Chapter 18

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Ayisha POV

The week goes by fast and it's time for us to go to the lake house. I told them on Monday after suffering the whole weekend with a hangover. I'm never getting drunk like that ever again in my life. My head hurt until Sunday and I vomited almost the whole day on Saturday. My mom was a bit disappointed and I don't blame her. I acted out of stupidity for getting myself drunk like that. Jealousy, that's what it was. Luckily dad didn't notice much. I felt so bad for having my insecurities take control of me and Adam didn't even do anything wrong. I apologised to him for the whole week and he told me everytime that it's okay. I still feel guilty and I have to make it up to him some way.

Adam hasn't been himself this week. He got into a fight when we were on our date at the ice skating rank. A guy pushed me by mistake and apologised. I don't think Adam took that lightly and punched the guy so hard that he might have broke his nose. It's a miracle the guy hasn't pressed changes. He also got into another fight at school with one of his team mates. I don't understand why he is so angry. It must have been how I acted on Friday at the party but he said that it's okay. Something must have happened at his house but he's not hurt. I mentally note to try and get an answer from him again.

I continue to pack my bag for the weekend. I hope the weather looks good to swim in the lake. I pack three swimsuits and pack my shoes. I don't have to take my medicine since I'm better. My dad offered to brow us his Ford Ranger and made me promise not to ruin or dent it otherwise I won't be driving my car for three months. I can't imagine my life without it and I would have to request ubers. We need my dad's car because of the rocky area the lake house is in. I finish packing my bag and head downstairs to find my mom preparing something in the kitchen. Its three in the afternoon and we were suppose to had left an hour ago. I decide to make my outfit simple with black leggings and a plain white t-shirt with a picture of Justin Bieber. I let my hair loose and with fluffy slippers.

"Mom I'm leaving." I say.

"Okay sweetheart. You enjoy and don't forget to buy some groceries for you guys. Better not break anything especially your dad's collections. Don't drink the whisky or wine. Why am I even warning you about that? I know you guys will get drunk but no parties. No swimming in the lake naked. Make sure to lock the house and set the alarm for security. Don't forget to call me when you get there."

"Wow... I will try to remember some of those rules and I won't forget to call."

"Be careful. I love you sweetheart."

"I love you too mommy."

I put my bags in the car and hug my mom goodbye. It's going to be a long drive there and I made sure to get some sleep after I got home from school. I have to pick up everyone so that we have some time to buy groceries or we'll have to order out. I start the car and drive carefully to Adam's house. When I get to his house and switch off the car. I debate if I should get in because his step dad, Mark is home and to be honest, he always gives me the creeps. You know what fuck it. I'm not scared of him anyway. I walk slowly to the front door and my shaking hand rings the bell. I wait for a minute and ring the doorbell again. His step father opens the door after a minute with an annoyed face.

"Afternoon sir." I greet him.

He can probably sense that I'm nervous because his eyes won't stop glaring at me. I think I'm going to shit myself.

"Hello. Ayisha right?"

"Yes that's me. Is Adam ready?" my shaky voice asks.

"Yes he will be done in a minute." Mark grins at me.

I nod and I'm about to walk back to the car when I felt a hand grab a hold of my forearm. I don't know what to do or think. The only thing I hear is my conscious telling me I'm dead. I have seen the bruises this man has given Adam countless times. My heart begins to beat fast in my chest and I feel like it's going to explode. I'm terrified. Adam I hope you will be coming down soon. My hands roll into fists to stop them from shaking and turn around to face him with a forced smile on face. He moves his hand and his face becomes serious. Okay I need to run but my legs don't want to move.

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