Chapter 20

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"Noah." I say.

What in the hell is he doing here? I don't know but this doesn't feel right with me. I feel a arm around my waist and I look at the corner of my eye to see Adam glaring at Noah. My eyes set on Noah to see him smiling. If looks could kill, he would definitely be dead. His eyes move from Adam to me and his eyes roam down my body. I'm feeling so uncomfortable right now. I stare at him and to see him wearing shorts as well.

"Hey Ayisha. I didn't know when I'll see you again so I wanted to invite you and your friends to join me and my family on the yacht."

"You have a yacht?" I ask.

Why am I so shocked? His parents can afford anything.

"Yes we do, so would you guys join us?"he asks.

I look at Adam and he is still glaring at Noah. I sigh. It won't be a bad idea. I just feel like Noah has an agenda behind this. I definitely know Emma won't mind but I'm not sure about Ethan. Looking at Adam right now, I don't think he likes the idea but what could go wrong? I look back at Noah and answer him.

"Um... I have to ask every-"

"No angel... Its okay we can go with his family." Adam interrupts me.

"Okay... Why don't you come in?"

I pull Adam to the side to let Noah in. He walks in and I close the door. Adam grabs a hold of my hand and squeezes it. I'm sure he must have noticed the way Noah was looking at me. I squeeze it back. I seriously hope that this isn't a bad idea. We follow Noah into the living room to find Emma punching Ethan. I clear my throat and they look our way. Emma raises an eyebrow at me and I just shurg.

"Guys this is Noah." I announce.

Noah waves at them and they wave back at him.

"Noah... That is Emily and Ethan."

I point at them and he nods.

"And this is my boyfriend, Adam."

Noah turns with a surprised expression but he quickly recovers and holds his hand out for Adam to shake it. Adam squeezes my hand again and I squeeze it back. I don't want him to seem rude and I know he is doing his best to not punch him. He eventually shakes Noah's hand.

"Well Noah has invited us to join him and family on the yacht." I say.

"Really?!" Ethan and Emma says.

"Yep... So do you guys want to go?"

"I'm sure it will be fun. We can go."

"Well it's settled... I will wait for you guys outside."

Noah says and leaves. The front door closes and I sigh. I didn't know I was holding my breath for that long.

"Omg... How do you that guy?" Emma says with a huge grin on her.

"That is a story for another day. Let's just go enjoy ourselves."

I say and walk back into the kitchen leaving all of them in the living room. I pack away everything and wipe the counter. I walk back into the living room to find everyone ready. Adam is already holding my camera bag and holds out his hand for me. I gladly take it and we all walk out of the house. I lock the house and we find Noah waiting patiently in his BMW. Ethan sits in the passenger seat and the rest of us in the backseat. We drive to his house which is on the other side of the lake. We get there after fifteen minutes and Noah packs the car in front of the most beautiful lake house I've even seen. The house looks bigger than the last time I saw it. Adam helps me out of the car and Noah leads all of us to the house.

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