Chapter 40

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"You can do this Ethan!" Emma shouts.

"Beat his ass baby!" I exclaims.

"Would you guys just keep quiet for a second we trying to concentrate." Ethan says before frantically pushing the buttons on the controller.

Emma and I giggle. Adam and Ethan have been playing the game for the past three hours without breaks. Without going to the bathroom. I can't hold my bladder for that long. I don't know how they are doing it. We are at Adam's house to hang out. More like Emma and I just showed up to the house. We didn't have anything else to do for the day besides to come be with our favorite people. We've been cheering them on for the past hour to try get their attention but they aren't even bothered. Now we just doing to irritate them.

"Fuck them up!" Emma says.

"Blow the little shits up." I say soon after.

So far all I know about what's happening in the game is that they are soldiers and they need to shoot at people who are trying to kill them. All we've seen is blood, guts, gun and explosions. I hear deep groans from both the boys.

" Please keep quiet." they say unsion

I shrug and Emma giggles at her screen. I notice that she's taking a video of them playing. She quickly sends it to me after it stops recording and I post it on my story on Instagram. Emma and I take some pictures of us making silly faces. We sit next to each other while staring at pictures on the boys' phones.

"I don't get how they don't need the bathroom. They've been sitting here for hours probably since yesterday." Emma murmurs.

"I don't get it either... Do we call it blue balls if they don't go to the toilet for that long?"

"Blue ball!? More like dead balls... The things haven't released toxins for a while." She laughs and I join her.

"Now I need to use the bathroom. I'll be back in a flash." I say before walking to the bathroom. My periods decided to grace me with their presence about two days ago. Now I understand why all the mood swings and vomiting. I was scared for a second because I thought that I was pregnant. I would be dead before I even say it. My parents are sweet and all to me but would be very disappointed if that happens so soon. They've got expectations for me and I understand. The world is tough out there. After making sure everything is okay. I quickly wash my hands before walking to Adam's room to get a hoodie. I've been in shorts and a tank top the whole day. It was hot throughout the day and the weather has decided to change. His room is a nightmare as walk in. Everything is everywhere. His bed is not done, some of his books are laying on the floor by his study desk, some rolled balls of paper and clothes on the floor. This is what it's like when Ethan is here. I tidy the room as best as I can to make it look decent at least. Once I'm done, I walk over to his closet to look for a jacket or hoodie. I take a red hoodie and wear it.

While I'm roaming through his clothes searching for something to secretly take home with me. I love sleeping in his shirts and wearing some of his clothes. They really comfortable and have his unique scent. His scent gives me butterflies everytime. I block everything while humming an unknown tune and I jump slightly when I hear a voice behind me. I turn and find Adam looking at something on my phone. He looks up from the phone and smiles.

"You should send me these pictures. You look beautiful as always."

"Thank you babe." I blush.

"You stealing my clothes again?" he asks with a smirk.

"No... I was just looking." I whisper innocently.

"Your eyes sell you out all the time angel."

He takes slow walks towards me and I stare at him hoping that he doesn't notice that I'm lying. Who am I kidding? My eyes widen and I bite my lip when I Iie. His arms go around my waist and pulls me closer. My fingers go through his long hair. He needs a haircut but I love it this way too. I can do hairstyles on his head.

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