Chapter 22

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The day for my best friend's birthday has finally arrived. I'm so excited for him. He's turning 18. The invitation stated which team you're in. I'm a marvel fan so Ryan chose well. I don't know a lot of DC characters. He invited almost everyone at school. I wonder how this is going to turn out. Everyone is excited to see each others costumes and which characters they'll be dressed in. It took me a long time to decide who I'll be going as but finally settled for Captain Marvel. My costume arrived some time during the week. I had to convince Adam to go as Thor for the whole week and I thought he was joking when he agreed. I brought Ryan two next video games as a present and a card that simply says happy 18th birthday. I'm dressed in my costume. I have to get my make up and hair done. I decide to do the eye shadow smokey red and gold glitter. My lips are painted with dark red lipstick. My nails look amazing in red and gold. I curl my hair flow onto my shoulders and with a short bang that managed to look great. I take a glance at the mirror and I look gorgeous. I do look like a super hero, a sexy one and the gold short boots make me more taller. I snap a few mirror selfies and take the gift. I get downstairs to find my mom reading a book. The heels click on the floor and she turns to look at me. Her mouth opens up and screams. She literally jumps off the sofa and runs to me.

"You look breath taking. You would really make a hot superhero."

"Thanks mom."

"Who is Adam dressed as?"


"Coolest couple ever."

"Thanks mom."

"He's coming to fetch you right?"

"Yes mom."

I told my mom about the roses and we immediately threw them out. She's been so worried about me and I told her that I'm fine even though I know I'm not. I don't want to stress her too much with this. I have to try and find out who's doing this. I can't live my life in constant fear thinking that I might die within any second. But I don't think I have control in this. We changed my number and it didn't work.

"Please be careful, okay."

"I promise I will be careful."

"Okay... I need to take pictures. I'll be back. Let me go get my camera." she grins.

She runs upstairs and I head to the kitchen. I pour milk in a glass and take a lot of cookies. I eat them and tastes so good. I've always loved cookies and milk. When I hear the knock on the door, I immediately get up to answer it. Adam said that he'll pick me up at 16:30pm and its almost 17:00pm. We are going to be late. My eyes set on the hottest superhero when I open the door. His hair is nicely jelled down, making it have a shiny and wet effect. The costume makes him look so strong. His muscles are on display. I think I'm going to have to fight some bitches off tonight. His eyes are different colours one is the normal colour and the other is red. The hammer looks so real. Adam looks so incredible.

"You look amazing." we say at the same time.

We laugh and he scratches the back of his head. We stare at each other without saying a word. We would definitely make sexy superheros. My mom is right, we are the coolest couple ever.

"Are you ready? We going to be late. I'm sorry about that my mom just won't stop with the pictures. " he says.

"Yeah babe... Let me just go fetch the pre-"I giggle.

My mom screams and jumps like a crazy woman who just got her favorite shoes. She walks over to Adam and touches him all over his face. I mentally slap my face. He's making him very uncomfortable but Adam being nice just kindly smiles at my mother. My mom can be so embarrassing sometimes. He has such an awkward smile on his face that makes me giggle.

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