Chapter 11

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The sound of my alarm snaps me out of my peaceful sleep. I quickly turn it off before I go back to sleep. I still feel tired and I came back home a little late last night. It was amazing to spend time with Ryan and Henry yesterday. We played video games, watched movies and played board games. Ryan couldn't stop making fun of Henry's new developed crush, I laughed until my stomach hurt and tears fell out. Those two are always a ball of fun.

"Ayisha! Get up or you going to be late! " my mom shouts from downstairs.

I groan and throw a pillow over my face. I have completely forgotten about school. Do I need to go back now? What if I try to get poisoned again? We still don't know who it is and I'm scared like crazy. I hope we find out soon so that I can ask the person why he or she did this to me. Right now I can only pray that nothing happens.

"Ayisha! Don't make me come up there!" my mom shouts.

"I'm up mom!"

I get up and head to the shower. I slip out of my pajamas and get inside. I turn on the water and let it fall all over my body. I quickly wash my body and dry myself. I get back to my bedroom to get ready. I stand in front of my closet debating on what to wear today. I seriously don't know what to wear. I decide on a pair of dark jeans and plain t-shirt. I pair it off with my black vans. I dry my hair and style it into two ponytails. I don't put makeup for the day besides I like being natural. I pack my books inside my backpack and head to the kitchen. I find my mom dressed in her favorite fuzzy cloud pants. I sit on the stool by the kitchen island. My mom turns around with coffee mug in her hand.

"Morning sweetie. Do you want me to make you some breakfast?" she says.

"Morning mom... No it's okay. I will just have cereal for today."

I make myself a bowl of my favorite cereal and eat it. My mom makes breakfast and it smells amazing. I would have some but I'm not sure about that. I'm starting to feel a bit sick just thinking of the food. Maybe I'm overreacting a little bit. I don't know who I should trust when it comes to my food now. Why did I have to get poisoned? I thought this year was going to be good like last year but I guess the universe had other plans.

"Morning family."my dad says walking into the kitchen fixing his tie.

He takes a seat next to me and my mom serves him coffee.

"Princess, do you want me to give you a lift to school?"

"No it's okay dad. I have to drive myself anyway because I promise to give Adam a ride. His car has a problem."

My dad looks uncomfortable and tense with my answer. He shouldn't stress so much because I'll worry more about the situation.

"Dad, it's okay I can manage. If it makes you any better. I'll let him drive."I assure him.

"Okay but be safe alright."

I glimpse at the clock on the wall and I have thirty minutes to get to school. I don't want to be late and I certainly don't want detention.

"I should get going now before I get to school late."

"Have a great day sweetie... Here your lunch." my mom says while giving me my lunchbox.

I say my goodbyes and head outside. I get into my car and drive to Adam's house. My thoughts slowly drift about school. Do I even want to be at school today? To be honest I don't but I have to. I missed out on loads of work so I need to catch up but I'm scared something might happen. I'll be safe actually I can only have faith that nothing will happen. I haven't got anything threats at least and that's a relief. I think it was a good idea to change my number. My mom is still the only one who know and it will stay that way. I want to keep everyone that I love safe in case things turn for the worse. I finally pull up in front of Adam's front yard. I sent a text telling him I'm outside and within a second the front door opens revealing my boyfriend. He's looks so hot with his dark jeans and grey t-shirt. His hair is messy but still looks good. Sky follows behind him with a cute purple and pink dress. She just gets adorable everytime I see her.

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