Chapter 8

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I hear a heart beat monitor as I gain my conscious. I slowly open my eyes but the light is too bright. I blink a couple of more times until I can see clearly. The wall look so dull and cold, that's when I realise I'm in the hospital. How did I get here? The last thing that I remember is being at home with Adam. I stare at the ceiling. I wonder what happened to me and my head doesn't hurt as well as my body. The door opening brings back from my thoughts. My mom walks and she looks so sad.

"Mom... " I whisper.

She looks at me and a smile grows on her face.

"My baby... You have out for two days." she hugs me tightly.

Wait, did she just say that I was asleep for two days?

"How did..." my throat feels dry. My mom quickly pours water for me. I gulp it all of the water down.

"How did it happen?" I ask again.

"You don't remember anything?"

I shake my head showing that I had no clue what she was talking about.

"You got unconscious and Adam brought you here. We were so worried and I even saw Adam cry for the first time"

Did she just say Adam was crying?

"Adam was crying?! How didn't I get to see that? " I giggle. I seriously can't imagine him crying.

"Yes he was. You scared us especially when the doctor told us that you were poisoned."

Poison? How?

"I was poisoned?"

Memories start flooding into. The car ride with Ryan and throwing up on the side of the road. The message from the unknown number. The message. I feel tears fall down my cheeks. It's becoming hard to breathe and the heart monitor goes faster.

" Sweetie. Please calm down. It's going to be okay. I think you having a panic attack." my mom says.

She holds me in her arms and strokes my hair with her fingers. I cry on her chest and, she rocks us back and forth to get me to relax. The threats are getting worse. I almost lost my life because of them. I don't even know the person who did this to me. It could be anyone? This person probably knows where I live or the school that I go to. It's not good. Will my family be in danger? Who should I trust?

"Mom? I need to tell you something." I whisper.

"What is it?"

"Someone is trying to kill me. I don't know who it is. I've been getting threats for the past weeks. I thought it wasn't a big deal but I guess I'm wrong. Look where I am now."

"Oh my word. Are you serious?"

I nod and she holds me tighter in her arm.I do the same to her. I can't imagine the grieve my mother would go through as well as my father loosing the only child that they have. It would likely kill them. It would be even worse because they won't know who did this to me. It's a blessing that I'm still alive and I thank God so much for that. We cry in each other arms for what feels like hours. We calm down and wipe our tears. She lays next to me on the bed and my head goes on her chest. She kisses my forehead.

"We need to tell your father." she declares.

"No mom, we can't do that. What if I'll be putting you guys into danger? I can't afford to loose you guys."

"But I can't keep this away from him. What will I say if something worse happens, God forbid and you don't make it?"

"I will be careful. I promise. I won't allow anything to happen next time."

The words I wish I never said Where stories live. Discover now