for us to get to the next class and I just put my books in my bag before walking out. The English period ends after an hour and I already feel like going home. I don't bother to talk to Chloe in biology class. I spend the period silently doing my work. Chloe hasn't spoken a word either which I'm glad about. It's starting to piss me off that she seems to not care. The period soon ends and it's finally lunch break. I make my way to the cafeteria and sit at the usual table. Ryan, Ethan and Emma soon join me. I don't say a lot of words and they don't seem to push me. I only eat one slice of my nutella sandwich and the bell rings for us to go back to class. I bid them goodbye before going to my locker. I change the books for the rest of the day and make sure I neatly pack them. I close my locker. I'm about to walk away when someone calls my name. I turn around to see Brianna. I can slowly feel my anger coming to the surface.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"I want to explain what happened."

"What makes you think I'll listen to you?"

"I was forced to do it Ayisha."

Wow... She is a really good actor. Does she really think that I'm going to fall for that? Do I seriously look stupid to her? I'm not going to listen to any shit that she has to say. I scoff and turn to walk to my class. Brianna grabs my wrist before I get to far. I pull my wrist out of her grasp and glare at her. What the hell is wrong with this bitch?

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