Chapter 7

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Ayisha POV

My periods are still killing me. I really wish I could've stayed at home but I had to come to school. I walk though the crowded hallways to get to my locker before my next class. I change my books for the day and head to my next class. I push my way though all these people and they all look like giants. Being short is such a struggle sometimes.

"Ayisha!" someone shouts from behind me.

I turn around and see Emma struggling to get the people out of her way. She punches one guy when he doesn't move out of the way. This girl is so fearless. I can see things are getting a bit tensed. So I make way over to her and stand between her and the guy.

"I'm so sorry about my friend." I say.

"Yeah she better keep those hands off me..." he says.

He walks away with his friend without saying anything else. He didn't have to be rude. I turn to Emma who still looks upset.

"Emma? Are you okay?" I ask.

She shakes her and silent tears fall off her face. I put into a tight hug. I have never seen her like this. It's really heart breaking.

"What's going on Emma?"

"I saw him kiss another girl." she sobs.


"Ethan... I don't know why I'm crying. He's not even mine."

"It's because you have fallen in love with him."

"I guess I have."

I feel so bad for her. If only Ethan knew how much Emily cares about him. She stops crying. We make our way to class and it just had to be math. It's going to be a long hour. We get to and take our seats. Mr Martins explains the next section of the work which is trigonometry. Lord I'm seriously going to die. I still don't know how I manage to do well in this subject

"Ayisha? Could you care to give us the answer" Mr Martins asks.

Oh great...

"Ayisha?" Mr Martins says.

"Umm... Its well"

I look at the equation on the board and work it out on my head.

"The answer is one." I say hesitantly.

He narrows his eyes at me and I immediately doubt my answer. I just literally embarrassed myself in front of the whole class.

" time please pay attention and stop daydreaming." he says.

He continues to teach his lesson. Most of the people in the class aren't paying attention. I don't understand why they don't take high school seriously. The bell rings and we all rush to our next period, spanish. It's over after an hour and it's finally lunch time. I'm so in love with food. I get to the cafeteria and get the special for the day which are sloppy Joe's. I spot Emily at a table in the corner. I take a sit with her. Her head is down and the fork in her hand is just poking the food. What Ethan did must have broke her.

"Emma... if you need me to murder someone. I'll do it" I say with a smile.

She chuckles and sighs

"No Ay... I don't want you to go to jail."

"Well I'm willing to go to jail because of the person who took your smile away."

"Don't be silly... If you go to jail who's going to listen to all the nonsense I say." she whispers with a smile.

It makes me feel happy that I made her smile again. I don't like seeing her stressed.

"You want to talk about Ethan?" I ask.

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